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Former military member says aliens are dimensional

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posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: Shamrock6

Ok, to be fair to what you claim, can you link me the video where he claims he is an officer rather than the highest enlisted? Maybe he was comparing his NATO rank to the Army? I just watched a bunch of his speeches last night, but never heard him claim to be an officer.

LOL I love your need at a pissing contest because your clearance is bigger than mine.. What a joke. You just made yourself look like a punk,.

Yep. Credit to our very own little slice of the Internet.

ETA - says the guy who brought his clearance up in the first place as if it was supposed to be impressive? Chump change dude.
edit on 16-10-2015 by Shamrock6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

Um, did you read the second last post in that thread?
Apparently someone with some knowledge of the man's service piped up in his defense, and since no one refuted that, I'd say your premise is flawed.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 09:02 PM
I can totally get with interdimensional aspect of the phenomenon. why not? nothing's off the table as far as i'm concerned. it doesn't make a difference to me who is stating what. i'll take whatever information is out there. be it the ramblings of a jaded ex militarty person, or straight from neil degrasse's mouth. why not give everything a looksie? it's much more fun that way. hell, maybe they're future humans coming back and changing history to fit some sinister agenda? or ashtar command people and galactic federation stuff? it's all entertaining to think about, i say.

cool post!

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 09:05 PM
Again, why are we getting so caught up in who this guy is or who he isn't? The important thing isn't he person making a claim, but the specific claim itself.

As for this specific claim, I see no evidence offered up by the person making the claim. Where in the video does this person offer up evidence? He could simply be repeating other stories of inter-dimensional beings that are floating around the internet, and adding his own fictitious twist. He offers no evidence that he has any unique knowledge at all that can be verified.

edit on 10/16/2015 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 09:10 PM
holy crap you guys! what if the time traveling future humans pulled a berenstai(ei)n bears and traveled back in time changing this dude's rank (or our perception of it)?!?!?!

i just blew my own freaking mind. . ..

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 11:19 PM
The word "Dimensions" conjurers up differing concepts depending on who you are talking to and specifically about what. For instance there are those who theorise that, our own universe contains not 4 dimensions rather as many as eleven and yet they are actually part of our universe not a wholly separate entity in themselves. Evidence for this is often quoted as being that, having from memory, 11 dimensions with gravity as the only constant would explain why gravity is as "weak" a force as it is. Remember that, every time you lift an object you are in effect, defeating the gravity of our own Earth.

The multi dimensional concept does not preclude the multi universe idea and they could both be correct or completely wrong. That being that, aside from our Universe there are an almost infinite number of of other universes with possibly, different laws of physics.

Both those theories are again different from the concept that, other dimensions exist on a quantum level in so much that, we exist alongside side and overlapping with "other realities", the idea of multi dimensions becomes a simple term for people to hang a concept from that many can relate to. One of the current leading mathematicians has said publicly that, "The concept of the Matrix, with reference to the film, could well be our reality or, we could easily be nothing more than an incredibly sophisticated computer game".

I'd recommend the series of documentaries that Ken Campbell made where he speaks with these sorts of people face to face and discusses all manner of theories sadly, they have never found their way online, which is a real shame.

it is always difficult to find any sort of analogy that makes sense to people without it descending into the realm of the trite however maybe, think of it like this. Our existence is maybe akin to that of taking a train journey. We can only travel in one direction along a particular path and the world we aware of, is only that we can view from our carriage window. Yet, we know that, there are lands, people etc outside of our field of view and yet, we cannot interact with them as currently we simply cannot leave our particular train till we reach our final destination and then we really have no idea what will become of us as that ultimate "destination", is our physical demise.

