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Long Lost Bob Lazar Video: "How Do UFOs Fly?"

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posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 07:36 PM
Greetings fellow seekers,

About 17 years ago, while in middle school, I found and bought this VHS called "How Do UFOs Fly?" done in a "UFO Files" video series. Back then, I watched in amazement as Bob Lazar gives a talk about what technologies Aliens use to make UFOs work. The video has lots of other interviews and narration as well, but the Lazar talk is by far the best, in my opinion.

With new Bob Lazar interviews coming out, I have felt the need to track this video down, upload it to the net, and most importantly of all, share it with the entire ATS community. SO! this is really just for you guys. ENJOY!

Link is here if the embedding doesn't work: How Do UFOs Fly?

edit on 3-9-2015 by peacenotgreed because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2015 by _BoneZ_ because: Fixed embed.

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: peacenotgreed

Thanks for the vid.

Even 17 years ago, the means of navigating space other than FTL means were explained within the first 10 min of this video. Sorry to say that there an awful number of those in 2015 who are still stuck thinking in linear terms.

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: peacenotgreed
Greetings fellow seekers,

About 17 years ago, while in middle school, I found and bought this VHS called "How Do UFOs Fly?" done in a "UFO Files" video series. Back then, I watched in amazement as Bob Lazar gives a talk about what technologies Aliens use to make UFOs work. The video has lots of other interviews and narration as well, but the Lazar talk is by far the best, in my opinion.

With new Bob Lazar interviews coming out, I have felt the need to track this video down, upload it to the net, and most importantly of all, share it with the entire ATS community. SO! this is really just for you guys. ENJOY!

Link is here if the embedding doesn't work: How Do UFOs Fly?

I was able to watch only the first 12 minutes, gravity A & gravity B, when he lost me. Similar to listening to futurist Michio Kaku, too much a noise! Perhaps Lazar knows what he's talking about, I'm not qualified to confirm or not. But it makes me think that so far humans have not evolved any technology that supplants normal motors and wings aircraft for flying commercially. Airplanes are still falling out of the sky for various reasons.

Lazar claims to have worked on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S4, in the Emigrant Valley and Old Kelley Mine area near the Area 51 test facility and yet as I say above none of that technology seems to have dribbled down to not only everyday use but to no use, that's publicly known.

Lazar also claims that he was given introductory briefings describing the historical involvement by extraterrestrial beings with this planet for the past 10,000 years. I don't buy it in lieu of irrefutable evidence not being provided. Stuff like this is impossible to keep secret amongst just a few.

From Wiki (I know, it's just a source that anyone can alter its contents, I've done it but positive info):
"Physicist Dr. David L. Morgan says that he has scientifically refuted most of the ideas that Lazar had elaborated on in his description of the alien spacecraft, particularly its propulsion systems and use of Ununpentium, or Element 115. Morgan stated that, "After reading an account by Bob Lazar of the 'physics' of his Area 51 UFO propulsion system, my conclusion is" this: Mr. Lazar presents a scenario which, if it is correct, violates a whole handful of currently accepted physical theories. That in and of itself does not necessarily mean that his scenario is impossible."[13] Morgan went on to argue that "the presentation of the scenario by Lazar is troubling from a scientific standpoint. Mr. Lazar on many occasions demonstrates an obvious lack of understanding of current physical theories." [13][better source needed]"

I find it troubling that Lazar's UFO as presented by model maker TESTORS is almost identical to Billy Meier's BEAMSHIP which has been proven somewhat as a hoax. Lazar seems to court lawsuits for various serious violations. Lazar doesn't seem to have produced anything non-human to use his gained knowledge.

I do not trust Lazar and cannot accept anything he claims. We're still dragging our asses on earth and no one has come forth with anything that has not been gained through hard work in labs and think tanks.

Thanks for the thread, too bad there isn't a needle with a hole big enough to accept its intent.

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 10:51 PM
Thanks for sharing! I'm a little over halfway through it now and I've enjoyed it so far.

Also, you can see a UFO floating by behind Stanton at 26:05

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: Charizard
Thanks for sharing! I'm a little over halfway through it now and I've enjoyed it so far.

Also, you can see a UFO floating by behind Stanton at 26:05

Not enough detail to call it a UFO. It's a low resolution video of possibly an 8mm or 16mm film. Since it's a professional perhaps the cameraperson was using 35mm. It's more probably a small plane such as Piper Cub. A good catch anyway.

