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Mistaken identity: girl pulled screaming from Mexican school and sent to Texas

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posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 08:52 AM
So this is pretty big news here in Mexico. Basically this woman in Texas had her daughter taken to Mexico by the biological father about a decade ago. She gets desperate and looks on social media, finds a person who knew her husband and looks deeper into his network. This distraught mother sees this kid who MAY look like her missing daughter. She flies to Mexico to see the kid and stalks her. She then flies back to the US and makes use of interpol to have her supposed missing daughter brought to the US.

Only problem, NO ONE did a DNA test, or even LOOKED at any documentation to verify that the kid was hers. The parents in mexico found out BY SOCIAL MEDIA that their kid was on her way to see a judge to be repatriated to the US. No one told them. Its unclear if the news was just slow traveling, but the kid was almost on her way to the US before they even knew about it. Not the US or Mexican government notified them when they ripped the kid from school by federal agents. The Mexican judge whom the little girl and the parents pleaded with ignored all requests, evidence like photographs and other documentation and just sent the kid to the US.

Once there, it was THE GIRL who pleaded with the woman to have a DNA test. It was obviously negative and the kid was returned to her family in Mexico a WEEK later.

THIS IS INSANE. SO basically this woman could have been anyone, a sex slave trader, a serial killing pedofile, what one checked. She picked out some random Mexican kid on the internet and had her hand delivered, kicking and screaming to her home. Talk about service.

I will say it, I understand that the Mexican government is a joke. That this mistake is embarrassingly on them mostly and this idiot judge down there will probably be sued to hell by this family and rightly so. WHAT I DONT understand is how the US government was as incompetent as Mexicos. THEY didnt test or verify for identity. They had a minor RIPPED from her life in the middle of the day and hand delivered her to some random grieving woman.

How come I cant get my wife LEGALLY into the US as a natural born citizen going on 2 years now with immigration litigation, but this foreign citizen can be stolen from her country and brought in with NO VERIFICATION and especially when she didnt want to leave Mexico? I cant even scratch my ass without immigration asking for long ass processes and verifications, certified this and that, forms and BS up the wazoo....but this kid gets in without so much as a glance over at her passport?

Anyways, I hope the mother finds her lost daughter, that the Mexican judge who waved her hand and allowed this to happen to one of the citizens under her protection gets fired and sued into the poor house, that the US government realized how useless they are and learn so that this never happens again, and that this kid doesnt have nightmares about military police kidnapping her and dumping her into random peoples houses in other countries.

A 14-year-old Mexican girl, who was dragged screaming from her secondary school by federal agents last week and flown to Houston to be with a woman who claimed to be her mother, was repatriated to Mexico on Wednesday.

Parents of taken Mexican girl blame judge for mix-up that sent her to Texas
Read more
The repatriation of Alondra Luna follows DNA tests showing that she is not the daughter of Dorotea García, who had obtained a judge’s order to get her forcibly brought to Houston.

“We are all very happy,” Luna’s mother Susana Núñez told Milenio TV, adding that she had received a phone call at dawn telling her that her daughter would be on the first flight home today.

“They stole my daughter,” Núñez said.

Here is the video:

Mods: I tried to post this to breaking alternative news, but there is no "post it" button. Broken?
Please move it if necessary.

edit on 4 24 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: tadaman

Shoot me a private message. It took 2 years for me to bring my fiancé over from Europe. We can chat about what I did. Let me know some details

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 08:58 AM
Yeah...I have been reading about this story. That is pretty messed up. The fact that they didn't even check prior to bringing her here is seriously disturbing.

I can understand the mother's feelings, but you don't do that type of thing unless there is certainty. Even then, you don't handle it the way this was handled.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: tadaman

Man, it is so mind-numbing how incompetent government agencies seem to be. Who the hell authorizes a state sanctioned kidnapping without any sort of verification to the facts at hand. It just seems crazy how they could take a minor by force to another country based off of someone's whim. Poor girl. I hope everyone involved gets their asses handed to them for this. There is simply no excuse for this type of stuff. Reminds me of how the police in the U.S. raid people's houses based off on the words of a nark. No follow-up investigation. Just take someone's word for it and terrorize an innocent citizens life. Unbelievable!

