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School nurse refused to treat student who didn’t stand for Pledge of Allegiance

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posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA
Blind patriotism! You will be sent to the front lines and love that #!

You should respect your country...period...

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 01:08 AM
As a side note, The world isn't what it used to be. And none of this happened over night. Everything has contributed to the way things are now, like, we're living in an oxymoronic world. Divide and conquer was slowly infiltrated into societies throughout the entire globe, on Purpose.

For whatever twisted reasons, by whomever the twisted people are behind this change it was done with evil intent. Paying allegiance to anything is a waste of time if the country you're living in is messed up and the powers that be are being payed by all the tax payers (technically the ones that made them rich) and are technically the real bosses (tax payers).

And, just because people are willing to send Young Men out to die fighting wars for Old Rich Men, Doesn't make it 'Ok' or even right. No more than a Dr. from the 1950-60's telling a pregnant woman to smoke while she was pregnant so she'd have a small baby. I'd like to think Humans are trying to wake up and smell the b*sht not embrace it. When oh when will the conciousness of mankind evolve, or is it trapped in what we were blindly and redundantly told to believe in, which was more times than not, a complete right out LIE.
Isn't respect earned not just blindly handed over?

It's pretty much known that when you Force people to do something they don't want to do, you're not making them want to do it more. Reverse Psychology ya know? Kids are rebellious by nature, in one way or another so pushing something at them and then shaming them is doing that child/teen a huge disservice. Making a huge deal out of it will only breed anger and hate in them not love peace or the freedom to choose.
edit on 4/17/2015 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA

By treating a child who doesn't know any better. Do your damn job and keep your political views to the adults. Now what?

I'm not agreeing with the nurse, but "kids" are a lot smarter than you think... So we keep our kids in a bubble and then when they turn 18 we expect them to somehow "decide" that happens a long time before 18.

Can he go to war? Does he go by the same laws we do? Let the kid grow up and then force some stupid # down his throat. I'm telling mine that the yellow ribbon means they want your kids to praise the almighty war machine with the blood of the USA. I can still be a patriot without going along with some evil son's of bitches. If they don't like it, stop sending soldiers on 4 and 5 tours.

I'm not blindly follow anything in this life. Been there done that already.

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 01:32 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA
Blind patriotism! You will be sent to the front lines and love that #!

You should respect your country...period...

Respect is earned.

I respect the great people who founded this nation and I respect the incredible individuals who innovated & developed great American ideas and inventions. I massively respect the individuals who have served to protect this nation and I salute the ones who paid the ultimate price.

But I do not offer blind respect to a flag or what this nation has become.

The pledge is a grossly antiquated attempt to get large groups chanting their allegiance to a set of geo-political ideas (also called borders).

What sort of imagery do you honestly get when you think of huge numbers of people expected to chant a political motto from the age of 5+ ???? Maoist China ? Hitler youth ? Stalinists ? Certainly not the good ol' USofA right ?

The pledge has never been appropriate; especially for the principles of the great nation founded in 1776.

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 02:31 AM
Never mind the pledge thing. The nurse by her chosen occupation has a duty to provide treatment and aid to those in their care regardless of their individual beliefs. An extreme example is the duty of military nurses to treat enemy and friendly casualties according to injury regardless of status.

Medical professionals don't get to pick and choose. She should lose her registration.
edit on 17-4-2015 by PaddyInf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

By helping your people. Your community.

You can go through all the motions, but ignore a "thug" or other person of your country you dont like with a flat tire or just needing help. Thats not being a patriot....overcoming that natural repulse to help out anyways is patriotic if you do it in the spirit of "HE is one of us too". You can be a "patriot" for all the recognizable reasons, but not be one when you shy away from sticking your neck out when it matters for members of YOUR PEOPLE. Like if you see someone committing a crime against a fellow citizen and you dont even show up as a witness to court because its not your problem.

You can be a patriot by trying to employ as many of your people as possible, by trying to produce a tax paying business that serves its community equal to its purpose for profit.

You can protect the worker of your country. You can defend its name and honor abroad. If you act like an ass instead of thinking that you represent your people where you go, you are not being a patriot. I see those kids on spring break using the excuse of being kids or being on vacation to give us a bad name as a people.

If you try to avoid useless and frivolous litigation so as to not tie up the courts you are being mindful of your communities needs and placing them above your own that you know are not honest.

If you get a free product or service, and you return it or notify of it not being billed, and thus dont steal from a business trying to make a living that is helping your country by helping your neighbor. Sometimes it can be small. Even then its important. Its mindfulness and sacrifice based on the spirit you fill your heart and mind with.

You can be patriotic in how you self educate. If your purpose is to become a better person and the reason is so as to imporve your people, that is patriotic. A teacher who goes to school to become a teacher so as to help the sons and daughters of his nation. He is a patriot if that is what motivates him.

You can do anything and be mindful of your ability to help your country. NOT doing things that are harmful count too. If you dont use the system when you dont need its help, that can be an act of patriotism. You may do it out of self honor, OR you may do it because you dont want your country to be stolen from.

If you try to do something that is not for yourself, or that is but mostly because you want your people to be better and as a result are driven to improve. That is patriotic....if you do it to lift your people up that much more by your worthiness.

You can say these things dont need patriotism to make them happen. You also cant deny that patriotism can motivate them.