And at 24:23 you see (if you have "fast vision") a rod cross Stanton's chest (the rod starts at the lower right hand corner). Freezing it doesn't show the detail you might see if the resolution was higher.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 12:42 PM
Hey I really enjoyed this. Old school.

I laughed very hard Friedman and Lazar appearing in a documentary together. Perhaps this is what started the feud between them, Friedman couldn't believe they gave Lazar equal if not more time to discuss physics

Lazar talks heavily about aliens and conspiracy stuff he seems to have distanced him self from since if you watch his latest interview with Knapp.
He says now he only ever saw through small window a alien or dummy of one. But he goes on and on in this video about the aliens, granted it could have been in the editing, cutting him saying "I have heard this is what the aliens that flew the ship are like..."

Anyway. Great Ufology history . Thank so much for loading it up!

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: peacenotgreed Their crafts have the ability to cloak, do maneuver's that perplex us on how could they survive such G-forces, and than there is the problem of distance/time/space. Here I bring up a valid idea on what is going on, they do not personally man the crafts, they're more like drones and our satellites. It allows them to travel for years with out the problems such as what we do when seeking to search out. We would of never came up with this idea, except we learned wireless, and remote control over vehicles, so now we can venture a gander. There is no evidence that proves they are finding other ways to travel because their theory is they would be too far away otherwise. If they have the ability to conceal their craft, its most likely they have the ability to conceal themselves as well from others.

I ran into something in North Bend and it makes me wonder, is this an artificial body or animal like ourselves. Descript: 6Ft possibly taller, all black in color, no mouth or nose, large disc golden orange in color for eyes with 2 black stripes going down either side of eye, and the eye look fake like deep sea. No these were not goggles. If it was a man in costume its in the middle of winter and late at night in a secluded area of mountains with snow on the ground, pretty cold for panty hose hoax on a stranger.
edit on 4-9-2015 by historykel because: adding on.

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Uggielicious

originally posted by: Charizard
Thanks for sharing! I'm a little over halfway through it now and I've enjoyed it so far.

Also, you can see a UFO floating by behind Stanton at 26:05

Not enough detail to call it a UFO. It's a low resolution video of possibly an 8mm or 16mm film. Since it's a professional perhaps the cameraperson was using 35mm. It's more probably a small plane such as Piper Cub. A good catch anyway.

And at 24:23 you see (if you have "fast vision") a rod cross Stanton's chest (the rod starts at the lower right hand corner). Freezing it doesn't show the detail you might see if the resolution was higher.

Well it's unidentified and flying isn't it?
I was just joking anyway! You can see several more behind him throughout the video. I assume there's an airport in the background or something.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 09:41 AM
This video is incredible. I loved every second of it. It explains so much, it makes complete sense. The conceptual physics explained add up.

I just want the scientific explanation why elements become more stable after 111 to 115 then lose that stability, what is the cause of the increase in stability.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 10:17 AM
That was the first time I heard lazar speak of aliens in regards to there history and ours. I'm no expert on lazar but to me seemed very out of character for him (possibly mentioning it was an idea of the producers). The guy is truely a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: peacenotgreed

Can someone with better english than mine write what said the man in 37minute? I can't understand him. I would be greatfull!

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: residentofearth
a reply to: peacenotgreed

Can someone with better english than mine write what said the man in 37minute? I can't understand him. I would be greatfull!

I can summarize it for you...

Lazar for the most part was explaining how space travel works with the technology he worked on at the base (ET technology).

To start off he essentially said we have to change the way we think when it comes to 2 things.

#1. Travelling long distances, and how to do it (forget about "propulsion")
#2. Forget what we think we know about Gravity.

So to summarize #1. (Im not a scientist but Im a great communicator and good and understanding and breaking down complex ideas) he said that instead of trying to propel a craft near the speed of light, or at all to achieve long distance travel we need to think more along the line of distorting space/time. Increasing the speed of a vehicle will only get us to light speed and even if we do ever achieve that, distant galaxies are too far away to reach in a human lifespan even at the speed of light making that unfeasible.

Instead, think about the definition of a wormhole (poking a hole through space time.. bending it, and popping out elsewhere with hardly any time passing). Lazar said that ET almost goes as far as creating one but not really. Instead of bending and poking through with a wormhole, he said they essentially "distort" or "warp" the fabric of space time to travel long distances quickly.

