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It IS something in the water... And it hurts everyone

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posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 03:42 PM
When I started researching transgenderism, trying to understand what I had absolutely no frame of reference to understand, I did so with great sympathy for the pain and misery transgender people suffer.... but I had no idea that it would intersect with the other subject I've been researching, my daughter's health issues. My sympathy has now turned to empathy, as I now understand that the same gender bender pharmaceuticals and chemicals that are creating gender identity crises for some are also responsible for the many hormone-related health issues I've had to deal with, and the same hormone-related health issues that are slowly killing my sweet beautiful daughter.

Obviously, my objectivity has been compromised, hence the Rant Forum. At this point, there is no hope that she will ever have a sweet beautiful daughter of her own, or any children; our only hope at this point is that her doctors can somehow find an effective treatment for her... so we pray for the best but prepare for the worst. As I have done so many many times. So many sleepless nights this past year, with my daughter in the hospital, and all I could do is cry for her pain and misery, and pray that my little girl would still be alive when the sun comes up again, giving us another chance to find an answer.

This rabbit hole is deep. Very deep. And it horrifies me to know how many people have, are and will suffer for the unconscionable and heartless greed of a few. While much is known, too much is still unknown, because those making a pretty penny from the poison put profit before people, and the necessary and appropriate research has yet to be done -- Despite clear calls from many experts in many fields, including the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in testimony to Congress in 2010:

Endoc rine Disrupting Chemicals in Drinking Water: Risks to Human Health and the Environment

(Note: the above link is to a Google cache of the original page, which would not load for me.)

We do know synthetic hormones and other endocrine-disrupters are creating havoc on our bodies, and have polluted our water, soil, food, medicines, personal hygiene products, and more. As the NIEHS Director testified:

The detection of numerous pharmaceutical agents and chemicals with endocrine disrupting potential in surface waters around the country has raised concern about drinking water as a significant route of exposure.

The Director further testified to the Institute's "longstanding interest" in the harm these substances cause:

Endocrine disruptors are naturally occurring or man-made substances that may mimic or interfere with the function of hormones in the body. Endocrine disruptors may turn on, shut off, or modify signals that hormones carry and thus affect the normal functions of tissues and organs. NIEHS has had a longstanding interest in these chemicals with its support for research dating back to the beginning of the Institute in the 1960s.

Over the past fifty years, researchers observed increases in endocrine-sensitive health outcomes. Breast and prostatic cancer incidence increased between 1969 and 1986 ; there was a four-fold increase in ectopic pregnancies (development of the fertilized egg outside of the uterus) in the U.S. between 1970 and 1987 ; the incidence of cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) doubled in the U.K. between 1960 and the mid 1980s ; and there was an approximately 42% decrease in sperm count worldwide between 1940 and 1990 .

The Director emphasized four areas of concern:

1. The (serious) effects of low doses;
2. The wide range of effects;
3. The persistence of effects; and,
4. The ubiquity of exposure.

In hindsight, the issue has clearly been politically exploited. For example, remember in 2012 when contraceptives became a political football? As Romney/Republicans were /accused of wanting to deny women contraceptives, the attention was taken away from the very real health issues of these synthetic hormones and endocrine-disrupters infiltrating our water supply. The little media attention given was focused on "the pill," which was only ever a strawman argument, easily knocked down.

What the Pill is doing to our water supply
Water Pollution Caused by Birth Control Poses Dilemma
New report Don't blame The Pill for estrogen in drinking water

Synthetic hormones are prescribed not just for birth control, but for fertility issues, endometriosis, peri-/post-menopause, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, and transgenders/transsexuals. From the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals:

Birth Control Hormones In Water: Separating Myth From Fact:

...[We] now know that birth control pills and other hormonal contraceptive methods are not the primary reason for estrogenic compounds to be placed in our environment. Nevertheless, exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment can harm reproductive health, and reproductive health advocates should work alongside environmental health advocates to reduce exposures to toxic chemicals.

