posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 09:50 PM
Today I am in such a great mood to write though I have no specific topic in mind. So my mind wondered off to the things I have written in the past. I
wish to share them with you and over the next few days or weeks I may bombard you with things I have written and will write. I apologize for any
annoyance. Hopefully some will find pleasure in reading what I have written, what I write, what I will write. I have written this about 3 years ago
when I was a sophomore in high school. I realize few people will see this at such a late hour, but I couldn't help myself. Any comments, critique.
All is welcome. Funny I'm so happy and someone who used to be important wants nothing with me. But I'm happy and in writing I find solace. Apologies
for the lengthy and random introduction, my mind wanders.
The Story:
You sit there, in the chair, why do you sit so lazily? Sit up and at attention. You are lord of your kingdom. This is your kingdom, it is, and there
is no reason to say it is not. You do not select your kingdom only receive it. Please sit up and drink some tea, perhaps some coffee. Here, one sugar?
Two, perhaps none? A pastry? Please while still warm. Of course I mean the pastry and your drink. You can not be warm. No longer. Please do not be
still. Look, the maggots are already crawling upon you. Yes, I know you must leave but wait. You have all eternity to go home, your new home. I myself
must attend to my own home. I have a meeting with all those that I despise. Yes, to reconcile, as you and I have done. To make our actions equivalent.
To make nothing due to the other. Ah, I hear the knock, they are here. Well, one at a time. It would be no success all together. Please, I believe you
shall find it pleasant out back on the porch, resting in the sun, you and your maggots shall soon have company, plenty! I shall help you, I know you
do not quite feel well.