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Introducing persian cats - Iranian F-14AM

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posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 11:59 AM
Glorious F-14A which has a kill ratio of (159-1) in Iranian service during Iran-Iraq war , has now been upgraded to F-14AM standard which will incorporate :

1- Digital radar : The beast AWG-9 radar with its 300km range has several weak-points which limits it's range and detection . one of them is it's old and weak CPUs . reportedly the cores in Playstation 2 is several times more capable of those in AWG-9 . according to estimations , if AWG-9 components are upgraded to a fully digital ones with more capable CPUs , its maximum range can exceed 600 KMs !!! holy cow i'd say !!

Iranian upgrades , integrates a new Iranian indigenous upgrade which is consisted on a digital AWG-9 with new state-of-the-art CPUs which maximises it's capabilities to track foreign aircraft and gives it A-G capabilities : to look down and track objects on the ground - a feature that has been traditionally unavailable in F-14A .

They say the radar is now almost similar to AN/APG-71 of F-15E Strike Eagle (here !): since this radar features the exact same upgrades on AWG-9

2-APUs : Auxillary power unites are used to increase Combat-readiness . basically your fighters are ready and their radars are warmed up all the time .

3- New Fire-control system : Giving F-14AM the capability to Carry Iranian Weapons as well :

Fakour missile : Upgraded Phoenix missile (NATO codename AIM-54A+ ) with a range of +300 km . it's range is higher than original phoenix but details are un-known .

Maghsoud missile : ALL-NEW Iranian AWACS killer with a range of 500kms . currently in last stages of development

4- Overhaul and Airframe refurbishment : Since these birds are received during 70s and have been used in a long war , the airframes could have micro fractures not visible to un-armed eye . X-ray is used to find those fractures and repair is performed .

Engines (TF-30) are currently in the process of reverse-engineering . all of them are over-hauled and combat-ready as we speak .

The "Stall" problem in F-14 which were witness during High-G maneuvers is no longer the case .

Finally , For its designation , its given the "Asian-minor-2" Splinter Scheme .

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: haman10

Still unfortunately wont last long against more modern western craft I'm betting, certainly not F-22's

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: haman10

Still unfortunately wont last long against more modern western craft I'm betting, certainly not F-22's
Yes of course .but thats not the point , i'm afraid .

This can be a threat to most of adventurous air powers in the world , but not the US .

Step by Step dear . you cannot produce new fighters out of thin air .

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: haman10

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: haman10

Still unfortunately wont last long against more modern western craft I'm betting, certainly not F-22's
Yes of course .but thats not the point , i'm afraid .

This can be a threat to most of adventurous air powers in the world , but not the US .

Step by Step dear . you cannot produce new fighters out of thin air .

O I hope they turn the Saudi air force to mush if they try anything. Nothing would make me laugh more.

But the sad fact is if the Saudi come the USA wont be far behind to protect there money.....sorry I mean friends.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: haman10

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: haman10

Still unfortunately wont last long against more modern western craft I'm betting, certainly not F-22's
Yes of course .but thats not the point , i'm afraid .

This can be a threat to most of adventurous air powers in the world , but not the US .

Step by Step dear . you cannot produce new fighters out of thin air .

O I hope they turn the Saudi air force to mush if they try anything. Nothing would make me laugh more.

But the sad fact is if the Saudi come the USA wont be far behind to protect there money.....sorry I mean friends.
Saudi Army is nothing but a joke . just a couple of weeks ago one of their F-15s was downed just outside of yemen after the damages it sustained by simple air-defense cannons .

After US gave Iran the F-14s and they became a headache for US after the revolution , US never did the same mistake :

All the Fighters in possession of SAF are downgraded . their pilots are dum dums too .

Iranian Pilots are trained in US TOPGUN and became "Summa cum laude" while competing with their american counterparts .

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 01:47 PM
F-14 Tomcat, American designed and built. How come the great Iran cannot build their own fighters? Sorry, but the modern F-14 commissioned with OUR upgrades will take them down. You really think you have the best tech? Problem with most countries is that the really don't build anything, buy other countries stuff, thinking they are getting the latest- greatest equipment, just not the case....Question Mr. Iran....where are you getting support parts and maintenance equipment if we stopped being the military store for you? We, in theory, stopped all support in 1979...we still built the Pinto then, Modern carrier based F-14s are considered old technology compared to F/A 18 e fighters, and the F22...good luck with that position, you'll need it. Build your own stuff before you start bragging...instead of basking in the glory of the "great satan's built hardware...

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: teslahowitzer
German research says hi!

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: peck420 Boeing, M/D, and a few others return the greeting... have a beer for me...

