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How do you get through long, dark evenings?

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posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 05:31 AM
The longest day has been far past us and the evenings are getting shorter and shorter and I'm already feeling the effects. Autumn is coming and considering how this past summer has been, it'll most likely be grey, cold, and dark. As such, I've been thinking recently about how I'm going to get through the long, dark evenings and would appreciate your input
Especially if you have issues with seasonal changes and winter depression like me: please share what are good solutions for you! Share with us what helps you and who knows, it may inspire someone to get a better coping strategy.

I #ed up last year by comfort eating and sometimes, drinking too much, which is just not helpful. But the feeling remains, a feeling of discomfort, a feeling of 'I'm bored/sad/empty/lonely/tired' and given all that I think it's a good idea to think of some options to tackle these issues a bit beforehand. To make it easier or to find joy in other ways. So, ATS, how do you cope with these feelings? How do you prevent them? What makes you happy when it's cold and dark outside, and you're alone?
edit on 8-9-2015 by Pitou because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 05:36 AM
hmm my first advice would have been drinking, but you say that was a bit of a problem, so maybe not, unless you have it under control, then a nice glass of wine and some movies do the trick.
Aside from that, a little hobby can always help, during a very stressful period about 4 years ago, i got me a fish tank, and started playing around with the various options, it can be fun and quite relaxing to look at, i have it in front of my bed instead of a TV, does wonders for a wondering mind.
and all the bright colours might distract you from the surrounding darkness

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: Pitou

Make love.

ETA. I guess not everyone can do that.

My second approach would be to curl up next to a fire and retreat to a make believe world via a good book. See my sig line.

You could for example use a tablet, access this site and go through the entire short stories forum. We have many great authors here and they share their work with you. Winter can be a very enjoyable time of the year.


edit on 8/9/2015 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 05:38 AM
I too feel the doldrums in winter, thank the dogs summer is coming to my part of the world. I even get down in summer if it is cloudy for more than 3 days.
You could try taking vit d supplements especially if your of dark skin descent. and try to have at least your lunch out side but get more daylight on your skin. Take a vacation to the other hemisphere. Good luck over winter.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: Pitou

Depends while I'm alone or not. LoL

But if my partner's home it's "sky rockets at night, afternoon delight" but in the evening.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 05:45 AM
I have the same problem...

What works for me is

1. Light Therapy .. (Tanning booth) While not exactly healthy, it really raises my spirits

2. Go outside as much as weather permits. Just taking a walk can really help.

3. Stay on a strict and well balanced sleep schedule. you will tend to sleep a lot and that is not good for you.

4. Vitamins... ALWAYS a good idea

5. Try and eat regular.

That is what works for me and I manage to stay at least functional..

Hope it helps

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: Pitou

Sure it gets cold, snows, days become short.
But through the entire time of the planet, all natural living things in your northerly latitude has developed a rhythm with that cycle, as well as mankind.

You could say that winter is necessary where you are. Embrace that each season serves the purpose of life. Seeing that winter is not death to you, as you are man and are capable of planning ahead.

There is magic in seeing the soft glow of the moon shimmering all over a snow covered meadow at night.

Think of things at rest, awaiting the return of the sun to bring warmth. Be amazed that on the first day of winter, the sun is at it's lowest point and the only way to go from there is back north.

Spring will return. Use the dark time to work on yourself. Learn something new, plan ahead, make new friends. Things just may look more beautiful when the sun returns, as well as how you feel about yourself.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: Pitou
The longest day has been far past us and the evenings are getting shorter and shorter and I'm already feeling the effects. Autumn is coming and considering how this past summer has been, it'll most likely be grey, cold, and dark. As such, I've been thinking recently about how I'm going to get through the long, dark evenings and would appreciate your input
Especially if you have issues with seasonal changes and winter depression like me: please share what are good solutions for you! Share with us what helps you and who knows, it may inspire someone to get a better coping strategy.

I #ed up last year by comfort eating and sometimes, drinking too much, which is just not helpful. But the feeling remains, a feeling of discomfort, a feeling of 'I'm bored/sad/empty/lonely/tired' and given all that I think it's a good idea to think of some options to tackle these issues a bit beforehand. To make it easier or to find joy in other ways. So, ATS, how do you cope with these feelings? How do you prevent them? What makes you happy when it's cold and dark outside, and you're alone?

I don't. I suffer them. I know what you mean too, exactly. Every moment appears to last hours, and you grow weary of keeping the strength to endure every drawn out moment...

but it's getting summer here, so I'm leaving that.. summer is not much better for me, hot nights, long, endless, sweating, I'll probably end up wandering aimlessly most nights, avoiding as many people as I can..

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: Pitou

For about 4 years I just followed the sun to get over this problem. I'd spend the summer down south, (in inland Australia) where nearly everyday is hot, dry and constant blue skies. Then I'd just drive north to the tropics for the winter dry season, where nearly everyday is just a perfect 26 to 31 degrees and it almost never rains.

Its a pretty awesome lifestyle, if you have the freedom in your work and/or family life to do it. But to be completely honest, it gets boring after a while. Living though those long cold nights really does make you appreciate those long warm summer days so much more.

There's something almost spiritual about living in a temperate climate, which goes from long cold mystical nights, to long warm sunny days, every 6 months or so.

Its like symbolically being reborn every year.

