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johnwick...not invincible after all....

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posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 09:22 PM
Just make sure you follow Dr's orders and get all healed up. After all there are plenty of fish out there waitin for ya!

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: corvuscorrax
Wait, you made it to 37 while still thinking you're invincible?

Ya, I can't still beat 3 16-20 year old kids at basketball, I run them into the ground

One time a 17 year old said " OMG, this old man has infinite stamina!! "


posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: johnwick

Buy a selfie stick when you get out of the hospital, then you won't herniate yourself again reaching so far overhead to snap your next selfie photo.

(You'll do fine and be back here tormenting folks before you know it.)

Lol, I have taken exactly 2 selfies in the last 10 years, both were for a girl... I'm not the selfie type really

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: NewzNose
a reply to: johnwick

Yeah, well regrowth is a bitch!

I see a trip to Hawaii in your future, MW,

You will do well, recover, and say sayanara to the old job and on with the new.

Ya I wish!!

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 09:37 PM
Best of luck to you during and for a quick recovery!

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 10:38 PM
Good luck tomorrow and hopefully your dreams (nightmares?) don't come true.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 12:11 AM
I hate hospitals and doctors as well, so I feel your pain. Despite my irrational distrust of these things, my rational side tells me that you'll be fine.

Sack up, relax, and good luck!

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: johnwick

Wish you the best.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: johnwick

It's time ATS, about to walk in for my prep.....

Had a nice night with my girl, I'm ready to face this head on, though my mouth is dry, and my palms are sweaty.......

Nothing left but the limping into the hospital..... " dead man, we got a dead man, we got a dead man walking here! "

As I walk the green mile

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: johnwick

Good luck mate, sure it'll be a doddle.

I'm 50, never spent a night in hospital, (touch wood), always been a stitch me up throw me out sort of guy.
But I certainly don't envy you one little bit but I'm certain you'll be fine.

Just another war story to tell.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: johnwick

Dang! Please don't live tweet your surgery.

Fingers crossed for you though.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 01:08 PM
It's been over 7 hours, hope you're ok buddy, give us an update when you can

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: flammadraco

I'm alive!!!!

I'm still under the effects of the anesthesia, going to sleep it off.

Because back later, after I wake up.

Thanks for your kind words guys, it really helped to relieve my dread.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: johnwick

Good to hear
now you don't have to be scared of hospitals anymore, just have to deal with the arachnophobia!

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: johnwick

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: johnwick

Glad to hear it! Now for a speedy recovery!

If you get bored, and ATS isn't enough for your needs, check this out: 56 Things to Do While Recovering from Surgery.

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: johnwick

Damn, what a man has to do to get a few days off from work, huh?

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: johnwick
I'm alive!!!!

Glad to hear it!

Very considerate of you to post before sleeping it off! Nighty-nite! Take care of yourself!

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: johnwick
a reply to: flammadraco

I'm alive!!!!

I'm still under the effects of the anesthesia, going to sleep it off.

Because back later, after I wake up.

Thanks for your kind words guys, it really helped to relieve my dread.

Well done dude-you busted your nightmare.
Tell me when you are back at work,and I will bring in my bag of pet brown recluse spiders for you to examine and give me advice on.
They seem really aggitated and angry at the moment,but I'm sure you will be able to calm them down,being the boss of the pet department and all that..

posted on Sep, 16 2015 @ 04:26 PM


And with my girl

And finally had a reason to ride one of those motorized chairs at Walmart

Lol I always wanted to do that!!!

And of course the main event, about 4 inches long, and painful! !!

Still feeling loopy from the 7.5 vicodin, I never take any pain meds, these things are kicking my butt.

edit on 16-9-2015 by johnwick because: (no reason given)

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