posted on Apr, 23 2015 @ 08:03 PM
originally posted by: Shamrock6
What if sometimes bad people just do bad things? And instead of there being this deep, mysterious plan concocted by some nefarious group, it was just
a whack job who did a whack thing?
What if that guy you called a shill just thinks you're full of it and disagrees with you?
What if groups like Freemasons are really just a bunch of dudes who like to hang out and have dinner and be bros? And the higher ranking Masons are
just the guys who know the most interesting theories out there about what people think Masons are really up to? (Sorry resident Masons, you're an
easy example)
What if sometimes a black helicopter is just black? Or the military trains somewhere in the U.S. because they want to train and it's just a good
What if a cop sometimes just makes a crappy decision and shoots somebody they shouldn't have?
Now...since you've made it this far: what if there's a group who has spent decades, centuries, millennia, whatever capitalizing on the human need to
rationalize the irrational? And they're just sitting back laughing at all of us?
Randomly popped in my head earlier. Good day
That's a fair post and a fair point. We should always try to stay grounded. However, I don't think it's a bad thing at all that there are people
who are skeptical about everything. You don't have to swallow every conspiracy theory whole in order to think about it and wonder about it. I notice
most people here even have their pet theories. They don't necessarily fall for every theory out there.
For example, I have never been too keen on the aliens thing. I don't completely discount the possibility that there might be something to it but
I'm just not interested. It's way too much of a hazy subject for me.
I get more interested when it comes to things that will definitely affect my life. You kind of have to pay attention when even the nice man on TV is
telling you that the government is spying on absolutely everyone. Stuff like that deserves to be taken seriously enough to at least discuss it.
I don't know about you but if I see a military helicopter buzz 50 feet above my house, I'm going to wonder why. It's probably nothing but when you
don't know, you wonder about what you don't know.
And yes. I do always consider the distinct possibility that a crazy gunman is exactly what he appears to be. But it does seem fishy when it keeps
happening within a short period of time. As far as I'm concerned, it's just an interesting question to ponder. I accept that I'm probably never
going to know the truth if in fact the truth is something different than what we've been told. It's just kind of an intriguing mind puzzle. You
wonder if there are deeper meanings behind things. And really. Does it hurt anything or anyone to just plain wonder? If the official story is the
truth, the people who work in government and law enforcement will know it and will not be bothered by people who don't have access to the evidence
asking dumb questions that people ask when they don't know everything.