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HIDDEN CAMERA: Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

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posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 04:10 AM
Big deal

Companies have the RIGHT TO REFUSE.

All the companies have to do is say.. "NO i will not do business with you, please leave". and nothing else, no religion, no other conversation, just no, please leave. I wouldn't even enter into any kind of conversation, if they refused to leave, call the police and have them removed. Simple.

Their mistake is to enter into a conversation on the topic they are trying to push. Don't!.

edit on 3-4-2015 by bullcat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 04:10 AM
i don't think the focus should be on whether or not muslims don't want to make gay wedding cakes. i don't think it should be on whether or not christians or jews want to make gay wedding cakes. the focus should be on what does this law mean to us as a nation, 10 years from now or 20 or 30. how can it be misused by either party or some upcoming "new order". the democratic party has lost their focus, so they're not going to be for the people unless you fall into a category they are willing to help (but be aware if you are one of those categories, these people are like vipers. they will use you up, then spit you out with even more animosity than the groups they used you to attack. i've seen it countless times.). the republican party has lost their focus, because although they are occassionally for all the people, it's usually only if it benefits them financially. we are literally screwed as a nation.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 04:35 AM
as regards the immigrant catholic population, they can be counted on to assist the democrats in whatever they want done, that is, UNTIL the pope says otherwise. once the pope speaks, all hell is gonna break loose

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: beezzer

I'm sorry, did somebody ask a baker to make a cake with sacrilegious writing or images on it? Were the hypothetical gay wedding pizzas supposed to have pepperoni arranged to form a depiction of Jesus and the apostles in a gay orgy?

Here's a scenario for you:

Two men visit a bakery and order wedding cakes. The baker makes two identical cakes. The first man comes in later with his fiance, a woman, so they can both see the cake. The baker happily sells the couple their wedding cake. The second man comes in with his fiance, a man, so they can both see their cake. The baker then realizes that he's been tricked by evil gays into making a gay cake and now his soul is damned to hell — gay hell!

Oh wait, that's not how it ends!

So the second couple comes in and the baker now realizes that the prospective cake buyers are gay and refuses to sell them a wedding cake. The cakes were identical, nothing about the design of the cakes was inherently offensive. Did that change because of the sexuality of the customer?

Seems like a pretty clear distinction.

edit on 2015-4-3 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

so far, all the christian cases have been not wanting to "cater" the events. it hasn't been about actually selling them the goods at the counter, although i suppose if they were asked to put something lewd on a cake, some might refuse. that's as far as the big headline cases go, such as catering a wedding with flowers, cake or pizza, which requires the owner and/or the owner's employees, to go to the event itself and set up the food/flowers and in some cases, serve the food to the wedding attendees.

as far as the muslim examples, the only ones i have seen are mr crowder's examples, and those were at the counter refusals. there maybe christian stores who have refused to provide gay cakes at the counter, but the ones who have refused so far, have only refused catering the event, not providing them the goods at the counter. probably are examples of refusing at the counter as well, which is silly, but whatcha gonna do.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: WTFover
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Now you are confusing public property (sidewalks) with private property (bakery) and the use of a piece of machinery (water fountain) with labor (baking a cake).

Edited for spelling only.

in the mind of a marxist, that business isn't private property. it is inevitably owned by the irs, cause even if you pay it off, you still have to pay taxes on it, and should you not be able to pay those taxes, they will come and take it away, even if you struggled your entire life to pay off the mortgage. the great money changers of the modern era.
edit on 3-4-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

i think it's gonna play out like this:

muslims and catholics will join forces with jews who are jews in name only (meaning they don't actually practice judaism), and both of these groups will form a solid line of defense for the democrats, along with militant gays, atheists and communists. the protestants will literally be chased out of the democratic party, once they realize they are target numero uno, but only if they are practicing protestants. the protestants who are protestants in name only, will stay with democrats.

in the meantime, there will be a great exodus to the republican party, who really could give 2 #s about anything but money, thus aligning the protestants with a totally corrupt, greedy group of millionaires and billionaires who have prior used their children as cannon fodder and subjected them to hitlerian style experiments for at least a generation, all for the almighty dollar, and who have robbed their bank accounts and impoverished them just to see if they could.

enter stage left, the pope. he adds his two cents to the mix (kill those greedy protestants and republicans. the protestants will inherit the greed of the republican party by osmosis, apparently, even though many of them were victims of the republican money grab of 2008), and the democratic party becomes a steamrolling, head chopping, protestant hating, inquistionary force beyond anyone's imagination.