Probably one of the most difficult concepts for many people to grasp is that, our universe, we as creatures inhabit actually in many ways, is simply a vast "empty space". There really isn't that much matter in a "solid" form in our universe, conceptually there could be any number of ways of hiding in plain sight within that "space". To unlock the mystery of how to do exactly that would be in effect, opening up a whole new "dimension". So , the word "Dimension" can have several meanings, some of which, are not even necessarily, mutually exclusive of each other.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: Bedlam

I think one has to both lie about being an officer AND obtain something of value through the fraudulent claim. Not sure but I think simply saying you're an officer isn't a problem unless you get paid or get a free meal, etc.

Don't these guys get paid for their performances?

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Shamrock6

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: Shamrock6

Ok, to be fair to what you claim, can you link me the video where he claims he is an officer rather than the highest enlisted? Maybe he was comparing his NATO rank to the Army? I just watched a bunch of his speeches last night, but never heard him claim to be an officer.

LOL I love your need at a pissing contest because your clearance is bigger than mine.. What a joke. You just made yourself look like a punk,.

Yep. Credit to our very own little slice of the Internet.


ETA - says the guy who brought his clearance up in the first place as if it was supposed to be impressive? Chump change dude.

Just because of that video does not discredit Bob Dean.
This video doesn't answer anything.
Has Bob dean ever been confronted in any videos or interviews so he can be to answer for this lie? That is what is needed here, not some half assed smear you are so fond of.

And mentioning my security clearance was only done and the context shows, that I was only referring to how security with secrets works. They do not always follow any given structure, and many times documents are made to look unauthentic, and other things to make discrediting the documents much easier in the future if the need arises.

But since your stance is based on the weakest of motives, you only have personal attacks and demeaning diatribe to do the work for you since constructive debate won't work for you. A punks method.
Your lucky the internet shields you from the inevitable dirt nap.

What DOES discredit Bob Dean is not saying his rank was something else, it's all the other flaws in his story over the years that actually discredits him.
The ammo you use against him is worthless.
edit on 17-10-2015 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: Telepathy3

You're on the learning curve where it's inevitable you'll stumble upon guys like Dean and be impressed by them. Being exposed to people like this will sharpen your judgement and tune in your BS-detector. Not in all cases because there are some people who still want to ignore his fictional background, faked book covers and hoaxed evidence. Nevertheless, most people will learn to identify the traits of the BS artist in this field and just ignore them completely.

As you'll also notice, people will laugh or be scathing as you travel the learning curve. That's life.

When people talk about aliens and dimensional travel, they're speculating and playing with a whole bunch of unknowns. We don't know that even the best UFO reports are caused by 'aliens.' Then we start thinking about portals, wormholes and dimensions and these too are unknowns. Sure, they're hypothesised by some physicists, but they remain theoretical possibilities - unknowns. 'Portals' have been used to explain ghosts, aliens and demons for centuries and what exactly are they supposed to be?

You might find guys like Jacques Vallee, Peter Sturrock and Paul Hill interesting for you. They cover the ideas of how the objects described in UFO reports might travel. These three are genuine scientists whose backgrounds are authentic and none of them have been caught lying on the conference circuit. They've taken the study of UFO reports seriously over the years and favour some sort of reality of a technological intelligence. Sturrock and Hill leant towards the ET Hypothesis and Vallee straddles a trickier concept of technology and a ruthless intelligence acting upon the progress of humanity.

If you're interested in links, just ask to receive

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 05:41 AM
This idea that there are beings that exist in other individual dimensions is complete crap in my opinion. Traveling in other dimensions without traveling in all of them is bull too.

A single dimensional point simply doesn't exist outside of a mental concept. A 2-dimensional line or other shape cannot exist without a third dimension of depth and a 4th dimension of duration in time. Add as many dimensions as you want, but nothing exists if it lacks a single dimension. Nothing can travel through time without traveling through space, etc. These so called extra dimensions are inseparable, so if something actually exists, it has to have all the dimensions to do so.

