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Words of Wisdom

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posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 06:31 PM
(not sure where to post this, so it ended up here)

A collection of my weird and wonderful murmurings...

  • Yet still she stands there.

  • And still, we stand with her.

  • Fate is a reflective contingency.

  • Mr. Enigma; the man of empty riddles.

  • One mistake at a time, we never learn.

  • I once had an argument with a fence; I fell off.

  • If I were to lean any more to the left, I’d fall over.

  • Should I awake, would I still believe in my dream?

  • When my feathers are rustled, my wings get itchy.

  • In order to sail the seas, one must first weigh the anchor.

  • Some rivers have bridges, others we have to swim through.

  • Do me a favour would you and go swing from the yardarm?

  • One time, one where and one how, I shall be divided by zero.

  • Philosophy is an art and I would like to paint a picture for you.

  • We may not be in the same boat, but we’re upon the same waters.

  • “Yea, and shalt he bestow unto you that which ye bestoweth to him.”

  • Life is like an exercise bike; always peddling, never getting anywhere.

  • Our biggest enemy is ignorance. For some, they are their own enemy.

  • I once thought that I had a way with words, but then I met a thesaurus.

  • Those whom do not believe in prophets will never know they’re coming.

  • How many times could one poke a dog with a stick before it bites them?

  • If there’s one thing worse than being told to sod off, it’s the not being told.

  • For which purpose could a light bulb possibly exist should it receive no charge?

  • Patents, schmatents. What’s in a name? A cure by any name will heal all the same.

  • That in which people share a common purpose can only be a powerful thing indeed.

  • Life is like a brick wall; I either walk into it or fall off - sometimes I even try talking to it.

  • The longer one has their head up their arse, the more they get used to the smell of #.

  • Godwin’s Law: “As the rich get richer, the probability of them being Illuminati approaches one.”

  • If the children of today have no voice, then whom shall make their selves heard cometh tomorrow?

  • There could be neither enough trees nor ink, with which to scribe the true blessings of the Holy Spirit.

  • We are wild animals and our society is a circus. As for the rest of the kingdom, they’re not a part of the show.

  • A wise man did saith that He is no greater than God. And I am meeker than Thee, oh man of wond’rous wisdom.

  • If I were to play with a jigsaw, I’d end up having no fingers left with which to put the puzzle back together again.

  • While all that is virtuous could never be replaced by uniform, we should all nonetheless be uniform in our virtuosities.

  • Beckham is as dirty a player as they get. He always bends ’em around the back, deep into the penalty area. Ask Posh, she’ll tell you.

  • “So what’s the solution to dismantling Iran’s nuclear program?” The same solution as that of dismantling the United States’ such programmes.

  • The most powerful force on this planet is the heart of the animal and as long as its soul beats, there will always be love within. This is no fantasy, it is life.

  • If it causes great pain to one animal in seeing another being inflicted upon, then that act is cruel, regardless of whether or not the direct victim “suffers”. Ask any mother.

  • A Queen can only be while there is a King; yet any man whom keeps his bride as un-free, is no fit King. Likewise; a King must be fit for his lands, as his Queen is his Country.

  • Alas, the Holy Ghost hath spoken and did command of us: “Repent your collusion in the sins of the grand deceiver and, by authority of the merciful Almighty, ye shall be forgiven.”

  • By the time we all start fighting, nobody can even remember why it all started in the first place. Once we’re ready to be friends again, we’ve seen and felt too much pain to even care any more.

  • We could be metaphoric of our very selves all the while, but when considering holistic anthropology you’re human whether you like it or not. If you’re truly otherwise then I have no idea how you got past the CAPTCHA.

  • Borders drawn by ink will fade, whereas those drawn by blood will stain. Alas, our oceans could never hold enough blood or oil with which to forge a line between myself and another sentient, for there is always a route to peace.

  • The moment one decides to not speak out against outrageous injustice when truly faced with it, is the moment at which they lose their voice for eternity. In other words; just because one keeps silent, does not mean to say that the oppressor will not cut off their tongue out of sheer spite.

  • At first corruption was on the lands, whereupon it spread across the seas and henceforth to the skies also. For the earth could not swallow it, neither the waters drown it and nor the winds did fell it; one can only hold hope in that the darkness of space will starve the putrescent into being no more.

  • Your religion or philosophy is that of either peace or war. Whichever it be is of your choosing alone, as I for one cannot make moral decisions on your behalf. Have no doubt, however, that should my blood be spilled then such sacrilege would never be in the name of peace. For my blood is sacred, as is your own.

