posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 05:14 PM
It was the year 2136. The United States had become a Trinomial Oligarchy, comprised of the Great Lakes Region, the Southern Region, and the
Northeastern region. The American desert had spread beneath the eyes of too many important scientists, creepily. This would later come to be known as
Desertification. Actually... to an extent that the entire western half of the United States had become desert. The population of California had
reduced from 40 million to some 17 million inhabitants. It was rumored that this was a ploy delivered by the scientists at HAARP, who had manipulated
the weather in order to reduce population. This had never really been proven or disproven, however.
Back in the early 21st-century, human greed had flourished in the United States. There was a growing sentiment against the Pharmaceutical industry at
large, as they had first bought out scientists who conducted their trials, professors, and of course, doctors. They were known for publishing only
studies that had favorable results for their new medicines, mostly unproven. By the year 2051, we had taken the money out of politics, healthcare,
education, and the foster care system. Prisoners had been made to do the jobs no one else wanted to do. Back then, we had large corporations like
Kraft, Perdue (chicken meat), and Tyson (also chicken meat). You had giant corporations buying up farms all over the country, turning them into meat
factories. The conditions inside those "farms" were a chicken's nightmare, but more importantly, concerned regulators had consistently recommended
these places be shut down for humans' sake. And that is exactly what happened.
We have interstellar allies known as the Nephilim. They respect life.... but not in the way that WE respect life. Our genes, our DNA, were their
playthings. It was jokingly said that they created the Garden of Eden out of a petri dish--And to a large extent, they actually did. Hybrids are known
as Chimera. One such example of a Chimera is a Minotaur, half human-half horse. These are created in laboratories beneath the earth and beneath the
sea...not to shock humans, but to create new creatures that can survive on other planets, tailor-fitted to different ecosystems and climates.
I remember a major problem in Great Britain--institutionalized pedophilia. This had been curbed, but never fully eradicated. Their had been appointed
an effort by the King Alfred II known as The Queen's Mission to Save Our Children, whereupon young men and boys were taught to respect their children
and siblings. This helped to change a generation , but never stomp out the problem entirely.
You might not have known this, but the "LGBT" community was not at all new, as it had existed in planets before Earth. We had suspected that this
could be an effort to sterilize humans, be they male or female. This all coming on the heels of the fact that the Nephilim are sexless, and consider
our way of procreating to be crass and obscene-- After all, the Nephilim had re-produced themselves cryogenically in tanks. They had considered the
mammals' style of procreation to be unsustainable for the very-long term. Humans used to respect human-animal hybrids. They were our community
leaders in Egypt and Greece. The people used to respect and fear them.
A stargate is the instrument used to travel through space-time. Anomalies like wormholes do not open on their own. They must be engineered by
activating a stargate, through which it is possible to travel through space-time. New wars had been fought over these devices, liters of bloodshed.
They were considered as the new "WMD". The ultimate prize. Our alien protectors and allies have been overseeing them once they became re-activated.
They also put planet Earth on the Cosmic Map, but only to their inter-stellar allies.