posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 07:06 AM
My country (South Africa) was forced by sanctions to change because we were doing it wrong according to the main players. But looking at the history
of main players against us, it shows an even worse scenario in their development as a nation. I remember the lies in the European and American
newspapers and always wondered what the real agenda was to force these changes. We can speculate from gold to the nuclear capabilities this little
country had till we blue in the face, it won’t change a thing. But that is not what this thread is about.
So the world must be happy with us now because there is no oppression, less corruption and an effective workforce. Now I need to ask this: How long
should a new government be in control to become effective? We didn’t even had a war forced on us.
I just experienced a mistake made in a government department that is now in day 5 to correct. I am trying to help the person involved because my
signature is needed on some documents. He already used 5 days of his leave, traveled up and down over 2000km and have spend over R3000.00 to try and
solved the mistake made by this department. We are getting send up and down between the different 30+ customer windows, but no joy. The Supervisors
and Managers are unwilling or unable to help and the person able to fix it, is always on leave or not in (most probably at a golf day for executives
with our tax money). How is it possible for a country to move forward with all this high-ranking bosses without the authority or knowledge to get the
job done?
And then apartheid still get blamed after 20 years and most probably after 50 years as well.