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Abolish Cash

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posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 07:28 PM
I they try and remove cash from society chaos will ensue .....Just the other week in a small country town all the ATM went down,there was no other way to make a purchase than with cash,you should have seen the mess,so many pissed of people,store clerks being abused left right and center and that was just on a small scale imagine what would happen on a large scale......

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 07:31 PM
I too stand with you behind that line in the sand, just somewhat behind you AnteBellum, you know, in case they start slaughtering the misbehaving sheeple.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: ISawItFirst

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: ISawItFirst

Actually, I wondered about Nevada, myself.

What I concluded was how many people actually take cash to Vegas? Not many, not much. Traveller's cheques, in the day. Credit and debit cards now.

The casinos may give cash for those cards, but it's recycled and the same 'cash' is given to the next card holder.

At a guess, the cash in Vegas is much like a waitress' 'float'. Money to make change, etc. The vast majority, electronic...

I spend a lot of time in casinos. There is cash everywhere and they are very cash loving clientele. The high roller cashiers keep bowls full of rubber bands for the cash rolls.

You can buy chips with credit and debit, but they cannot credit you when you win only cash.

It is the one area i can look at in life and say, these people will resist a cashless society. Certainly everyone at the gas station couldnt care less.

People take suit cases full of cash to vegas.

You could fill your whole house top to bottom with 100 dollar bills and no one would miss it.

Hmmm, yet that percentile of the overall electronic transactions is small, I'd guess. I enjoy casinos as well. From Foxwoods to El Centro, and most in between.
LOL. Larger wins are paid by cheque. Cash can be 'deposited' in a player's account and transferred....still. lots of cash, I agree, yet the majority of cash just cycles...
edit on 4-9-2015 by nwtrucker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: AnteBellum

if everything goes digital we're really screwed when SHTF - just look at Hurricane Katrina. All people would have left is stuff to barter with (which for most people won't get you far)

May actually work out better in an emergency situation like a few days or weeks without power if you are able to have your photo ID with you and your bank card all you would need are necessities. Then they can photocopy your card manually and write down the relevant information. This can be done at government centers or any quickly set up safe area. This way it avoids the problem of not having cash, things like water and rations are usually given away anyway. No cash on hand stops the problems of robberies if people need cash money in those situations they will turn to robbery. Usually any situation affords the chance to grab your photo ID, or for that matter a fingerprint card and a bank card. Does not matter if you can afford it because it can serve as a promise to pay. There are ways that this can work out, not that I am advocating a cashless society. Maybe we are getting to that point though. Money is dirty, uses resources to print, metals used etc. and there are a lot of robberies for the sole purpose of stealing it. ID's are harder to steal if the right practices are implemented. Last night I saw two kids buying candy bars with a card and it was so funny. I dont know, seems like we are heading there though.

Facial recognition technology will probably is the way it may go if there was a cashless society. My cell phone uses it now. Look at the size of a credit card and 80% of the card can be used for a photograph, the machine scans the photo as you put your face close enough for it to make a match.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 10:50 PM
if you abolish cash you have truly abolished freedom as well.

progress is not automatically good. when a fruit rots that is also progress but you would not eat it.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 11:04 PM
Thanks, S&F.

IMO if people think credit problems are bad now, look at it if everything was managed by a the system of a cashless society. Such as with, Credit Cards or cell phone linked possibly RDIF chip when paying automatically when someone is on the way out of the store and all of the suddenly(electronic systems aren't always full proof, bank changes to hacks) they are rejected. Your money to only be on credit and well, if you don't have a credit score the the lenders standards, you're SOL.

I don't believe it will be Bitcoin, as some worry that BTC will make way for this. That is because of it being restrictive and all-with only a certain amount to be in existence and that it likely can't be harnessed to the banker standard for such a use. Though some parts may be molded after it.
edit on 4-9-2015 by dreamingawake because: '

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

Only to day I listened to a video on 'Goverments hate cash" it seems the Greek govt has stiched greeks up good and propper. If I heard right it seems they pay to take their money out and pay to put it in the bank now.

Cash cannot be traced to anyone.

signing a credit card slip is a hit and miss affair.

