posted on May, 7 2015 @ 03:22 PM
Good afternoon Mugly,
Name is Kyo. I am a licensed therapist but always like to say my advice here is merely that...advice.
One of the biggest issues we have in this country is an extreme lack of understanding or care for mental illness. Despite mental illness being
extremely prevalent, society treats it is a weakness that can be "cured" by realizing someone has it worse than you. It's awful and disgusting.
None of that however makes a difference in your case. The part that DOES make a difference is that because mental illness is so looked down upon, we
the professionals suffer. Our suffering is minor though because unfortunately it is the client that really suffers.
If you are in the US, they cannot legally keep you on a ward unless you present an imminent or immediate and real danger to yourself. However, you are
most certainly correct that going to the ER will do little except perhaps drop you a few pills like Xanax or Ativan.
I would definitely recommend looking into community mental health but the sad fact is that it's often as bad or worse than private. They continue to
pile up on us too. Just this spring they are mentioning more cuts to public aid. What kills me is that people think this is a good idea. What they
don't see is that when public aid is cut, people who are in serious need for mental health care get harmed and the people who use HMO/PPO can lose
their community provider when a vast amount of funding is gone and the private insurance bills don't hold up the foundation.
A few suggestions I have for you or calstorm
If you are near a university or college that teaches graduate level psychology or counseling, see if there are internship sites around. They are
typically much cheaper.
Also look for sliding scale therapy sites. Great care can sometimes be awful cheap.
If you are comfortable doing so, I'd be happy to do a search for you in surrounding areas.
Or if you feel you have further questions on the process I can answer here or in a message
good luck and be well