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We are being played

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posted on May, 28 2015 @ 04:52 AM
Hello there ATS.
I have always been interested in symbolism, and as I got to read more about it, seeing the threads here, and reading articles posted by fellow members and all. I came to realize it was everywhere.
We see Illuminatti and NWO symbolism everywhere, in hollywood films, enterprises logos, music videos by popular artists, and even in our own money! It's right there, in front of our eyes! Millions of people everyday turn on their TV's, or simply grab a bill, and see it. And you konw what, they do nothing about it, they simply have no idea of what's being put right in front of their eyes.
We even have a big monument, the georgia guidestones. The Bilderberg Group, they meet every year, everyone knows about it! they dont even care to hide it. It's in the news!
And you know why is that? Because they are certain of their success.
They are playing with us, seeing how much they can poke us before we wake up. And I've come to believe, they are right in being so confident. I mean after all of that I mentioned, most people think conspiracy theorists are lunatics.
Am I the only who's outraged? They are messing with us, they are having fun, laughing at us. Writing it on bills so we can see it everyday.

So, what do you think? Why do they do it? Are they seeing how far they can go before we start taking action? Do they want to see just how stupid are we?

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: payta
Hello there ATS.
I have always been interested in symbolism, and as I got to read more about it, seeing the threads here, and reading articles posted by fellow members and all. I came to realize it was everywhere.
We see Illuminatti and NWO symbolism everywhere, in hollywood films, enterprises logos, music videos by popular artists, and even in our own money! It's right there, in front of our eyes! Millions of people everyday turn on their TV's, or simply grab a bill, and see it. And you konw what, they do nothing about it, they simply have no idea of what's being put right in front of their eyes.
We even have a big monument, the georgia guidestones. The Bilderberg Group, they meet every year, everyone knows about it! they dont even care to hide it. It's in the news!
And you know why is that? Because they are certain of their success.
They are playing with us, seeing how much they can poke us before we wake up. And I've come to believe, they are right in being so confident. I mean after all of that I mentioned, most people think conspiracy theorists are lunatics.
Am I the only who's outraged? They are messing with us, they are having fun, laughing at us. Writing it on bills so we can see it everyday.

So, what do you think? Why do they do it? Are they seeing how far they can go before we start taking action? Do they want to see just how stupid are we?

Which "illuminati" symbol?

This one?

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: payta

We, those who end up researching these subjects, are the exception and not the rule. Most people are so caught up in simply keeping their employers happy, keeping the bills paid, the kids fed, and the spouse from filing for divorce that they have scant interest in much besides vegging-out or escapism when they get the rare minute of free time.

It's not that they're sheep or stupid. It's that they are so distracted by the trappings of survival and status that they do not have any attention left open to realize that they might actually be curious about any given subject or whether or not they were told the truth. The Kennedy assassination and the "War On Terror" are prime examples of cases where the masses, when polled, say they think things stink - but that's about as far as their lives let them get.

Add to that the fact that we're out here in the wilderness, in a way - and we have our share of wilderness type characters. We've got snake oil salesmen who will create full-on lies for profit - lies that turn to memes that then get digested and recycled until they become believed by a lot of people. We've got thinkers who postulate things only to be perceived as speaking fact when they were merely suggesting theory. We've got charlatans who crave attention badly enough to connect dots that are not only NOT on the same page - they're not even in the same coloring book. And we've got dreamers who really, really get caught up in the plot and drama and lose sight of the unbiased reality of any given subject.

As far as how far they can go? I truly think they are pushing the boundaries currently. They are certainly walking a thin wire with the class warfare and the fact that they don't even pretend to try and hide the machinations of Government any longer. At least Nixon lied. By Clinton it didn't even take that. It was just laugh and say "Yup. Ummm define sex...HA".

And it's only gotten worse since.

We are complacent because we are comfortable and that is the lynch pin. That is what is keeping the grenade of social disgust from exploding. As long as we've got our MTV and Mickey-D's... we're lovin' it. Ironically, with us THAT easy to appease, greed is causing those holding the reigns to still take more and more. Eventually they'll go that one inch too far and things will blow up.

Where that line lay, however, I honestly do not know. I imagine about the point where our iPhones, computers, and cable TV all shut off at the same time.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: payta

They can do what they want.

