posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to:
I will respond with my own personal observations/experiences which I will also acknowledge are not scientific studies and I love salt so please take
mine with a few grains as well.
I have witnessed what you speak of, the Westernophobes. From what I can tell they are a small minority. All demographics (races, religions, cultures
etc.) have"haters".
If I were a Saudi (or any other national from that area) who lived most my life under Sharia law then came to America, I would probably have a
difficult time adjusting. A lot of the time their self defense mechanism causes them to judge and despise us "infidels".
Do I agree with this? Hell no!
Do I understand where there misguided judgement comes from? I think I understand it but I'm not a mind reader. The ungrateful ones who come to our
country and cannot accept our way of life, need an attitude adjustment. Most these hardliners eventually mellow out. I've even had a good friend's
father who would be considered an extremist due to some of his views eventually admit that he was wrong and gladly apologized for his judgmental
actions. This is just one person and does not represent that group as whole, just an example.
My city is very large and very multi-cultural and I have friends from all cultures.
I guess the point I am trying to make is the anti-west sentiment from recent arrivals may be due to culture shock and possible discrimination they
have received. For the most part I can say that most religions get along but there's always a bigot or two...
I would guess that it's safe to say that most of these refuges are not anti-West and are happy as # to be here and away from the mess our governments
caused in their homeland.
I have traveled to many countries overseas due to work, including Arab countries and never once was I "hated" on for being a (mostly) white non
religious Westerner except for when I was in Israel. In fact, it was always the Muslims who were the nicest. I was treated like crap in Israel but
when I went to Jordan I had more invites for dinner than I could keep track of. Strangers were always kindly welcoming me into their home. They did
not judge me or try and convert me.
I won't pretend the anti west ones don't exist though...they definitely exist but they are not as numerous as we are lead to believe IMO.
Thank you for your reply.