posted on May, 29 2015 @ 11:07 PM
First off, I am really touched by all of the replies of encouragement. Reading through them this morning made me me tear up a little. Very cool to
have more or less strangers pick you up when you're down. Thank you.
So, test results show that it is definitely cancer. It is an aggressive form of cancer. His PSA is about 400 and I guess normal is around 4. However,
the doctor is very optimistic that it can be treated. They are going to inject hormones into the area to hopefully shrink it down as much as possible.
Then what remains would be dormant. (I'm sure I'm not getting this technically right as this is all coming from my dad over the phone. I live in
Oregon and he is in South Carolina.) The doc says this procedure has been very successful even with PSA's in the 1000's.
He got his first injection today and then will go back in to check progress at the end of June. If it reacts the way it should, he will continue to
get an injection every 3 months until it's a non factor.
All in all, I guess this is good news and hopefully the injections will work.
Thanks again for the kind words, prayers and positive thoughts.