An ATS thread from 2009, with numerous links:

Men: You are Being Chemically Castrated

And from 2007:

Fish and the Pill

We don't need any further research to know that we must immediately do anything and everything practical to remove these toxic substances from our environment. It will be expensive to implement the necessary water treatment... and even more expensive for those corporations who will lose fortunes if they cannot sell their poison (like Monsanto and Big Pharma). But it will be most expensive of all for our own health, and that of our children and grandchildren. For many/most/all of us, it is in some ways too late; we will continue to experience (and suffer) long-term effects that are irreversible. Our biggest fight may be with those who have been convinced that their poison is also their cure -- whether for health issues, gender issues, farming issues, or even global warming. (Hormonal treatment for cows could reduce global warming)

I'm about out of characters, but this is our challenge in a nutshell. Let's discuss, debate and find solutions in everyone's best interests.

+1 more 
posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 03:46 PM
If you can shed further insight, or add pertinent links, please do -- it will be much appreciated.

Here are more links I found during my research:

Harvard: Drugs in the water
Wikipedia:Endocrine disruptor
Wikipedia: Sex effects of water pollution
Wikipedia: Environmental impact of pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Environmental Working Group: Dirty Dozen Endocrine Disruptors 12 Hormone-Altering Chemicals and How to Avoid Them
Video: The Disappearing Male
Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides: Pesticide Factsheets
Dr. Mercola: Worst Endocrine Disruptors Revealed, and They Could Be Raising Your Family’s Cancer Risk
Dr. Mercola: Research Proves 'Gender-Bending' Chemicals Affect Reproduction
Mother Jones: BPA Messes With Your Hormones—and It's in These Canned Foods

Although this article questions Gardisal, I couldn't help but wonder if this is another result of gender benders in the environment: How safe is Gardasil for young girls? An Australian doctor’s experience with menopausal teenagers raises serious concerns.

I've never been big on the world de-population agenda conspiracy, but I'm not so skeptical now. I found this article (and the comments) interesting, informative and thought-provoking: FACT: There is no Gay gene, but there ARE chemicals that turn people gay

Much technical and medical information here for all of us; very informative regarding the effects -- including adverse effects -- of taking various different synthetic hormones: Hormone Replacement Therapy: Dos and Don'ts

We do have other -- better! -- options, and good old marijuana may provide a huge part of the answer:

Hemp Healer: Hormones Wreaking Havoc? Eat Hemp!
Primal Docs: Detoxify Excess Estrogen Naturally

(Tis truly a blessed plant)

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I just want to thank you for all the research you have done for this thread. There seems to be no emotion (Other than your poor child.) Credit should be given where it is due and this thread creation deserves credit for time and effort.

I hope all ends up well with your child. This is a lot of information to go over, so not able to comment on the meat at the moment. Just know I am impressed with what you have put out there so far.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Baldryck

Thank you. It was a labor of love. And the research may benefit my daughter. We'll see. Hopefully, it will benefit many other daughters as well... and every other parent who has to watch helplessly as their daughters (and sons) suffer. And that's about all I can say about that, because my screen is getting too blurry.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

This thread is another reason some of us come to ATS.

I fear that the elements of control will get worse as criticisms of big pharm becomes more vocal with people understanding more of the enormous roles they play in our lives without us being the wiser.

Beware. If the at-this-moment efforts to control speech in regard to guns and ammo comes to pass, the pharms will heed the beauty of that effort and will lobby Congress, FDA, etc. to get similar restrictions on meds such that the internet will not be as open on that subject as it is at present.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: Boadicea

Beware. If the at-this-moment efforts to control speech in regard to guns and ammo comes to pass, the pharms will heed the beauty of that effort and will lobby Congress, FDA, etc. to get similar restrictions on meds such that the internet will not be as open on that subject as it is at present.

Thank you for making that point. I believe with every fiber of my being that you are right. That it is already happening in many ways. It is one of the reasons I felt compelled to post this information; although I knew it would be difficult to discuss, discuss it we must while we can.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 04:40 PM
Greetings and Salutations- Thank You for taking the time to bring this info forth. For Your Daughter, I'd suggest looking into 'Ayurveda' I got into it after watching a t.v. show called "Yogi Cameron" When I first watched I was 272 and on 7 Rx meds. Now I'm 198 and on just 2 and at a smaller dose than when I started. Besides the broken back/neck I'm in better shape now than when I went through the Police Academy and even when I played 2 years of pro baseball..