Patriotism is LOVE of country and people. It is not jealous of other countries or offended by their patriotism. All the contrary.

Nationalism is the enemy of patriotism. A patriot sees another patriot of another country and is validated in his love for his own people and country. A nationalist sees a foreign patriot and is offended by that love. He is about supremacy and there is no room for two in that,

Patriotism can simply be the act of unity with other peoples based on mutual respect of their culture and country in equal footing as your own.

Sometimes carrying an olive branch to other peoples is an act of patriotism, because you want that foreigner to treat your people well if they should meet. You want your people to have safe haven abroad so you may try to secure that by being the bridge to that situation.

There are infinite ways to be a patriot. If you act selflessly for or mindfully of your country and people, YOU are a patriot.

If all you do is sing a song, and comply with a ceremony, but dont do for or remember your people and country in all you do, you are not a patriot. You are then a liar trying to get in the good graces of your people so as to secure an advantage thanks to their sacrifice or mindfulness.

Anything you do out of love for others can be an act of patriotism.

A Catholic and Jew help out a guy in need. They MAY act out of their religion to help him since their religions both say to. Here is the kicker, the catholic can be a BAD Catholic or even an Atheist convert, same as the jew, YET they may still help that guy in need out because he is one of THEIR PEOPLE. If they see him as such and act on it, THAT is patriotism.

Beyond race, creed, religion or political affiliation. PATRIOTISM is love of country and people.

It is NOT a symbol or a song. Those things celebrate and honor what patriotism is with or without them.

edit on 4 17 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 11:42 AM
Eh Im not really into the idol worship over the circumstance of me being born in a certain place. If I were born somwhere else it would be the same mentality. It's the "my country is special cause I was born here". All it does is separate humanity more. I'm happy to be here but I won't revere the state as some type of lordship. Ppl make it seem it's a privilege that the state "allows" you to live here. The all powerful god that you can see, that can send you to die for completely unwarranted reasons. To me that sounds scary it seems some people just replaced one god with the next. "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION OR JUDGE THE STATE GOD THAT ALLOWS YOU TO LIVE AND WORK FOR OUR PARTNERS THE CORPORATIONS UNTIL YOU DIE AND HOW DARE DISRESPECT THE FLAG YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WE SENT TO DIE THAT WERE COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE AND OUR CORPORATE PARTNERS MAY HAVE FINANCED BOTH SIDES. America the PERFECT RAH RAH RAH

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Domo1

I'm a bit confused, was she legitimately sick or
just didn't want to stand for the allegiance?

Also, I think holding somebody against their will,
and not allowing them to make a phone call, could
be unlawful imprisonment or even kidnapping.

Rebel 5

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
But I do not offer blind respect to a flag or what this nation has become.

I just do not understand this whole blind respect comments. The flag represents a symbol of what we were, what we are now and what we should become. There is nothing blind about that.

You can disagree with what this nation is today, but the Flag represents all aspects of America past and present, so disagree as much as you want, change as much as you can, but respect the flag.

The pledge is a grossly antiquated attempt to get large groups chanting their allegiance to a set of geo-political ideas (also called borders).

What sort of imagery do you honestly get when you think of huge numbers of people expected to chant a political motto from the age of 5+ ???? Maoist China ? Hitler youth ? Stalinists ? Certainly not the good ol' USofA right ?

I can see what you see.... All it suggests is you have Loyalty or commitment to the Republic...It is rather hypocritical to live in a country you hate, or have little care for.

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 10:03 PM

originally posted by: tadaman

Patriotism is LOVE of country and people. It is not jealous of other countries or offended by their patriotism. All the contrary.


Having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.

Allegiance to the United States
Loyalty or Commitment to one's country

You all think to deeply into all this...

edit on 17-4-2015 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I really think you over simplify it.

Providing a technocratic definition of it....thats just, all you can see.

I am starting to think that you cant look at a picture and see the lines, cant see the depth, a story. That you cant see others and see individual shades of humanity, that you only see is a sea of people. How small the world and your home must be. How void.

Its like you have already given up.

Patriotism, like ANYTHING is what you define it. YOU. How you fill words and thoughts with meaning.

It is love. A patriot is a loving person to his people. If all you see are definitions and other peoples thoughts you will never be free in mind or heart.

I define my patriotism. No one else, and especially not some official person in some far off unseen place via text books and text entries into the internet.

My life is an act of love. My patriotism is only a mirror of that love.

How can anything be so simple? Its like a mind trap, a tomb of are buried in thoughts not your own.

edit on 4 17 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2015 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
I am starting to think that you cant look at a picture and see the lines, cant see the depth, a story. That you cant see others and see individual shades of humanity, that you only see is a sea of people. How small the world and your home must be. How void.

I see a sea of Americans that vote that same failures into office over and over with nothing but name recognition as a reason... And here we debate whether a simple pledge is right or wrong to say...

Its like you have already given up.

Patriotism, like ANYTHING is what you define it. YOU. How you fill words and thoughts with meaning.

It is love. A patriot is a loving person to his people. If all you see are definitions and other peoples thoughts you will never be free in mind or heart.

I define my patriotism. No one else, and especially not some official person in some far off unseen place via text books and text entries into the internet.

You suggest to be patriot you must do things, I can rest easily that I do, have done my whole life.

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