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Hawking signatures for a ballot measure... I'm still thinking about one exchange I had.

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posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:42 PM
I had the honor of working the front lines for a cause I believe in. It was a good day. I found willing signors to fill sheets with signatures during the 3 hours I was at a local farmers market. It was refreshing to get out and interact with people face to face. Quite a few people did not share my fascination with interpersonal reality. On the positive side, a good chunk of the population realizes how dangerous the Pharmaceutical industry is. Why vaccines from these same people are trusted I'll never get. But I digress...

I approached and had short interactions with at least 100 different people. Twenty or so completely blew me off. Most that I talked to were politically engaged. Some were disaffected from the process completely. A few scenarios stayed with me. This is one I've been thinking about.

40 ish WF who identified herself as a biologist. Looked to be in a hurry. She gave out an uneasy chuckle when she heard the name of the initiative. She quickly identified it as a threat to her world. I'll paraphrase here. "I'm pro vaccine. I've had so many shots you wouldn't believe it"

Ouch. I wish I had a $ for every IQ point she lost on that.
I countered with "How many is too many?"

Sensing the challenge, she brought in the heavy ammo.
"I've seen the great things they are doing in Africa!"
I replied: Africa needs clean water and food, not vaccines.
She locked in firmly: No. Africa needs vaccines...

That was awkward, but now I'm hooked on this exchange.... I look her in the eyes and ask her why the CDC recommends giving Hep B to newborns.
That one landed. Stunned dissonance ... So she hurried off. I'm being super friendly to everyone so I let her get in the last word.

She lobbed..."Why don't you donate your child's dose to Africa?"

I can meet her halfway on that. On to the next potential signature. Still thinking about how incoherent the position is and equally amazed why she thinks her love for vaccines translates to my kid becoming their experiment. Looking forward to the next event.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:53 PM
Sick, apathetic, pricks those vaccine propagators.
Jab yourself, and your own children.

Stop pushing it and trying to mandatorily shove it into us and the new generations.
You psychos.
edit on 16-8-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: Pricks sounded better!

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:56 PM
So you came on here to boast about your self declared win against the evil 'fax crowd' who according to your delusions want to kill all our children or something....riiiight.

How very humble of you. Incredible humility.

Ouch. I wish I had a $ for every IQ point she lost on that.

Strangely enough, Im willing to her her IQ is still much higher than anti-vaxxers who ignore all kinds of concrete evidence while embracing shoddy, false, anecdotal, you name it-'evidence' so long as its fits their agenda

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Ya people are pyscho's because they can see the good vaccines have done.

So crazy!

Guess some people want polio and small pox to be a thing again.
All because they don't want to be told to get the vaccine.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

I was talking about the ideology of the compulsory vaccine crowd.

Yes they're psychos.

Projecting their weak immune systems onto the wide populace and newborn.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass

Sensing the challenge, she brought in the heavy ammo.
"I've seen the great things they are doing in Africa!"
I replied: Africa needs clean water and food, not vaccines.
She locked in firmly: No. Africa needs vaccines...

Humans need both. I don't advocate mandatory vaccination mind you, but Hep B is a disease that does not always show symptoms and can be prevented.

That was awkward, but now I'm hooked on this exchange.... I look her in the eyes and ask her why the CDC recommends giving Hep B to newborns.
That one landed. Stunned dissonance ... So she hurried off. I'm being super friendly to everyone so I let her get in the last word.

I'll agree with you on this one, I don't see a need for immediate vaccination in a first-world country, although we do have some people who live in third-world conditions. My wife and I chose to have our son vaccinated for Hep B at 4, 8 and 12 months instead of the typical 0, 2 and 6. We chose to spread most vaccinations out longer than recommended, and avoided multi-spectrum as much as possible. No need to overload the kid so soon.

Still thinking about how incoherent the position is and equally amazed why she thinks her love for vaccines translates to my kid becoming their experiment. Looking forward to the next event.

Love for vaccines, false narrative. More like 'recognition of the lives they have saved and made better when used responsibly'.

