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Death Threats On Abortion Providers Spike In Wake Of Planned Parenthood Videos

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posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: TheJourney

and how should they do that....
without looking like Iraq, or some of the other middle eastern countries?
well, maybe not as bad, but that would be pitting the different groups of christians against each other which isn't really a good idea either. I mean that there are certain denominations that would be more apt to bite in a hook like the pp videos and help add the emotional charge to them, they will see it as their duty to do everything in their power to stop this horrible thing from happening. So won't their pastors who will be standing in front of the congregation preaching like a general sending his troops out to battle.

while others would kind of see it, read about it, probably decide that it's wrong or maybe okay who knows, but well outside of maybe a prayer to god asking him to sort the mess out, they won't do much else. And neither will their pastors.

one group sees themselves as god's tool to change the world, the other sees themselves as god's flock patiently waiting for their redemption trusting in their god that all will unfold according to god's will.

you don't want these two groups pitted against each other since well, it's the stuff that the book of revelation in made of!!!

our political leaders have an obligation to work in the best interest of the citizens, not the best interest of their agendas, not the best interest of their next elections. they have a duty to investigate every aspect of these videos, without bias, and present the findings as truthfully as possible, not like the dear governor of florida has been found to have done. Editing out those things that doesn't support the message he wants the report to say so that he can pour a little gas on the flames!

and if and when it is found that CMP did indeed break the laws, and sliced and diced those videos to support an untruth that they just wished would be true, again to pour gas on the flames and get them burning brighter and hotter, well they need more than just a little hand slap this time around!

some among the churches might be a little misled, but there is no excuse for the political arena to tap into the religious feed them a bunch of lies, invoke them into a frenzy, and use them to further their agenda and gain the votes they need to gain their political power!

If it's true that the truth will set you free then well, a bunch of lies will lead us all into slavery!!!

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: muse7

I am not a religious person but that same book says in Gen 2:7 that Adam became a living soul when he breathed. They skip over that scripture.

Referencing the Bible without expecting a contradiction will only give you a headache.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: Leonidas

the story of mary and john the baptists mother together when she first felt the movement of john in her womb has also lead some religious scholars to say that life begins at the quickening (or when you first start feeling movement.)

I don't really think that you can find anything that suggests that it begins at conception, there seems to be plenty to indicate the early jews didn't think that way.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

It always amazes me that the same right wingers who are "pro life" are the ones who want to end free school lunches for poor children, and rail against health care for them. To them life is sacred until it leaves the womb, then they could care less.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: openminded2011

and then, they have the nerve to wonder why the lady with two hungry kids don't want to add a third into the picture and act as though she's such a horrible person.
they don't think it's wise to raise the minimum wage to something that will sustain them.
and they don't want their taxes going to sustaining them.
but, well, they want her to have more kids to starve....

they aren't pro-life,
they are pro-hunger, pro-misery, pro-proverty, pro-desparation, pro-hopelessnes,
let's turn this place into a feeding ground for demons!

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

Yes, I mentioned this point in the OP. The point is that historically, the people making these threats against the abortion industry have a tendency to carry them out. Also, the OP pointed out that several abortions clinics have been fire bombed.

They been firebombing and threatening clinic workers since they set up "shop".

I used to live across the street from one in the eighties, there were always protests, the place burned once, and pipe bombs were found outside the doors.

Mostly not covered in the media except the fire and bombs, they always downplayed events there, treating the issues and events as minor in nature.

Aren't they downplaying events now, too?

They aren't babies, they are tissues. Donations, not sales, providers, not buyers.

