posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 09:59 AM
All I know is that when housing was priced beyond single mothers, unemployed, but even employed unless they were the 1/10 working at professional
levels such as accountants, etc, so they rarely could buy a home, because our misogynst society has always sold out its daughters and not valued the
life and liberty of the children, or ever understood work of equal value. But still I had expected people would wake up when this affected the sons.
But no, and the next step is the biggest population, the baby boom generation born just around and after WW2, my mother's generation, must be making
alot of profit off of the increase while still putting their heads in the sand and though dollar power was different, and payments were different in
the past, they simply refuse to do math. My father is was a math and science teacher yet he just spiels off whatever crap is on the news, and does
not do the math. Because that would interfere with their greed and selfishness.
Basically, have been waiting a long time for a huge movement to start that would take back our power from those demonic creatures in power, and ensure
land is for all, help each other throw up the houses, grow the gardens so that healthy and challenged are all living FREE from their abusive slave