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WATCH: Ted Cruz tells Iowa group that gays are waging ‘jihad’ against Christians

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posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: Seamrog
a reply to: kaylaluv

Exactly - homosexualist tyranny.

OP - be sure to ignore this response.

Well, my friend, the pendulum is swinging. America has been under a Christian tyranny for many, many years.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

What would you like them to do, go back into the closet and keep quiet, so as not to be noticed? Or should we obey the bible and stone them?

Clearly, you do not know God's Word.

What I would like is not relevant - what God would like is.

You can see exactly what we are to do, by looking at what Jesus did with the woman at the well - an adultress.

She came within a hair's width of death by stoning. None of her accusers condemned her, and neither did Jesus.

Jesus told her "go, and sin no more."

You don't know the bible.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: Seamrog
a reply to: kaylaluv

Exactly - homosexualist tyranny.

OP - be sure to ignore this response.

Well, my friend, the pendulum is swinging.

Thank you for again demonstrating the OP is horribly mistaken (or deliberately misleading).

Ted Cruz was spot on.

I would never vote for him, but in this instance, he is SPOT ON.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

but its not a cake for a religious ceremony........

He has the right not to take part in that if he wishes........

The problem is youre trying to put YOUR belief system in place to discredit someone elses...

That's a false premise because YOU don't hold the same religious belief, so whether you think its right or wrong is of no consequence.......

NO ONE gay , straight, religious or not, should be forced to do something that is against their belief system......

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I don't believe they have a right to refuse a service that they would do for some one else no problem.

Religions don't have a strangle hold on marriage, it is not thier ceremony.

When they stop making cakes for divorced people getting remarried, then this "religious stand" tripe will make sense.

And how is the Christian belief not getting shoved down our throats with what they believe is right and wrong?

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Seamrog

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

For the last time - there is no such word as 'homosexualist'. Please stop using it.

There used to be no such word as 'selfie' either, but it is a realty now.

Sadly, the homosexualist is now a reality too.

Look at them all over this website - among MANY other places - schools, government, bakeries, florists, universities, insurance companies, the military....on and on and on and on.

Existing in the same places as straight people... how dare they!

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: Kali74

originally posted by: Seamrog

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

For the last time - there is no such word as 'homosexualist'. Please stop using it.

There used to be no such word as 'selfie' either, but it is a realty now.

Sadly, the homosexualist is now a reality too.

Look at them all over this website - among MANY other places - schools, government, bakeries, florists, universities, insurance companies, the military....on and on and on and on.

Existing in the same places as straight people... how dare they!

They should be neither denied, nor celebrated.

It is naive not to acknowledge their existence - but then that is precisely what the OP is trying to do.

Thank you also, for acknowledging them.
edit on 12-4-2015 by Seamrog because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

how is the LGBT agenda not being shoved down peoples throats by threatening to burn down businesses, boycott places, and put family owned businesses out of business for the sake of trying to PUSH their belief system on others?

These business owners simply don't want to have to partake in something they don't agree with......the customers can go somewhere else, they aren't ruining the gay or lesbian couples life........

The LGBT community however, ARE trying to ruin peoples livelihoods.........

So you tell me whose shoving what down peoples throats?

how disengenous a statement is that, when the reaction to what they perceive as intolerance, is to exercise intolerance back and destroy someone and their family.......

If ANYONE should know about not being accepted for your beliefs or your preferences, its the LGBT community, they've been shunned, oppressed in the past and even killed, yet they see fit to inflict the same sort of reactions on people who don't agree with THEM? How the hell does that make sense......

being tolerant doesn't mean just being tolerant to those who agree with you, its disgusting that people preach tolerance while exercising NONE

Just stop, the bs rhetoric is easy to see through

edit on 4/12/2015 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Yes it is very easy to see through.

I guess the one pizzeria incident is now the standard...

I will agree the threats were completely off base and uncalled for, but that is not the standard.

But that place in the same measure was trying to push its beliefs as well.
Why do they get to decide what is right and wrong but any one else that disagrees with that is pushing belief's down peoples throats.