Whatever, if they aren't hiding anything why not just be honest about it?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 08:07 AM

Whatever, if they aren't hiding anything why not just be honest about it?
a reply to: intrptr

lol!! good one!!

telling the irs you a group who's main goal is furthering medical progress...
setting up a fake company accompanied by fake advertisements offering services you have no intention of providing
creating and presenting fake driver's licenses to present to people
signing confidentiality agreements you have no intention of abiding by
taping people in a conference where all recording devices aren't supposed to be brought into
and then slicing and dicing all the video that you've taped through the trust you've gleaned from the previous mentioned tactics to eliminate any comments from those who've taped unaware that contradicts the message you wish to convince the public of being true.
and well, to top it all of, taking the fifth when one of the groups you targeting sues you and wants you to turn everything over so they can evaluate just how much damage you can do. but then...pleading to the judge to allow them to give it all to one of the states to use against planned parenthood..../

what honesty are we talking about here???

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

CMP isn't covering anything up, they are exposing the cover up.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: intrptr

What cover up? Seriously! Just because people were unaware of the business end of fetal donations and stem cell research, that doesn't mean PP was trying to hide it or cover it up.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: windword

Just because people were unaware of the business end of fetal donations and stem cell research, that doesn't mean PP was trying to hide it or cover it up.

You just used business and donation in one sentence. They called their business of selling body parts, donations and research.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: intrptr

alot of the things I've listed, the fake ids, the fake company advartising fake services....ect...
are against the law, and yet they claim they've broken no laws.....

aren't they covering up their own illegal activities with that claim?

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Yes, I did! Women procuring abortions donate their aborted results to Planned Parenthood, a (nonprofit) business, that pays its employees and pays operating costs from the monies received from for profit businesses like Stemexpress.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: intrptr

planned parenthood, assisted women by arranging donations to the medical community...
companies like stem express received these, so weren't many universities.
some of those that received the donations were in a business model....

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

You're shooting the messenger.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: intrptr

Yes, I did! Women procuring abortions donate their aborted results to Planned Parenthood, a (nonprofit) business, that pays its employees and pays operating costs from the monies received from for profit businesses like Stemexpress.

There you go. If they donate "tissue", there should be no "money" exchanged. Stem cells are taken much earlier than "body parts".

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: intrptr

planned parenthood, assisted women by arranging donations to the medical community...
companies like stem express received these, so weren't many universities.
some of those that received the donations were in a business model….

Replying twice. The only donating going on is the "patient" signs a contract to donate their fetus in whole or part and do not receive any compensation. You saw the form as well as I.

PP is the one charging for "tissues".

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: intrptr

There you go. If they donate "tissue", there should be no "money" exchanged. Stem cells are taken much earlier than "body parts".

There isn't any money exchanged between the woman donating and the business, in this case Planned Parenthood, accepting the donation.

Look at the Salvation Army business model. People donate stuff, then they sell it in their thrift shops to make money so that they can do their charity work. It's the same thing with Planned Parenthood's business model.

edit on 5-9-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: intrptr
only because the messenger did the same thing over a decade ago, even down to the fake websites...
and well, they are highly edited videos that really would serve no purpose outside of rile up the masses.

ya know fool me once shame on me, fool me twice, well, throw the danged book at them!!!

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: windword

Look at the Salvation Army business model. People donate stuff, then they sell it in their thrift shops to make money so that they can do their charity work. It's the same thing with Planned Parenthood's business model.

Aww the salvation army non charitable business model. They enjoy tax exempt status to place (free of rent), trailers in parking lots for people to bring their stuff (which they don't pay for) to sell in stores that are also tax exempt.

They legally sell the goods they get, and they aren't selling unborn baby parts. They don't donate much themselves either, and all the "employees" are volunteers. What a racket.

edit on 5-9-2015 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: intrptr

and can you break down the costs of any one transaction compare it to what planned parenthood (not stem express) is getting for it??
I couldn't and I am pretty sure you can't.
all you got is a buch of spliced and diced highly edited videos, and in them you have the cmp people trying to talk the planned parenthood people into accepting a higher price!! and what is cut is the planned parenthood people saying that they aren't in it for profit, that it would be illegal, ect. heck, when cmp tried to get them to sign contracts, pp's lawyers refused them because of the illegalities involved in them!

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