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: tadaman

So in Mexico, you can go into a school with a few buddies dressed in "official" looking uniforms and drag a teenage girl out of her classroom and no one bats an eye?

There is so much wrong with this story, I hope the Pedophiles don't read this...
edit on 4/24/2015 by PsychoEmperor because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

Well, in some places in the US..... I can see this happening. The way some people dont even question authority is disturbing.

Yeah, I hope this doesnt become a trend to the point that we cant trust people in uniform.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: harvestdog

Its scary as hell!

I would imagine that before a minor is taken away to see a judge that their parents would be made aware so they can be there also. What possible legal decision can she make?

In a case like this, its just absurd that we didnt verify the details before taking in a possible foreign national.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

Yeah, I hope this doesnt become a trend to the point that we cant trust people in uniform.

Seems that has already begun a while back...

Being able to forge just about any document/badge and buy just about any uniform online I would say this could easily happen and likely has happened in the past. Even if you asked for ID, would you know it was real or forged? Brings up the questions of how to tell whether someone is really law enforcement or not I guess...

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:55 AM
But here in the good old USA I need TWO forms of ID to cash a check or get my phone company to upgrade my phone. ...WOW

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: tadaman

No kidding, the point about not informing her actual parents is freaking scary. That aspect reminds me about the latest NLBS about the Maryland couple whose kids were taken by police, while walking home from the park. Imagine 6 o'clock rolls around and your 10 and 6 year olds are nowhere in sight. Now imagine, you dropped your daughter off at school, and you come to find out she has been sent to some stranger in another country. This is out of control. The authorities must start putting themselves in other people's shoes and really thinking about how they are handling issues.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 10:12 AM
You know, I saw this happen years ago, can't remember the country. The mother in the US had found the right child and some organization bombed in to take the child, a girl about 13 y/o. Even though the child was the biological daughter of the mother it was still a mistake. The girl had a very loving father, she spoke no English and did not want to leave her friends, father or country. Fortunately an agreement was made for visitation to the US but it could have been a very traumatic situation for this child even though she was the biological daughter. They need to rethink this stuff, especially if it's been like five years or more. BECAUSE, they need to take the desires of the child into account if they are no longer babies or small children.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
You know, I saw this happen years ago, can't remember the country. The mother in the US had found the right child and some organization bombed in to take the child, a girl about 13 y/o. Even though the child was the biological daughter of the mother it was still a mistake. The girl had a very loving father, she spoke no English and did not want to leave her friends, father or country. Fortunately an agreement was made for visitation to the US but it could have been a very traumatic situation for this child even though she was the biological daughter. They need to rethink this stuff, especially if it's been like five years or more. BECAUSE, they need to take the desires of the child into account if they are no longer babies or small children.

Exactly. Far too many in positions of power and authority do what they consider "in the best interests of the child" without even bothering to ask the child. I would have the say that the vast majority of the time, with very few and notable exceptions, the children themselves know what is best, however they are rarely asked, and if asked, even more rarely listened to by the family court and legal systems that are currently in place, and that needs to be looked closely at and changed.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 10:41 AM
Imagine how frightened that poor girl must have been and how upset the poor parents were? This should have never happened! How stupid can people be?

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Night Star

My thoughts precisely. Add to that the powerlessness of the school to delay their taking her away. If they didn't have security protocols in place before this incident, I'll bet many schools do now. It really boggles the mind at the various levels of incompetence involved in this whole situation.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

Well, in some places in the US..... I can see this happening. The way some people dont even question authority is disturbing.

Yeah, I hope this doesnt become a trend to the point that we cant trust people in uniform.

Too late. A pedophile had previous convictions for impresonating a fireman in the past, was arrested recently in Utah I believe it was for stealing a School Bus (yes you read right), that someone left the keys in and kids home addresses in. A father was suspicious when he saw it wasn't the regular driver and refused to let his daughter on the bus. As the pedophile was on his way to the second child's home, sheriff's were able to stop him. The scary thing? Can you imagine if he were successful in kidnapping all the children on the list before he was caught? I don't want to even think about it.

When he impersonated a fireman, he had all the equipment and used it to get credit cards and an apartment, and Lord knows what else he did with it. Not to mention you have some creeps who take advantage of their position of power to assault young women regardless.

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