white democrats who have thus far thrived because of their fingerpointing and bribery, thinking they have taken the heat off themselves by encouraging all the sins of their ancestors be laid on the shoulders of white protestants and republicans, are now up against a mammoth killing machine that is comprised of 2 major religions, both of which hate atheists, jews and white people.

now the remaining forces, face off. the pope will use the catholics and muslims to remove anyone remaining that they don't want in power, including any "in name only" people (wishy washy ain't gonna cut it. it's gonna be a complete flip flop, like the whole isis thing), and when the dust has cleared from that, the pope will suddenly reveal he is actually an atheist, resulting in the deaths of any remaining believers, who prior had to prove they were not "in name only" religious (it's how they find out who actually needs to be gotten rid of. if you're religious and not in name only, you gonna die. if you're wishy washy, you gonna die. in effect, they don't want one inkling of faith to remain. not even a peep of religion). now all that's left are hard core atheists, and a great big planet with a reduced population.

at this point, if you're a christian and believe the book of revelation has any literal translation, the next thing that happens is, the mark system (which had already started but wasn't fully implemented) goes into full effect. atheists start killing atheists based on race and country of origin. the population is reduced even more. this downward cycle continues until there's hardly anyone left and THAT'S when jesus intervenes, else no flesh would be saved.

we need a happy ending.

edit on 3-4-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: PinkeThis whole left vs right thing is just weird to me. Depending which American you ask I am left or right.

It's not weird, it's a tool. You feel like you have to choose a side .. only neither side is good. I despise both equally .. well, not equally, Democrats are worse, but Republicans are pretty evil too.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 06:05 AM
This whole stunt is comparing apples to oranges.

The guy in the video is trying to make the bakers put something specifically gay on the cake. The gay couple who went to the Christian baker were asking for a traditional cake with nothing gay on it.

I believe a baker can refuse any special decoration request. What he cannot refuse to do is to sell the exact same product to one group that he sells to another group. If he sells a white wedding cake with pink roses on it to a straight couple, then he should sell that same white wedding cake with pink roses on it to a gay couple (or a black couple, or an atheist couple, or a Muslim couple, etc.)

If this guy had gone into the Muslim bakery and asked for a traditional cake that any straight couple would buy (except that it would be for a gay couple) and the baker refused, then I would say that the Muslim bakery was wrong and should be held accountable. But that's not what happened here, is it?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

they wanted their wedding to be catered by the christian bakery. it wasn't about what was or wasn't on the cake, at that point.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: kaylaluv

they wanted their wedding to be catered by the christian bakery. it wasn't about what was or wasn't on the cake, at that point.

Do you have proof of that? Because I think in the case of the Christian bakery, they just wanted a cake.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

come to think of it, i don't know. i may be mixing one with another.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

The pizza place wasn't put out if business, they decided to close thier doors under thier own accord.

If one defines "of their own accord" being the result of receiving thousands of death threats, while hostile protesters are actively targeting and intimidating them and their customer base...then your comment is completely accurate.
edit on 3-4-2015 by IAMTAT because: correction

The KKK used to burn crosses in the front yards of black families in order to get them to close their doors and leave of their own accord.

Did businesses in Ferguson close their doors and leave of their own accord?

After Kristallnacht, did Jewish businesses voluntarily close their doors because of a few broken windows?

Please don't marginalize or diminish bullying and physical threats to life and limb by blaming the victims.

edit on 3-4-2015 by IAMTAT because: comment added

edit on 3-4-2015 by IAMTAT because: correction

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: grandmakdw
Honestly, I don't think it will be that long in America before
Christians and Jews alike
will be treated as the Jews were treated by the Nazi's.

I think this is total paranoia and this kind of thinking and convincing others of it is only causing more reactionary thoughts and actions in people. Why you even bring up Jews when nobody is saying anything about them so far is again throwing more people in to the mix who don't belong.

This is just the beginning and it is really sad to see it coming
to the USA
institutionalized hatred of people because of what they think.
And worse yet,

I don't think it's the beginning of anything. More like the much needed end to the institutionalized hatred of people because of who they are.

the encouragement from the leadership of the USA
of this type of hatred and making it worse -
to the point where we won't be able to tell
the USA
from Kenya where 149 people were beheaded
because they were Christians.

If you seriously think we are going to be lopping off the heads of Christians with the support of the Government you're way past rational thought. You are comparing us with Kenya, really. If that is really what you think maybe you should move to one of the countries that has made Homosexuality Illegal and Executes People for Being Gay then. Perhaps only then will you feel safe.