PIN numbers enable the transaction to be traced to 2-3 people but does still not 100% accurately identify the person who did the transaction enough to lead to conviction.

cashless provides 100% traceability to you and only you and it will lead to automatic conviction.

A cashless economy means that you will never be able to keep your money anywhere other than in a bank. Perhaps that’s why they wrote those bail in laws.

They will be able to account for every single cent the state, an employer, friends, family or anyone else gives you and for each and every cent you ever spend. Each and every 'un-anauthorised' transaction will be known at the press of the enter key and you will have some explaining to do.

It enables a life long 100% accurate financial transaction history from baby to end of life. It also makes it impossible for you to do a bit of work for cash in the hand.

Enables central banks to impose negative interest rates in hard times because you cant take your money out of the bank.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Azureblue

Reading your post almost made me sick. There just is no way I would ever agree to something like this.
Just thinking about looking at a life record of purchases makes my head hurt.

There are some perks to this cashless system but in comparison to the drawbacks, it's not even close, not even noticeable.

I'm already trying to figure a way how to circumvent this, if it occurs in my lifetime.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:15 AM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
a reply to: Azureblue

Reading your post almost made me sick. There just is no way I would ever agree to something like this.
Just thinking about looking at a life record of purchases makes my head hurt.

There are some perks to this cashless system but in comparison to the drawbacks, it's not even close, not even noticeable.

I'm already trying to figure a way how to circumvent this, if it occurs in my lifetime.

I agree its bad but whats worse is the way in which small numbers of people are able to continually reduce choices and options for the massess. they just keep chipping away at it.

We are living in a less free society all the time, bit by bit. More and more small numbers of people are directing and controlling the lives of the massess by slowly funnelling off their choices and options.

My generation will not notice much of this narrowing down of choices and options, the sheeple are bliss, but the next generation will slowly come to the realisation they are more and more taking on the characteristics of being owned.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

We are living in a less free society all the time, bit by bit. More and more small numbers of people are directing and controlling the lives of the massess by slowly funnelling off their choices and options.

Wise words...and i agree,is there any way of diverting the roller coaster before it derails i wonder.........

So just what is the most powerful ?...Political correctness,peer pressure,entitlement,dissolution....?...hmmm its an interesting mix,which majority/minority will have the most sway ?....

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: AnteBellum

if everything goes digital we're really screwed when SHTF - just look at Hurricane Katrina. All people would have left is stuff to barter with (which for most people won't get you far)

& if we move to a cashless society then how will the politicians and wall streeters pay for their coke and strippers?

Great point. All corruption and crimes would be instantly visible and detectable. I think there are plenty of sinister mob like characters in any government that would make implementation of this "plan" very difficult...if not impossible.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Azureblue

We are living in a less free society all the time, bit by bit. More and more small numbers of people are directing and controlling the lives of the massess by slowly funnelling off their choices and options.

Wise words...and i agree,is there any way of diverting the roller coaster before it derails i wonder.........

So just what is the most powerful ?...Political correctness,peer pressure,entitlement,dissolution....?...hmmm its an interesting mix,which majority/minority will have the most sway ?....

The best hope there is, is to learn about how money get created and spead the knowledge. If you would like to do this read a free ebook which is only 50 pages from cover to cover, called "Bansk Lie" by Chris Field. He wrote the book as a result of what he learned when the bank took his hosue.

The book explains or the lies and deceits the banks enage in. For example, The banks create money out of thin air because they really only 'lend' you the money your signature creates.

Everyone has loans, Imaging the anger that would grow in hte community when peole realsie why Heny Ford whose name appears on cars, meant when he said that its just as well that the ordinary man and woman do nnot undertand how money works because if they did there would be riot before dawn.

It may also cause them to start to question other things and begin to wake up to how the world really works.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:15 AM

& if we move to a cashless society then how will the politicians and wall streeters pay for their coke and strippers?

Great point. All corruption and crimes would be instantly visible and detectable.

Agreed, but unfortunately thats not the same thing as imminently prosecuted. The war on drugs is already 40 years old and I suspect it will reach 50-60 years without any significient change in results.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

I will take a look at the book

The book explains or the lies and deceits the banks enage in. For example, The banks create money out of thin air because they really only 'lend' you the money your signature creates.

My father said to me many years ago that a bank will only lend you money when you do not need to borrow it...

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