posted on Jun, 17 2015 @ 11:48 AM
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People are starting to open their minds. I remember ten years ago people would think I'm crazy for talking about astral projection. Now, more and
more, i see people having spontaneous OBE's and asking about them on forums like this. There are also a lot more channels these days, and it is
becoming more and more acceptable.
Eventually people will realize that exploring your own consciousness is actually better than any drug you can experience, and it is good for you.
Theres a snowball effect taking place right now and its about to get out of control in the next 5 years i would say.
And yes the powers that be are completely terrified of this happening and are trying there hardest to stop it, because when it does, the people will
know how much they have actually been lied to.
Its the beginning of the end of our war culture.