To give you a good example of what I mean by this, think of a picture on your computer. Look at that picture and focus on a specific pixel... then find another pixel somewhere else in the photo. These 2 pixels are far away from eachother, so you have to draw a line from one to the other (distance). Now think about using an image warp tool in a photo editor.. and drag it across your image.. the pixels move, they are all still there, but now if done the right way, the 2 pixels could technically be right next to eachother making it so no line has to be drawn at all.. then simply hit the undo button. Voila you traveled from 1 pixel to the other without drawing a line.

#2. How does this work? Lazar explained that our current "theory" of how gravity works isnt correct... or at least.. its only partially correct. He describes 2 forms of gravity, and labels them A &B. He also describes gravity as a wave not necessarily as some sort of sub atomic charge as we currently theorize. The first type of gravity is the type that holds atoms and sub atomic particles together, this is extremely strong and its why breaking this force causes huge outputs of energy (nuclear). The second type is the type that keeps are feet on the ground, the earth around the sun etc.

He then explains that elements that are more dense than what can occur naturally here on earth can become MORE stable after element 111 then begin rapid decay again at element 116. (the reason behind this he didnt explain though and he may not even know). I believe element 115? is the one that is used in the crafts. ET essentially uses element 115 and its incredible mass (due to it being such a heavy element) and ability to create a gravitational field... and amplifies it. Based on how much energy is used to amplify the gravitational field, it can become so strong that it can warp space/time itself.... bending it.. so the disc literally "falls" in the direction of gravity.

Thats what I got form it..

If I am wrong here or if I missed something or I am off, feel free to correct

posted on Sep, 5 2015 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: residentofearth
a reply to: peacenotgreed

Can someone with better english than mine write what said the man in 37minute? I can't understand him. I would be greatfull!
The two main speakers were Bob Lazar and Stanton Friedman, the latter being a real physicist and the former being a wannabe physicist.

About 95% of what Friedman said is true, that known technologies can lead to space travel, but I docked him 5% for glossing over the engineering issues which cannot be assumed. Just look at all the engineering difficulties with building a nuclear fusion reactor which is economical and commercially viable, so we can't assume that just because the physics is sound, the engineering will follow...maybe it will or maybe it won't.

About 50% of what Bob Lazar said is true. He shows a graphic about how bending space time can close the linear distance between two points, and then says you need a powerful energy source to do that which is more or less true. However then he starts talking about using element 115 as an energy source and says we have to use that because element 116 is very unstable. This is total fiction because in reality all known isotopes of element 115 are also unstable, with the longest lasting known isotope having a half-life less than a quarter of one second. Even if element 115 was stable it couldn't do what Lazar claims. Those are the most important points but you can go through the rest of his claims and find some true and some false.

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
Hey I really enjoyed this. Old school.

I laughed very hard Friedman and Lazar appearing in a documentary together. Perhaps this is what started the feud between them, Friedman couldn't believe they gave Lazar equal if not more time to discuss physics
You could be right.

It's really embarrassing for Friedman, a guy who knows what he's talking about, to have his reputation tarnished by appearing alongside a guy like Lazar who obviously is spewing total fiction half the time.

edit on 201595 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: residentofearth
a reply to: peacenotgreed

Can someone with better english than mine write what said the man in 37minute? I can't understand him. I would be greatfull!
The two main speakers were Bob Lazar and Stanton Friedman, the latter being a real physicist and the former being a wannabe physicist.

About 95% of what Friedman said is true, that known technologies can lead to space travel, but I docked him 5% for glossing over the engineering issues which cannot be assumed. Just look at all the engineering difficulties with building a nuclear fusion reactor which is economical and commercially viable, so we can't assume that just because the physics is sound, the engineering will follow...maybe it will or maybe it won't.

About 50% of what Bob Lazar said is true. He shows a graphic about how bending space time can close the linear distance between two points, and then says you need a powerful energy source to do that which is more or less true. However then he starts talking about using element 115 as an energy source and says we have to use that because element 116 is very unstable. This is total fiction because in reality all known isotopes of element 115 are also unstable, with the longest lasting known isotope having a half-life less than a quarter of one second. Even if element 115 was stable it couldn't do what Lazar claims. Those are the most important points but you can go through the rest of his claims and find some true and some false.

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
Hey I really enjoyed this. Old school.

