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4 Minutes of Introspection (You are Living in a Dream)

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posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 04:31 PM

"This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief."

Sometimes we need to take a step back and remove ourselves from reality so we can grasp the true nature of our being.

edit on 6-8-2015 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 04:59 PM
This was the first thing I read/watched after waking up from a really intricate dream. It's almost as if the universe wants to solidify this idea in my brain.

Years ago now I read a book, it was about an everyday human, trapped in a reality he had created with his own mind, now I'm not going to get into any in depth details, but throughout the book "wake up" was written in scribbled writing, since then I have always had to second guess my existence. Because who's to say this isn't a dream? If this is just a wild fantasy, it has probably been the most educational of my realities, and I hope these lessons are stored within my subconscious.

Thankyou very much, sir!

a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 05:12 PM
"He who dreams of drinking wine may weep when morning comes; he who dreams of weeping may in the morning go off to hunt. While he is dreaming he does not know it is a dream, and in his dream he may even try to interpret a dream. Only after he wakes does he know it was a dream. And someday there will be a great awakening when we know that this is all a great dream. Yet the stupid believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling this man ruler, that one herdsman ‑ how dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming! And when I say you are dreaming, I am dreaming, too. Words like these will be labeled the Supreme Swindle. Yet, after ten thousand generations, a great sage may appear who will know their meaning, and it will still be as though he appeared with astonishing speed."

Chuang Zu, Discussion on making all things equal

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 05:16 PM
I would love to think this is a dream of my own creation. But what about all the tiniest things .
Or the suffering we see not just experience . I could understanding experiencing suffering in my own dream almost like a nightmare but what would explain the suffering of other people.

I'm always the main character of my dream. I interact with everyone in it. Even if there is a crowd or passer by I do not interact with I don't see or hear or feel there suffering. So why is it if this is a dream I am aware of others suffering. Even strangers to me. I empathize with children going to bed hungry , sick not just in third world countries but right here inthe good old USA. I have never felt any of those things in any of my own dreams. Anyone have a thought on why ? Trust me I would like to believe this is a nightmare of my own creation. Or a school to help my spirit grow and become better. But unfortunately I find either one of those scenarios hard to believe ...

Any one ever read " the egg" by I believe Andy weir?

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Pretty interesting


posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 06:27 PM
Alan Watts was a champion! Thanks for sharing.

The greatest secret in life is dying to your old self before physical death happens. It is an awakening of the true self. To awaken to your true nature within the dream leaves one more a creator of cause and less a pawn of effect.

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 06:29 PM
I'm conscious and aware of my existence so if this is a dream, everyone else is a figment of my imagination and therefore not real.

Unless this is the matrix or a simulated reality and we're all hooked up and in it together.

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 08:32 PM
Nice video. This is an illusion no doubt, everything we look at is 99.99999999999% EMPTY space, yet it has the illusion of form and solidity. Light, what we see, the thing that gives everything form, is a contradiction within itself, being both wave and particle at the same time. This reality is magic and we are the magicians.

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 09:15 PM
This quote is most beautiful in your OP. And, it probably is all just a dream.

Video was great too. Thanks for posting.

"There is no spoon" The Matrix

edit on 6-8-2015 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 08:14 AM
An interesting video for sure, but I just cannot help shake off the feeling that it a means to give us a false sense of hope that there really is a purpose/meaning to our lives.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

This video has inspired me !

I would like to become a stellar Knight of virtue ! I'll take over Instastallaburts position ! since he hath given up on Us!

How do I become one ?

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 09:37 AM
Suicide is the quickest way to wake up from this "dream", but I doubt people who continually repeat this mantra can conjure up the wherewithal to do it. We know what dreams are, and our waking lives are not one.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: NiNjABackflip

We actually have no idea what dreams are or what purpose they serve, much like the reality we live in right now. Life is just as much of a dream as the ones we have when we sleep.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: NiNjABackflip
Suicide is the quickest way to wake up from this "dream", but I doubt people who continually repeat this mantra can conjure up the wherewithal to do it. We know what dreams are, and our waking lives are not one.

Please don't kill yourself. I can not pretend to know how you feel, but I promise it will get better. I think you are misunderstanding a lot of things, but that is OK. We all live and learn.

Your waking life right now may not be what you dream of, but hang in there! You can find happiness!

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