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: teslahowitzer
Oh look...a list of companies that had no problems stealing and utilizing other countries technology!

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: teslahowitzer

He/She wasn't bragging, just giving us an insight into what the Iranians have.

He/she even stated that they weren't as advanced as US tech.

Give the person a break, sheesh.

Thanks for the thread haman10, I found it interesting.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: peck420 WTF....really...Im sure you have tons of links and articles from solid sources stating this, but sorry, I call BS, when you can actually win a big war, reply, until then.... we all know who the big dog is....China, Clinton delivered info funded with American dollars traded for landfill ready crap. American tech is still cutting edge, we have stuff that would scare the heck out of most people, Germans are not our adversary, after WW2 America lost its focus and should have cut the path for a heck of a planet. Everyone reverse engineers everything, but I would still rather have American hardware over any other...

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: teslahowitzer
And the list of "big wars" won by the US alone is how long?

Refresh my memory for me.

As for that super advanced top secret makes people # their pants with a whisper weaponry work out last time? Unmitigated success with zero casualties...right?

A determined foe with a 1970's weapon is very dangerous. To assume otherwise puts bodies in bags.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: woogleuk You, without question, have not followed this poster, I would call that bragging...with pics...and a Saudi hit or two...Im just a little bent on all of the off shore bandwagon America bashing from all of the superior nationalist whom live in the perfect utopia with plenty of mud to sling. We have become the whipping boy and there are plenty of those whom feel it is ok. 6 years military gave me a level of pride to be American, I have not lost that even with this scumbag POS potus. So "lighten up" is not my first reaction, nor the second....just be tranquil and peaceful, and be glad I have no anger management issues.....for now....and there are literally millions of us in this category.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:04 PM


posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: teslahowitzer
If it is okay for you to express your pride in being American, it is okay for haman10 to express pride in his country's accomplishments.

And, yes, keeping aging aircraft flight worthy, when you are under heavy sanctions and had almost no indigenous aero-industry, is very much an accomplishment.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:16 PM


posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:23 PM
Suddenly soooo nice we are to Iran, why do I feel these upgrades have "some" help from the USA? Certainly I haven't heard the usual screaming Via the USA "Iran upgraded the rubber bands on it's sling shots, this is a direct threat to our way of life, Jewish and American squirrels are in harms way!" That sort of thing seems absent...

Hrrrmmm why is this?

Oh yeah... China has a road into the Middle East that can accommodate Tanks and heavy equipment and a nice port in Pakistan now... and the only thing in-between them and all the Oil is "Iran"

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: haman10

Good luck with the TF-30. Even with upgrades it's an amazing piece of crap.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: teslahowitzer
F-14 Tomcat, American designed and built. How come the great Iran cannot build their own fighters? Sorry, but the modern F-14 commissioned with OUR upgrades will take them down.

F-14s are not commissioned anymore. In fact, you really have no aircraft currently fulfilling the same niche as the F-14. AIM-120D will probably bring the effective ranges of the Super Bugs up to the same standard, but what with the turmoil that American military spending has been through in the past several years, it's tough to say when the D series will be USGI.

Question Mr. Iran....where are you getting support parts and maintenance equipment if we stopped being the military store for you?

Well they didn't exactly buy them from Wal Mart if that's what you're asking. The Iranians are no dummies, and they certainly have the capacity to analyze systems they have sitting in their hangars. They could build the parts, have them made elsewhere, or procure American stores indirectly. In fact, I believe at one point there was one ruckus about the US suspending F-14 parts because they were turning up in Iran. At least you can be happy that they wanted to buy what you believe is the best.

WTF....really...Im sure you have tons of links and articles from solid sources stating this, but sorry, I call BS, when you can actually win a big war

Iran-Iraq War

Read, enjoy. The most successful F-14 action came not from the United States, but by Iran. They caused considerable grief for Iraqi forces. Will it defeat an F-22 or an F-35? Not really. Are these guys just some fools running around in technology they don't understand? Absolutely not. You can do a dance about how great American engineering is all day long, but the fact is that Iran is making highly efficient use out of the resources it has. Take the old tech, replace the black box parts with new stuff that performs the same function better, and you have a pretty substantial upgrade for a tiny fraction of the investment it takes to go into Gen 5 technology. USA, Russia, and China have all found Gen 5 investment costs to be a lot less palatable than they did 30 years ago when they thought there would be thousands of the most advanced fighters in the air. Even Boeing has seen the value of taking an old platform and upgrading it with new tech to sell for a more reasonable price with the F-15SE, and it's no wonder that other such projects are finding success in countries that have a smaller war budget.

(post by teslahowitzer removed for a manners violation)

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