I laughed very hard Friedman and Lazar appearing in a documentary together. Perhaps this is what started the feud between them, Friedman couldn't believe they gave Lazar equal if not more time to discuss physics
You could be right.

It's really embarrassing for Friedman, a guy who knows what he's talking about, to have his reputation tarnished by appearing alongside a guy like Lazar who obviously is spewing total fiction half the time.

if bobs story is true,

the governments element 115 would be top secret, and not even known by mainstream science.

I thought they named elements by the order their discovered not by their composition.

when I hear " bobs propulsion system isnt supported by physics as we know them "

......i think " perhaps there is something to this story afterall "

not the other way around.
edit on 6-9-2015 by IntastellaBurst because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: IntastellaBurst
So you think he lied about his education and told the truth about everything else? Or you think he told the truth about his education even though you don't even have to be a physicist to prove that false? Here are Stanton Friedman's thoughts on Lazar, mostly about his education:

About one in four people think the sun revolves around the Earth and that's the easiest thing in the world to prove wrong, so no doubt there are millions more who will believe Lazar's fiction which is only slightly harder to prove false. The fact that millions of people believe the sun revolves around the earth, or that there might be something to Lazar's fiction has absolutely no bearing on whether or not those are true.

" bobs propulsion system isnt supported by physics as we know them "
You're not getting the picture. We know about the strong nuclear force. It's not gravity as Lazar claims. They have different properties which are well-documented.

If he was a better liar he would talk about things beyond our understanding, and then he could claim that of course modern physics can't explain it because it's beyond the understanding of mainstream physicists. But, he's not a good liar, so he came up with the strong nuclear force which is something we have studied in detail for a long time and we know enough about it to know Lazar is a liar when he says it's gravity.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:49 AM
He is a fraud, there are no advances in propulsion outside of traditional methods, even the latest Aircraft Engines are still based on fossil fuel burning turbines and scram and ram jet all Earth based.

We have done nothing different in space, gone nowhere near "saucer shapes" or found any of the guff he is pushing out of his mouthpiece. America cutting edge is a small unmanned reusable air vehicle, Russia seem still stuck on making 1960 rockets more reliable, china, europe and india are still using rockets.

If there were any truth in his hot air, we would see different things - UFOs dont only crash over the USA.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 10:34 AM
I really don't believe he is a liar. I honestly think he is telling 100% truth. As even he said it's almost beyond his understanding. . The technology is like "magic" compared to what we are capable of.

It's obvious a few of you did not watch the full video. He specifically said there IS NO PROPULSION. The only time where propulsion was really discussed was by the other guy when explaining the possibility of making fusion engines.

Bob explained how this tech does not "propell" you at all. It alters gravitational fields and you "fall" or are "attracted" to your destination.

What bob said makes a ton of sense.

And by the way.. he DID say our understanding of gravity and nuclear dynamics was partially incorrect. . He said himself there is no such thing as gravitrons

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
What bob said makes a ton of sense.
As I said about half of what Lazar said makes sense, the other half is nonsense. Most of what Friedman said makes sense.

And by the way.. he DID say our understanding of gravity and nuclear dynamics was partially incorrect. . He said himself there is no such thing as gravitrons
Shows how much you and Lazar know, or should I say don't know. Mainstream science only says gravitons is one possibility but they are unconfirmed, so even according to mainstream science they may not exist. This is why Friedman is so convinced Lazar was never a physicist, because in addition to his "missing" diplomas is also the fact that he doesn't know basic things that a physicist would know, like the true theoretical status of gravitons, for example.


Most theories containing gravitons suffer from severe problems. Attempts to extend the Standard Model or other quantum field theories by adding gravitons run into serious theoretical difficulties at high energies (processes involving energies close to or above the Planck scale) because of infinities arising due to quantum effects (in technical terms, gravitation is nonrenormalizable). Since classical general relativity and quantum mechanics seem to be incompatible at such energies, from a theoretical point of view, this situation is not tenable.

edit on 201596 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

He said gravitrons are the leading theory.. and that it is incorrect..

Which you are corroborating right now.. which is in agreement with Lazar, so I dont understand your point

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
a reply to: Arbitrageur

He said gravitrons are the leading theory.. and that it is incorrect..

Which you are corroborating right now.. which is in agreement with Lazar, so I dont understand your point
They aren't the leading theory, that's why Lazar is wrong. They have never achieved status as a theory, only a hypothesis.

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