You could be the healthiest human ever and the Dr. will STILL want to write You a script or 3... During Your research did You come across any info regarding opiate based pain medications? Did You know that in 2001 when The Taliban ran things in Afghanistan they only produced 7% of the world's opium. Now it is 84%+ so it is either easier to grow opium in a war zone OR BigPHarma™ has their tentacles everywhere and couldn't/wouldn't give 2 squirts for the health of a Serf..

Western medicine's idea is prescribing a pill, especially if they receive a stipend for writing scripts for those pills... "Ayurveda" is the opposite of that..

I wish You the strength/wisdom of 100 Mother's to continue to care for Your child. A Mother to One is a Mother to ALL..


posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

During Your research did You come across any info regarding opiate based pain medications? Did You know that in 2001 when The Taliban ran things in Afghanistan they only produced 7% of the world's opium. Now it is 84%+ so it is either easier to grow opium in a war zone OR BigPHarma™ has their tentacles everywhere and couldn't/wouldn't give 2 squirts for the health of a Serf..

I did read that opiates were among the medicines found in water supplies -- just one more among so many substances. That's very sad and disturbing re the gross increase in opium production in Afghanistan. I sadly suspect you are right about Big Pharma's tentacles.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 04:51 PM
A very important topic... and a topic full of depressing realities.

All the environmental news has been grim... the most optimistic broad projections of where our ecosystem will be in a few short decades are grim, too.

But having trace pharmaceuticals/hormones in all our drinking water is immediate and far reaching... and I believe I know many in my own small sample of society who have been direly affected by it.

I don't know the answer... only know many small, expensive fixes that most won't be able to implement ...even IF they hear and understand the problem.

It's difficult being informed enough about a problem to see it's threat... but powerless to fight it in a meaningful, timely way.

Are those seeing the coming tsunami, but are too far from a hill to save themselves, lucky?

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
A very important topic... and a topic full of depressing realities.

I don't know the answer... only know many small, expensive fixes that most won't be able to implement ...even IF they hear and understand the problem.

You are so right... which is what makes the task so difficult. I've come to believe that the ultimate solutions will come from -- and affect -- a wide spectrum of industry and behavior. For example, natural products, in their most natural form, must be part of the solution, from synthetic hormones to phyto-hormones, from chemical pesticides/herbicides to natural pesticides/herbicides; encouraging local small-scale farming and husbandry, including community gardens and home veggie gardens; replacing many high-chemical products with low-chemical industrial hemp products; and so forth.

It's difficult being informed enough about a problem to see it's threat... but powerless to fight it in a meaningful, timely way.

It sure is.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 06:14 PM
A couple links I forgot to post earlier -- doh!

There is some (intended) confusion regarding the differences between synthetic vs. "bioidentical" vs. natural. For my purposes at least, "natural" refers to plants/substances in their most natural form, with little to no processing, and especially no chemical processing. Natural virtually always "wins", probably because of synergies amongst the many components of our foods/plants. We may isolate what we believe is the "active" ingredient, but totally miss how it interacts with other properties. Anyway, here is a much better explanation from a doctor:

Buyer Beware: "Bioidentical" Hormone Myths

It's also important to know that it's not just the extra hormones in our water harming our health, it's also the hormone blockers. Many are prescribed for various health conditions, including prostate and breast cancer, acne, hairloss, sex reassignment, and now for children who think they might be transgender, as discussed here on ATS. But there are other sources as well:

New tests reveal many pesticides block male hormones

This is a multi-faceted problem, and will require a multi-faceted solution.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
A couple links I forgot to post earlier -- doh!