The only experiment I see here is a parent testing how successfully they can keep their child from communicable diseases that could have life-transforming impact. I hope you are successful. Thanks to vaccines, you'll have much higher chance of success in the USA than in Africa.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 07:13 PM
It is not the vaccine itself that is dangerous in most cases. Research what the pharm companies add for longer shelf life and other reasons. It is disgusting , and all in the name of money.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: Teikiatsu

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass

Sensing the challenge, she brought in the heavy ammo.
"I've seen the great things they are doing in Africa!"
I replied: Africa needs clean water and food, not vaccines.
She locked in firmly: No. Africa needs vaccines...

Humans need both. I don't advocate mandatory vaccination mind you, but Hep B is a disease that does not always show symptoms and can be prevented.

That was awkward, but now I'm hooked on this exchange.... I look her in the eyes and ask her why the CDC recommends giving Hep B to newborns.
That one landed. Stunned dissonance ... So she hurried off. I'm being super friendly to everyone so I let her get in the last word.

I'll agree with you on this one, I don't see a need for immediate vaccination in a first-world country, although we do have some people who live in third-world conditions. My wife and I chose to have our son vaccinated for Hep B at 4, 8 and 12 months instead of the typical 0, 2 and 6. We chose to spread most vaccinations out longer than recommended, and avoided multi-spectrum as much as possible. No need to overload the kid so soon.

Still thinking about how incoherent the position is and equally amazed why she thinks her love for vaccines translates to my kid becoming their experiment. Looking forward to the next event.

Love for vaccines, false narrative. More like 'recognition of the lives they have saved and made better when used responsibly'.

The only experiment I see here is a parent testing how successfully they can keep their child from communicable diseases that could have life-transforming impact. I hope you are successful. Thanks to vaccines, you'll have much higher chance of success in the USA than in Africa.

They never see it that way. They proclaim " my kid is fine and they never got vaccines!! ", well genius, that's because everyone else's kids did.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog
It is not the vaccine itself that is dangerous in most cases. Research what the pharm companies add for longer shelf life and other reasons. It is disgusting , and all in the name of money.

I don't need to research any of that. I work in bio-pharma. The preservatives we add are there to make sure that the patient doesn't get a secondary infection from our products. The antigen itself is extremely stable and under optimal storage conditions would be effective for at least a year longer than labeled (even longer if it's a killed or inactivated.)

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: boncho

So you came on here to boast about your self declared win against the evil 'fax crowd' who according to your delusions want to kill all our children or something....riiiight.

How very humble of you. Incredible humility.

I came here to fight for humanism, liberty and sovereignty of the human body. I recounted a case of an educated person that had a totally incoherent position. Her position has more substance that yours though.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

Why do Pharma operatives believe they understand the human immune well enough to inject toxins and pathogens into newborns and pregnant women? There is ample evidence that they are just greedy hacks with massive conflict of interest.

The question for you is the following:
Do you trust the pharmaceutical industry to inject your newborn?
Do you trust the pharmaceutical industry to write laws?

They do both. Every single day.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: In4ormant

The only experiment I see here is a parent testing how successfully they can keep their child from communicable diseases that could have life-transforming impact. I hope you are successful. Thanks to vaccines, you'll have much higher chance of success in the USA than in Africa.

The problem in Africa is toxic load and poor nutrition. Crediting vaccines for healthier humans is the false narrative. I believe you know that mortality for all infectious diseases was crashing before vaccines arrived. The modern trade-off is pervasive sickness, autoimmune dysfunction and cancer?

You must understand the programming needed to make that look like a good idea.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass
a reply to: In4ormant

The only experiment I see here is a parent testing how successfully they can keep their child from communicable diseases that could have life-transforming impact. I hope you are successful. Thanks to vaccines, you'll have much higher chance of success in the USA than in Africa.

The problem in Africa is toxic load and poor nutrition. Crediting vaccines for healthier humans is the false narrative. I believe you know that mortality for all infectious diseases was crashing before vaccines arrived. The modern trade-off is pervasive sickness, autoimmune dysfunction and cancer?

You must understand the programming needed to make that look like a good idea.

The only programming is the type that has you swayed. You want diseases that used to spread unchecked to once again infect the populace. Don't you see, you look like the terrorist.

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