Both sides are, one side is just trying to get laws to push it from the state.
(Hint, it's not the LGBT)

Well unless you consider civil rights pushing beliefs down peoples throats

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: Seamrog
Ted Cruz is spot on.

The homosexualists are fighting tooth and nail to ram their lifestyle down the throats of Christians - who morally object to that lifestyle.

It will not be long before they are seeking legal remedy against Christian churches that refused to recognize a 'marriage' that is in direct conflict with their religious views.

The lukewarm Christians that don't really care will be made to care.

Christians who hold close to the teachings of Christ will be made to take a stand.

This is not political pandering. It is a recognition of the bigotry and intolerance of the homosexualists who demand Christians accept all facets of their immorality.

Slow down there twinkle toes. Most of us homosexualists don't give a damn about you. The last thing our my mind is persecuting some terrified christian. I know the walls are closing in on you, and you probably feel scared, but I don't know of anyone motivated by the points you've made. It's in your head. You belong to a religion with a built in victim complex, and it has you by the balls at the moment.

The so called "LGBT community" doesn't even exist. Like every other group in the world today, they have some loud activists, but at best the average gay found a pocket where they can exist in peace. Gays are no more hateful than the rest of you.

If Ted Cruz is the best argument the Christian right has, you've set yourselves up to lose the debate. There are reasonable Christians who can have philosophical disagreements without resorting to cries of genocide, holocaust, jihad, or plague. Why choose Ted? Does Christianity have no better representative? This is the best argument? The history of scared religious people has damaged humanity more than any gay sex ever has. Scared Christians have the habit of creating wars for morality, persecution of sinners, violence etc. All the gays have is an argument that requests you stop treating them like #.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: mahatche

Most of us homosexualists don't give a damn about you.

I know the walls are closing in on you, and you probably feel scared, but I don't know of anyone motivated by the points you've made.

There are numerous examples in this thread that demonstrate you are not correct. Sorry, but it is there.

Regarding being scared - we know how the story ends.

It does not end well for those who hate God.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Seamrog

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

What would you like them to do, go back into the closet and keep quiet, so as not to be noticed? Or should we obey the bible and stone them?

Clearly, you do not know God's Word.

What I would like is not relevant - what God would like is.

You can see exactly what we are to do, by looking at what Jesus did with the woman at the well - an adultress.

She came within a hair's width of death by stoning. None of her accusers condemned her, and neither did Jesus.

Jesus told her "go, and sin no more."

You don't know the bible.

Yes, I do know the bible. I regard it as a collection of myths and folk stories left to us from the Bronze and Iron Ages. It doesn't correlate with the archaeology and it utterly fails to fit in with the modern world. We've moved on from it, we've evolved from it. For someone to use it to point at people who are different and then claim that they need to stop sinning is deeply, deeply, wrong. What is modern 'sin'? I prefer to use nice secular terms for secular values that create a nice even playing field for everyone. The minute that you start creating different laws for different people based around religion, well, there lies madness. Can I remind you that the bible was used to justify slavery? Why should I treat someone differently based on a book of religious doctrine that's been pruned over thousands of years? Why for that matter should you?
edit on 12-4-2015 by AngryCymraeg because: Darn typo!

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Seamrog
Ted Cruz is spot on.

The homosexualists are fighting tooth and nail to ram their lifestyle down the throats of Christians - who morally object to that lifestyle.

It will not be long before they are seeking legal remedy against Christian churches that refused to recognize a 'marriage' that is in direct conflict with their religious views.

The lukewarm Christians that don't really care will be made to care.

Christians who hold close to the teachings of Christ will be made to take a stand.

This is not political pandering. It is a recognition of the bigotry and intolerance of the homosexualists who demand Christians accept all facets of their immorality.

There are those who will insist on holding the rest of society to their Bronze Age folk tales...and the best thing we can do is ignore them, because it remains a no-win game to try to teach a pig to whistle...

We can only hope that in the 21'st century, Darwin will also fix that.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Seamrog

Well that is according to one story, it is a good step to admit it is a story though.