There is some (intended) confusion regarding the differences between synthetic vs. "bioidentical" vs. natural. For my purposes at least, "natural" refers to plants/substances in their most natural form, with little to no processing, and especially no chemical processing. Natural virtually always "wins", probably because of synergies amongst the many components of our foods/plants. We may isolate what we believe is the "active" ingredient, but totally miss how it interacts with other properties. Anyway, here is a much better explanation from a doctor:

Buyer Beware: "Bioidentical" Hormone Myths

It's also important to know that it's not just the extra hormones in our water harming our health, it's also the hormone blockers. Many are prescribed for various health conditions, including prostate and breast cancer, acne, hairloss, sex reassignment, and now for children who think they might be transgender, as discussed here on ATS. But there are other sources as well:

New tests reveal many pesticides block male hormones

This is a multi-faceted problem, and will require a multi-faceted solution.

Excellent work - Thank You.

12 Hormone-Altering Chemicals and How to Avoid Them

The Environmental Working Group is a great website to bookmark.

They have lists of what to buy organic and those things that you don't have to.

List of cosmetic ingrediants and how harmful.

A great resource for those trying to clean up their life as best they can, considering.....

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: fyrebyrd

The Environmental Working Group is a great website to bookmark.

They have lists of what to buy organic and those things that you don't have to.

List of cosmetic ingrediants and how harmful.

A great resource for those trying to clean up their life as best they can, considering.....

Thank you -- yes!

The EWG has a wealth of information for people trying to live "clean" and healthful.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 06:50 PM
Honestly, this is exactly why everyone should own a distiller or reverse osmosis system.

Three hundred bucks for a distiller is super cheap when you consider how many toxins you'll be avoiding.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Trachel

Thank you -- yes!

I had read that and meant to post it but must have closed out the link. (Smacking my head!)

Reverse osmosis is one of the best means to filter hormones and other toxins from our water, up to 99.5%:

Drugs, Steroids, Hormones in Water

ETA: Welcome to ATS and thanks for contributing!
edit on 14-6-2015 by Boadicea because: ETA

edit on 14-6-2015 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I'm not going to read your links cos I bang on about this in some of my posts,
Peach is one of the worst fruits with 24 hormone disruptors and 8 cancer causing chemicals sprayed onto it almost all fruit juices that say contains 5% real juice is peach so stop drinking that.
BPA is on heat printed receipts so stop taking them or at least fold it up and don't touch the print. while you are at the shop educate the person who gives you the receipt.
One of the chemicals that replicates oestrogen is the pesticide Atrazine which is evaporated into the air after being sprayed at the farms and dropped on everyone in the first 5 minutes of rainfall It doesn't even kill the bugs so it is 100% being done on purpose.
I have spoken to a member of one of the illuminati families and the only way they escape this chemical bombardment is to pay 50,000 dollars a month for an antidote.
Steer clear of Dairy and Soy (legume family) products both contain huge amounts of oestrogen Soy is only beneficial if it has been fermented.

Growing your own food is one of the answers and purify your water, you can leave tap water out in the sun for a few days in a glass container and apparently the chemicals all settle to the bottom, water must have an electrolyte in it to be good for the body.

Saw Palmetto combined with Horsetail help reverse the damage done on the oestrogen testosterone imbalance and eating stinging nettles ease the urinary problems.
edit on 14-6-2015 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: Boadicea
there are around 80 thousand chemicals being manufactured today from the legalised terrorist pharmaceutical and chemical companies 75 thousand of these are found in Sydney's water supply so I imagine this is the standard all over the world this was proven in 1999 by a Sydney university.

Vertical farming is the answer if you live in a flat and don't have the means to use a greenhouse.

You can soak the fruit and veggies to remove a big percentage of the chemicals in a sink with 2 ounces of white vinegar someone also suggested adding in sea salt (must have the ingredients listed on the packet as normally you are just getting table salt from the sea) for 20 minutes do this with organic as well as normal most of the organic farms are owned by big business and they are pretty much all controlled by the same people that are trying to depopulate us even the good organic farms use natural pesticides which are still bad for us.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 02:51 AM
I applaud your research. I will use this information most certainly! Thank you

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 05:05 AM
Despite our differences in past threads you have my prayers for your daughter. Nobdody deserves to see their child in distress.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Starlings on Prozac - I heard this on the radio a while back and meant to look further into it.

An older one from 2010 - Yale.

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