posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 08:30 PM
The Common Sence Party
I am creating a new politcal party called the common sence party. This is a radical new ideology called cognitive-rationalism, or thinking for the lay
The common sense party can only be joined by those who display the ability to adhere to the principles of cognitive-rationalism.
Unfortunately no one can tell you if you have the unique ability of cognitive-rationalism, but if you have to ask what it is then we are sorry we will
be unable to allow you to join the party.
Those who join the party, know that you cannot become a member. Those who join the common sense party are repulsed by membership.
Membership implies group think. While we who have joined the common sense party implore you continue to associate with those who participate in
membership, remember they have not joined those of us with common sense.
If you have the ability to think for yourself, please join the common sense party, but refuse to become a member!