Any chance on you quoting that scripture?

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:47 PM

There are numerous examples in this thread that demonstrate you are not correct. Sorry, but it is there.

Regarding being scared - we know how the story ends.

It does not end well for those who hate God.

I've read some religious books that suggest I'll be reborn. Gnostic's believe the old testament god is the Demiurge who blinds people to their true nature, and traps them in his prison planet. Atheists say I'll simply turn back into dust. I have no reason to believe your theory is more true. I don't hate your god either, I just like to challenge Christians who think they have it all figured out, and try to force me to live accordingly.

People need to stop being dicks and allow room for self-determination.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Aren't you bothered at all by the gross generalizations you regularly make about LGBT folks, but you go over the moon if anyone mischaracterizes a single Republican or Christian?

And you repeat the NLP bit that's so like a brainwashing phrase ... "gay agenda being shoved down people's throats" ... over and over in every conversation that appears anywhere that's what we get from Conservatives/Republicans/Teapartiers, etc.

Who IS shoving WHAT down anyone's throats? That we exist? Should we go back into hiding and pretending to be like straight America? Should we hide our natural attractions, likes, loves and lusts, because they might offend someone in some way, but we have to be immersed in a culture where day to day we see men and women smiling, holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc.

There are people who are interested in seeing gay and Lesbian characters in TV Shows, movies, etc., because there are gay and Lesbian people in the real life those art forms are imitating. Why is that inclusion "shoving anything down the throat"?

Yes, sometimes people have to be forced to do the right thing and simply treat others equally.

That's sad to me personally, but it is obvious in the human nature.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: mahatche

I just like to challenge Christians who think they have it all figured out, and try to force me to live accordingly.

People need to stop being dicks and allow room for self-determination.

Christians don't believe they have any of it figured out.

It is a discipline of trusting God.

I know by your snide quip that that is totally foreign to you.

Best of luck in your *search.
edit on 12-4-2015 by Seamrog because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: Seamrog

originally posted by: mahatche

I just like to challenge Christians who think they have it all figured out, and try to force me to live accordingly.

People need to stop being dicks and allow room for self-determination.

Christians don't believe they have any of it figured out.

It is a discipline of trusting God.

I know by your snide quip that that is totally foreign to you.

Best of luck in your *search.

The snide quip has survived generations of evolution. It has it's place.

What's foreign to you is the fact that your desire to trust your god, is not mine, and it shouldn't have to be.

At least be consistent in your hatred for shoving things down throats.

I'm a homosexualist, but I support the free market handling cake shops how ever it will, I support gays who are delusional enough to do gay therapy, i also find LGBT activists annoying. I'm probably better at not shoving things down your throat than you will ever be. Your religion won't allow it.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: mahatche

What's foreign to you is the fact that your desire to trust your god, is not mine, and it shouldn't have to be.

How could that be foreign to me?

You are the rule, not the exception.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: mahatche

originally posted by: Seamrog

originally posted by: mahatche

I just like to challenge Christians who think they have it all figured out, and try to force me to live accordingly.

People need to stop being dicks and allow room for self-determination.

Christians don't believe they have any of it figured out.

It is a discipline of trusting God.

I know by your snide quip that that is totally foreign to you.

Best of luck in your *search.

The snide quip has survived generations of evolution. It has it's place.

What's foreign to you is the fact that your desire to trust your god, is not mine, and it shouldn't have to be.

At least be consistent in your hatred for shoving things down throats.

I'm a homosexualist, but I support the free market handling cake shops how ever it will, I support gays who are delusional enough to do gay therapy, i also find LGBT activists annoying. I'm probably better at not shoving things down your throat than you will ever be. Your religion won't allow it.

If people are stupid enough to turn down commissions that would pay good money just because of their own prejudices, then fair enough - it's a free universe. Never underestimate the ability of people to act like cretins.

EDIT: And please stop using 'homosexualist'! There's no such word!!!
edit on 12-4-2015 by AngryCymraeg because: Annoyed

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