  • Whence Our Father cometh with grace, lest we not smite. Else shalt we be so disobedient, thence might we suffer almighty wrath. Might ire be like fire, scorching us as though the sun consumes this place. Might the rains come, in earnest like a tempest, should the moon abandon us. Might the stars fizzle and there be no light to guide us in our darkest hour. Might the ground tremble as it falters beneath us. Yet still I pray that we might we not be so foolish henceforth.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 07:50 PM
You are under arrest for suspicion of loitering with intent!

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 08:41 PM
I always murmur to myself what Ben Franklin said. "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 08:46 PM
“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
― Gautama Buddha

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
― Maya Angelou

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: VigiliaProcuratio

Thank you for sharing. I have said many weird things, not sure how many of them are wonderful though.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 03:10 AM
Nice Quotes..

ll leave you with one or two as well.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Dr. Seuss

How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?
Dr. Seuss

edit on 8/4/2015 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 04:48 AM
a reply to: VigiliaProcuratio

Some are good

Some are not so good, nonsensical

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: HilaryF

Like I said, weird and wonderful. I could've omitted the lesser ones, though...

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 05:05 AM
In your other (now quite rightly closed) thread you were expressing how you believe that you have some "special purpose" because wherever you go people call you Jesus.....

Judging from your "words of wisdom" below (and in your other "prayer" thread) I think I was absolutely right in saying that people call you Jesus because of the things you say and the way you speak:

originally posted by: VigiliaProcuratio
(not sure where to post this, so it ended up here)

A collection of my weird and wonderful murmurings...

  • Yet still she stands there.

    Snipped massive quote.

You are NOT Jesus.
edit on 8.8.2015 by Kandinsky because: Snipped huge quote.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi

I didn’t say I was, and I’d be extremely ignorant to do so. No, it’s everybody else who’s saying it. I do however understand the message he gave to us and maybe I am also trying to let people know something. I can’t force anybody to listen, but don’t be surprised if one day you realise it’s too late to. Besides, if you don’t understand what’s going on then please don’t try telling me who or what I am because the chances are you’d be very wrong. As for having a “special purpose”, didn’t you ever wonder if that’s what we each have?

In any case, this is wholly off-topic. I have no idea why you’re bringing up a matter from a thread which was closed, that’s grounds for a warning because you’re baiting. I suppose I’ll leave you with this...

edit on 10th August 2015 by VigiliaProcuratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: VigiliaProcuratio
a reply to: Power_Semi

I didn’t say I was, and I’d be extremely ignorant to do so. No, it’s everybody else who’s saying it. I do however understand the message he gave to us and maybe I am also trying to let people know something. I can’t force anybody to listen, but don’t be surprised if one day you realise it’s too late to. Besides, if you don’t understand what’s going on then please don’t try telling me who or what I am because the chances are you’d be very wrong. As for having a “special purpose”, didn’t you ever wonder if that’s what we each have?

In any case, this is wholly off-topic. I have no idea why you’re bringing up a matter from a thread which was closed, that’s grounds for a warning because you’re baiting. I suppose I’ll leave you with this...

I'm not baiting you, I'm trying to help you.

You said "everywhere I go people know my name, they know who I am" then you said "they all call me Jesus". So in a round about way, yes, you are saying that you think you are Him.

I said, and from this post am 100% certain I'm right, that the reason they say that to you is because they think you are trying to sound like, or be like Him.

There is no mystery, people are not spying on you, or texting your photo to people as you claimed to suspect on the other thread, it's because of what you say and how you present yourself and how you act.

posted on Aug, 10 2015 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi

The funny thing is that you, along with many other people who have virtually the same opinions, have no idea whatsoever as to what's going on in my life other than what I've said, so you're in no position to say whether or not something is a fact. If I were to claim as an absolute certainty that you are government agent then I'm pretty sure a fair number of people would laugh their socks off, but I'm really not that ignorant.

You are misconstruing what I said; I did not say I am he, I said that people are constantly referring to me as he... and a part of me has to wonder just why so many people are saying this, no matter where I go in the country and without regard for my general appearance on a given day. I have seen people bow in prayer to me, I have seen people giving me salutes and other clear signs, sometimes children are doing these things... I have good hearing and eyesight so I know what I'm witnessing. I also attest, in no uncertain terms, that people have also directly responded to things which I have only thought and never said out loud. What's happening is unprecedented, it is unheard of in terms of reliable history. If you want to sit there and tell me that none of this is true then quite frankly I could honestly care less because I know where my faith lies and nothing is ever going to change that.

Now, I'd very much appreciate if people do not come along and derail my thread... this is completely off-topic and essentially a continuation of another thread which was locked, as I've already pointed out.

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