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Davy Knowles...Under Appreciated Genius!

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posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 09:48 PM
I wanted to share with you the Genius of Davy Knowles...he is a founding member of the band "Back Door Slam" and after losing a band member to a car accident these guys split up, but he has continued to go it in different venues on his own and with former band members. The dude is a "beast" on the guitar and has the vocals of a seasoned blues singer.

I highly encourage you to check out his solo work (posted here) and stuff from his band...the song "Come Home" is a particular gem.

Looking forward to input and sharing this man's music with you.

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: neOrevolutionist

There's a lot to learn there. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: neOrevolutionist

Me likes, especially the tiny amp input slammed. The tune needs a breakdown, bridge or interlude to pique interest.

Always awesome to hear young talent inspired with taste and tone.

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