posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to:
Hating your sister because she didn't show up is far too harsh. Without hearing her side, it's impossible to know if she had good reasons or not.
Maybe she did. A dinner out means someone has to pay. She could feel uncomfortable having someone else pay for her and her family. Her husband
might not be comfortable with that. If that's the case, a meal at one of your homes would be one possible solution. Each family could cover the cost
of the food they eat, which is far cheaper at home than in a restaurant. She also might not have the money to travel. Sometimes, the budget can be
very tight. I'd love to see my extended family, but we can't afford the travel. It's not easy, but it happens.
There could be some other reasons as well. Something could have happened between your sister, or a member of her household, and your mother or
someone else in that household, that makes your sister feel she isn't welcome. It is possible for this to happen, and you not be aware. Instead of
becoming angry, try having a private talk with her, to see if you can work out the issue, whatever it is. It's also possible she simply doesn't want
to bother. Some people are like that. I have a sibling who doesn't contact anyone unless he wants something from them. Literally, he contacts only
to get someone to give him money, or take care of him.
So, best advice talk to her, and be civil and understanding, and see what you see.