posted on May, 4 2015 @ 12:42 PM
Jade Helm is a military exercise designed to move critical military forces to a safe location over several months in preparation for a potentially
catastrophic natural disaster predicted to occur during September 2015. The exercise is a cover so the locals do not ask questions or bring about
concerns as military supplies are brought in. As a person highly knowledgeable in government and military practices over the last 15 years (vague for
reasons), I am unfortunately very sure about this. If you are curious as to the natural disaster I am referring to, I can only advise all of you to
observe a map detailing Jade Helm activity and discover the answer for yourselves. Everyone needs to start including all natural activity occurring
around the world then shape the big picture. This has nothing to do with religion other than our ancestors have experienced it before and tried their
best to warn us. This IS THE LARGEST MILITARY EXERCISE CONDUCTED ON US SOIL EVER. I know this as fact.