Not one of us on here has the balls to stand up and do something - don't care what anyone says - if you had the balls you wouldn't be on here typing away.

If we did have the balls then we don't or will never have the means to do something.

We were beaten centuries ago.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: payta

We, those who end up researching these subjects, are the exception and not the rule. Most people are so caught up in simply keeping their employers happy, keeping the bills paid, the kids fed, and the spouse from filing for divorce that they have scant interest in much besides vegging-out or escapism when they get the rare minute of free time.

It's not that they're sheep or stupid. It's that they are so distracted by the trappings of survival and status that they do not have any attention left open to realize that they might actually be curious about any given subject or whether or not they were told the truth. The Kennedy assassination and the "War On Terror" are prime examples of cases where the masses, when polled, say they think things stink - but that's about as far as their lives let them get.

Add to that the fact that we're out here in the wilderness, in a way - and we have our share of wilderness type characters. We've got snake oil salesmen who will create full-on lies for profit - lies that turn to memes that then get digested and recycled until they become believed by a lot of people. We've got thinkers who postulate things only to be perceived as speaking fact when they were merely suggesting theory. We've got charlatans who crave attention badly enough to connect dots that are not only NOT on the same page - they're not even in the same coloring book. And we've got dreamers who really, really get caught up in the plot and drama and lose sight of the unbiased reality of any given subject.

As far as how far they can go? I truly think they are pushing the boundaries currently. They are certainly walking a thin wire with the class warfare and the fact that they don't even pretend to try and hide the machinations of Government any longer. At least Nixon lied. By Clinton it didn't even take that. It was just laugh and say "Yup. Ummm define sex...HA".

And it's only gotten worse since.

We are complacent because we are comfortable and that is the lynch pin. That is what is keeping the grenade of social disgust from exploding. As long as we've got our MTV and Mickey-D's... we're lovin' it. Ironically, with us THAT easy to appease, greed is causing those holding the reigns to still take more and more. Eventually they'll go that one inch too far and things will blow up.

Where that line lay, however, I honestly do not know. I imagine about the point where our iPhones, computers, and cable TV all shut off at the same time.

You are indeed quite correct; its all about complacency. But really, as the society is dumbed down, as the elections become ever more faudulent and to the extent the sheeple don't wake up, you have to ask yourself.....are they really worth saving? By the time they do wake up, it will be far to late to do anything about it anyway. As I see it playing out, the smart, the savvy, the technically competent will survive. The rest are useless eaters cruising Walmart in electric carts because they've become so morbidly obese they can't walk anymore. Chill them out with legalized marijuana and the Jerry Springer show and all will be well.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 06:47 AM
I'm not so sure I agree with you guys. Let me see if I can formulate the proper response to express what I'm thinking here.

Eventually they'll go that one inch too far and things will blow up.

I wonder if we're not forcing their hand in this regard. I mean to say that perhaps they are flaunting their presence and power so brazenly in the hopes of instigating civil war. The one action on our part that may defuse this whole powder keg of a situation we are living with today would be a peaceful, aware, assertive, public confrontation, carried out in just the right place and manner. If the people as a whole could somehow peacefully grind the facism machine to a halt and institute something different, we could actually evict this globalist regime. A civil war would likely prevent this, and this is why I believe civil war is being courted as an alternative to world war, and will likely be instigated if necessary. Better if we start it ourselves over the ginned up tension being pumped into society at the moment, but I'd guess they have a plan b in place in case that is ineffective, as I expect it will be. You see, the American people are wiser than we give them credit for: they see through most of the lies, in my opinion.

We were beaten centuries ago.

I think the globalist faction would like us to believe this, but that does not make it true. The American people as a group are a far superior force to the globalist faction, and as such we are their biggest threat in my opinion. Despite our general ignorance and complacency, we are still technically a free armed populace. This fact may not be clear to most of us, but you can bet the globalist faction is well aware of it.

The rest are useless eaters cruising Walmart in electric carts because they've become so morbidly obese they can't walk anymore.

Careful with that line of reasoning. "Useless eaters" is how they think of all of us, not just the fat and lazy ones.