And, what's worse, I actually foresee the LGBT
community and the so called liberal establishment
cheering it all on.

I'm pretty sure the LGBT community and the Liberals would be happy if you would just stop telling everyone they're going to hell to burn for eternity all the time, treat people as equals and stop being so self righteous and judging everyone as if you're some Holy Warriors for God. Just ease up a bit, quit labeling everyone a sinner because they don't believe like you do and things will be fine. All the persecution talk and holy war BS and End Times crap is just stirring up sh*t for no reason.

Now, I guess I'll get to hear why I'm totally wrong about everything I just said. Is that a safe assumption??

You make assumptions about me that are not true.

I think that what one does in the bedroom or who one loves etc.
is a "mind your own business" proposition.
Same with homosexual "marriage'." It is their business,
not mine.
Live and let live.

However, I have the same attitude toward the religious people.
And yes Jews are included in religious people along with Christians
and Muslims, even if you don't think so (a telling statement on your part).
Live and let live.

I don't hate homosexuals, I honestly don't care if someone is homosexual or not.
I do care that homosexuals hate Christians with such a deep
and abiding venom that is has permeated the rest of society.

Look at the talk about Jews pre WWII, the nearly exact talk
is going on right now in the USA led by the LGBT movement
and liberals/progressives.
Christians should be frightened.
Just look at all the vitriol you spilled out toward me
making assumptions about what I believe,
which were wrong concerning homosexuals.

Look back at every single post I have written
over the past years regarding homosexuals
and you will see a consistent pattern of live and let live,
not my business.
It just seems that the LGBT community is bent on everyone
publicly dancing in the streets with joy over their private bedroom behavior.

As far as Christians all leaving the US as you suggested,
unlike the Jews,
which Joe Biden suggested all go to Isreal,
Christians have no where to go.
There is no place on the planet safe for Christians anymore,
because of the hatefilled daily barrage of rhetoric toward Christians
in the MSM and from the liberals.

Even Rome is not safe for Christians as Muslims have
vowed to annihaliate Rome and all Christians.

You know why LGBT ignore the Muslims who
are a real threat?
Because they are a real threat, not just in thought but by deed.
And they know in their hearts Christians are no threat in deed, only in thought.

Nonetheless I support the right of anyone not to be forced
to violate their religious principals.

Just as I support the right of homosexuals to do
whatever, in the privacy of their bedroom.

edit on 9Fri, 03 Apr 2015 09:40:22 -0500am40304amk035 by grandmakdw because: addition format

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
Ya they should get the same out rage, and the Muslims should get the same defence right?

Wonder who is going to defend their right to refuse now

I will. I have since the beginning. They also believe that marriage is between man and woman, not any two people who love each other.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Okay...HERE it is.
A video showing MUSLIM bakeries in Deaborn Michigan refusing to bake a wedding cake for a guy's gay wedding.
Will we hear the cries of 'homophobia' from the Twitter brigades?
Will Michigan be boycotted?

I don't know?

Did Michigan state legislators pass a law supporting Muslim business owners who discriminate in their businesses based on the teachings of the Koran and shielding them from federal non-discrimination laws?

You seem utterly un-informed about the controversy?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: muse7

I just did.

They have the right to their beliefs about marriage. I disagree with their beliefs in terms of how many women can marry a man and who young they can marry girls off.

But they have a right to hold their beliefs.

And Indiana's law gives them the right to try to object to things on those ground ... or at least they did. Now these bakers and other people who try to follow their faith can be put in jail for having sincere conscience.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
This whole stunt is comparing apples to oranges.

The guy in the video is trying to make the bakers put something specifically gay on the cake. The gay couple who went to the Christian baker were asking for a traditional cake with nothing gay on it.

I believe a baker can refuse any special decoration request. What he cannot refuse to do is to sell the exact same product to one group that he sells to another group. If he sells a white wedding cake with pink roses on it to a straight couple, then he should sell that same white wedding cake with pink roses on it to a gay couple (or a black couple, or an atheist couple, or a Muslim couple, etc.)

If this guy had gone into the Muslim bakery and asked for a traditional cake that any straight couple would buy (except that it would be for a gay couple) and the baker refused, then I would say that the Muslim bakery was wrong and should be held accountable. But that's not what happened here, is it?

Did they want the cake topper?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Who? The gay couple? No, they wanted a plain wedding cake. Nothing on the cake but frosting. The cake they actually got from another baker was a very tasteful, yet generic wedding cake.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
... his soul is damned to hell — gay hell!

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