Not really a solution for you... but just maybe a positive perspective that may help. The glass is half full, rather than half empty, kind of thing.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 07:16 AM
I have fairly severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and Winter is a trial for me. I will not go out unless I have to, because once I get cold, the pain gets Bad and is not easily stopped, even with morphine. I have many, many hobbies in Winter, that I put aside in Summer, because I enjoy being outside in the heat. Take up wood carving, refinish old furniture, build models, learn to paint, do some remodeling of a room, build furniture, READ - a good book can take you away for hours. Find a TV show on Netflix, Amazon or Hulu and do season marathons. Have a lot of sex. That's probably the most entertaining. Unless you don't have a partner, then it's know.

Very good advice from Semper - Take a walk when you can. Even if the temp is barely above freezing, I get out and at least walk around the block. A half hour admiring the beauty of Winter can really help.
edit on 8-9-2015 by DAVID64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Pitou

The long dark evenings are to me, as warm, sultry evenings of summer are to most folk. I thrive in the gloom of winter, and flourish under her rending claws.

When winter sets in, I know that I will spend less time with tired, over exposed eyes, less time concerned with sunburn, and more time concerned with enjoying my daily labours, and the entertainments an evening can comprise of. Unlike many, rain, sleet and snow offer me no obstacle, no impediment. They are brothers to me, and I feel at home in their presence.

Give me the long nights, where my clothing renders me nought but an animate slice of night time, and the harsh weather, in which I feel truly alive in a way which sunshine cannot replicate, and I will rejoice in it, rather than lament it.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 07:48 AM
I find consuming enough dietary vitamin D (though I have to be careful, as I get kidney stones - no more than 100% RDV of calcium for me, so it's hard to get D3) and 15 minutes of direct sun exposure helps a great deal.

Though, my mood actually improves when it's cool and foggy lol. I still need the vitamin D.

Exercise is the single most important contributor to my mood, though. Regular, "leave it all in the gym" (or apartment in my case) workouts. Really helps with seasonal depression I find.

And music and meditation don't hurt either I find.


posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: Pitou

They used to call it The Melancholy. Never mind the Internet, phones and TV, Imagine a day and time in history where people didn't even have electric lights and were stuck for months in a one room cabin? Stiiiiir crazy.

If you are that bored in the modern world… but my guess is that we aren't happy in our own skin. Regardless of where we manage to go, the place will always be called here.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 08:08 AM
I love it when it is dark and cold outside, and I'm alone. I will put on Netflix or watch an anime or do some gaming. I might read a book or two. I also have a pet cat who likes to prod at me and keep me company.
edit on 08amTue, 08 Sep 2015 08:29:08 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Pitou


Works for me.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Pitou

Funny time this part of the year, it's my favourite, but also can be my most depressive time of the year, it got dark around 8pm las tight, you can feel the darkness slowly creeping earlier and earlier.

Things I do to make it more comfortable ..

Candles, I love candlelight, it's very relaxing and adds a bit of warmth on a night time, I have a lot of candles, try some scented ones too, I love Autumn scents. If that isn't your thing, just keep your home bright or get some other mood lighting.

Vitamins, I have to take vitamins because I have a weird relationship with food, but Vitamin D, this Vitamin, especially in a country like England, where its almost impossible to get enough from the sun is important, and you really can feel the difference in mood etc, I suggest drops or gel caps over tablets, they seem to work better.

Exercise, for me this is strength training, hard work but it pumps you full of good feelings, and is a good stress reliever, I do about 45 mins 3x a week, nothing too intense. sounds crap but try it for a couple week, you'll know what I mean.

Food, you need hearty food at this time of year, stews are great or chilli etc this is a trick I use to eat less, because I have a history of comfort eating, amongst other things. Stews or just generally meat and veg heavy crock pot type meals can be very filling with small amounts and generally stop me wanting to snack, nutritious too, and very time sparing, as you basically throw everything in a pot and leave it.

Entertainment wise, I use ATS,chat to people here, or there's always something to read here, music is a must, video games, books, comics, writing poems, drawing etc there's always something really, so I just keep occupied to keep those dark depressive feelings at bay.

Good luck, us fellow sufferers are always here, don't suffer alone!

edit on VamTuesday02am930 by valiant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 09:06 AM
I have a job that I can work from home via www. networking thus I can work 24/7 if I want and sometimes do.
I'm really not aware of the outside environment unless I'm out working on a project that requires my physical presence.
However here in the high desert SW, the weather is so temperate that winter is of little consequence.
My blue moments are usually the result of free floating anxiety that just seems to come out of nowhere.

edit on 8-9-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 09:46 AM

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Pitou

Wow, I feel you. Winter really depresses me. I love to be outside and I love warmth, so when winter comes and I get really depressed...

Wine. Yep.

Put on some music. Every evening. And seek out new music.

A fire in the fireplace (if you have one) and the TV off. There is little more soothing than the nice crackle and warmth of a fire. It makes everything so peaceful and tolerable. With wine. If no fireplace, candles.

A couple of years ago I started back playing guitar. I actually started back in the dead of winter, when I needed to handle the depression and to express the feelings that were welling inside me. So, you might want to try music. Or some other form of creativity. It's very uplifting and rewarding.

Books. Movies.

Long hot baths, or showers.

These are just some things I use.

posted on Sep, 8 2015 @ 10:59 AM
Everyone took my good ideas already. LOL!

I agree with the fish tank, books, movies etc. I also spend time here and on Facebook staying in touch with family and friends and joining groups there with like minded folks and long hot baths in my antique tub! Get a cat! They are great company, you don't have to take them for walks, easy to care for and great lap warmers.

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