I suggest to you then that their brazenness is a construct designed to goad the American people into a reflexive response, which may or may not work. Let's hope that I'm right in my assessment that their position is not as firm as it might appear, and that the American people are restraining themselves with wisdom rather than ignorance and complacency.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 06:59 AM
I love how people on this site talk like there really is an organized group of people governing the world in secret from a level above existing transnational organization.

This has been the #1 fantasy of conspiracy theorists since forever.

It's really a dumb conspiracy that actually remove any responsibility from the real bad guys out there; corrupt politicians and corporate moguls.

I'm sure they are super happy crazy people blame "the NWO" or the "the illuminati" instead of them.

It never occurred to you guys that the most used manipulation tactics in the history of politics is to invent a nebulous enemy and blame everything on it.

Looks like people never learn
edit on 28-5-2015 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

I think that many people on ATS who use the term "they" are referring to Governments, Corporations, and the shady 1% that wields far more power than they should have.

What to call them is really just a personal preference.

As far as a New World Order goes? Definitely a phrase coined by political leaders - not conspiracy theorists.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: payta

I think what is hard to deny, is that these "only conspiracies" starts with random individuals.. with their own journey , with their own way to source information given they start with just accessing some real row data that simply suddenly just doesn't add up.. or draw from own personal experience..

Even with the fact there is internet now I would bet many of you didn't start by googling a conspiracy.. At the beginning you don't even really know what it is that you are really looking for.. So even if it was just you that suddenly comes to a place like this.. I think you solely would already have a good base for conspiracy with enough feasible data to convince other..

But what I absolutely love, is that you come here and there is already one more, who already thinks the same..
The relief knowing that you are not alone and really not that crazy..

edit on 28-5-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:13 AM

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: JUhrman

I think that many people on ATS who use the term "they" are referring to Governments, Corporations, and the shady 1% that wields far more power than they should have.

What to call them is really just a personal preference.

As far as a New World Order goes? Definitely a phrase coined by political leaders - not conspiracy theorists.

Then what is this bull# about their "symbolism" being everywhere as per OP claims?

I think many people on ATS genuinely believe there is a secret board of illuminati ruling the world behind the veil and most posts on the forum give credit to this

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

but yeah I do admit it just ends there at the conspiracy level..

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: Nova937

I am a conspiracy theorists too in that I critically explore conspiracies.

Doesn't mean there aren't tons of really gulloble, paranoid or even crazy people among our ranks.

They are the ones giving a bad name to the term conspiracy theorists

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

What to call them is really just a personal preference.

And also a misguided view

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

I'm sure they are super happy crazy people blame "the NWO" or the "the illuminati" instead of them.

I would say I am sure they are them.. the corporations and the governments are just a subclass of them..

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: MimiSia
a reply to: JUhrman

I'm sure they are super happy crazy people blame "the NWO" or the "the illuminati" instead of them.

I would say I am sure they are them.. the corporations and the governments are just a subclass of them..

Why not calling them by their real name then?

International finance, IMF, big four, Monsanto, Unilever, US gov, EU, etc.

Why perpetuating a myth that all these answer to a higher level organization that doesn't exist? Perpetuating this myth is actually similar to protecting these people by absolving them from any responsibility.

You are being played indeed but not how you think
edit on 28-5-2015 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: artistpoet

I guess you kind of know i like what you are on about but i have to say.

Then attach a dictionary of preferred terms .. even ATS can kind of have one..

It is the description of what you are on about that truly matters..

Or at least add why is there this misconception.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: MimiSia

Artispoet means Illuminati are actually this new scam cult on internet that asks you to buy a pamphlet and a necklace to become a healer of the world, because he is a part of it.

A bit like these fake templars societies selling titles to the lost ones needing to feel special

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 07:56 AM
I feel really sorry for the people who have never been a part of that world and who genuinely believe that things like fraternities, Bilderbergers or Bohemian grove are anything more than networking and informal meetings between rich and powerful people from different influential sectors.

In the end they still answer to their own corporation and to it alone.

There is no great chancellor or secret board giving them all orders. Only in paranoid fantasies.
edit on 28-5-2015 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: MimiSia

The misconception I refer to is ... Blaming all the ills that plague Humanity as the work of one group of people.
edit on 28-5-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

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