So what if we have a hard time conceptualizing these dimensions like time or whatever other ones we come up with. We can only experience the passage of time and travel through it from the past to the present, but we still have to exist in 3-dimensional space to do so. If there are any realities outside of our own, they have a bunch of dimensions separate from this reality. There are no higher dimensional beings, much less objects, in a given reality that don't have all the dimensions at the same time. There are a lot of things we can't perceive in our reality, but those things are within our dimensions of our reality and cannot exist in just a few dimension much less just one of them.

Any talk of anything that can exist without having all the dimensions inherent in reality is complete BS IMO.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 06:50 AM
Here's a couple of videos that are worth a watch...

Time and Space are the same dimension and have to be thought of as one and the idea that We can only experience the passage of time and travel through it from the past to the present, is incredibly simplistic and almost certainly not the case.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 11:13 AM
He is also one of the speakers in this documentary which I enjoyed except they should have gotten more input from the natives, who really do have alot to say, but usually not to us.

ET ORIGINS – SECRETS OF THE STAR PEOPLE - The Movie - Tribal Elders Speak Out

And it certainly isn't all entity/dimensional. Its overall a corporal experience, especially for the abductees/contactees. Dimensional is often corporal as well. If you're in a holographic infinite inwards television/school with infinite channels in terms of space time/density, then there are alot of corporal planets out of our sight.

But we have stuff right around us too.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 11:24 AM
I like the idea and it's a pretty, almost elegant explanation for many phenomena around the et topic. Like the blue guys showing up at the scole experiment.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
I have never violated my own, and held a secret clearance to work for Sandia Labs in Albuquerque in the mid 80's.

The first rule of Fight Club is don't talk about Fight Club.
edit on 17-10-2015 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 02:26 PM
ugh not to be pedantic but any physical object real or imagined has dimensions. length width height. its hard to take the op seriously when he says stuff like big army man claims aliens are dimensional. you know?

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 04:14 PM
If the Interdimensional Hypothesis is something you find interesting, you should check out the thread by The GUT
Dr Jacques Vallee ~ The Control System.

When perusing the forum for UFO material, you can't go wrong with IsaacKoi, schuyler, gazrok, or The GUT.

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: yeahright

Oooooh! Thanks for that.

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 11:28 AM
I can see why the main believe that Aliens are dimensional since moving at or faster then the speed of light, and the effect of time dilation could give way to better understandings eventually. Where if a person traveled faster then light, for a period of time, they would remain unchanged, while the whole universe around them had moved on. They'd be outside the effects of time, but a dimensional race would probably have a lot more exposure then restrained beings like us.

But thats the thing though, it only guesses really.

For all we know them just popping in and out sight or existence could be just theatrical, where they could be flesh and blood, born and raise but have the technology to phase throw walls, or just very advanced camo. Anything other then that idea would be unfathomable.

The idea of dimensions have their impact on mythologies too, spirit realms, but those are just very jumbled, and then the pseudo and New Age believers, where there thousands of dimensions, where one has pretty fairies and barbie looks alike, where the lower one have evil being that would use pineapples for probing.

Height, width, and length and plus a temporal dimension that most likely has more of an impact on the other three are what mainstream science believes or understands. Anything past or within that fourth dimension might as well be fractional, or something along the lines of a being designed like terresect .

I f'in hate fractions
edit on 18-10-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-10-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Specimen

But that's one of the main problems with spacetravell above speed of light: it makes the whole adventure gainless.
It would be far more effective to acces and travel through another dimension instantly.
Or we have a multiverse and these fellows live parallel to us and are just more technologically advanced than we are? So they cracked the mystery of time and space while we didn't and play with us throughout our mythological history? For them just a matter of three Teams and two years, for us it would look like a thousands of years endeavour.
The possibilities are really fascinating.

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Telepathy3

Interesting choice of thread title.

Instead of "Bob Dean says aliens are dimensional" it's "Former military member says aliens are dimensional", as if a title shared by millions makes the statement more believable and the person making it more credible.

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