posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 12:38 AM
i think thats great that they were able to help out.
I don't think its a commentary on the NY police though. Compare the number of murders per 100,000 people in Sweden with the US:
Wikipedia murders per 100,000
So Sweden is 0.7 per 100,000 people. US is 4.7. Thats nearly 7X the murder rate.
Thats not a result of police, they don't account for a large portions of that murder rate. Thats a result of their social system that promotes
equality of classes through nordic socialism and prevents poverty:
Nordic Model
I think its an apples to oranges comparison when you take cops from one country and compare them to another. They haven't learned the fear that U.S.
police have. The U.S. has literally become a war zone for police. Thats not to excuse any police behavior in the US, but if you want to start
comparing the culture of the police you have to start with the culture of the country. Its the same thing when you start comparing education and
teachers- start with the differences in the culture and values of the parents. How likely are the parents to sue the school system or fight teachers
when they feel their rights are violated? How likely are they to accept personal responsibility for their children? You have to look at how the
culture as a whole responds to things. We in the US demand individual rights to trump any compromise of individual rights for the greater good. For
better or worse, thats not true in nordic countries.
I think what you'll find is that our education system or our law enforcement isn't necessarily broken, Its a product of the cultural situation. Its
our culture that is broken. Our political system and sense of entitlement to individual and corporate rights has led us into a situation where most
public institutions can not be successful. Thats not to judge, but to state the facts. Cops kill people because they are afraid, not because they
they lack training or know-how. You have to look at what makes them afraid and its likely the murder rate and the culture of guns and crime. There
is a huge discrepancy in pay as well and a vastly different population, density, and population growth rate.
I simply think when you compare how law enforcement works and wonder why our police don't act in the same way, you have to compare culture, not just
actions. Otherwise you are ignoring the differences that actually impact the thing you want to change. You are literally looking at an alien culture
and asking why we don't speak the same language.
edit on 26-4-2015 by okachobi because: fixed a figure