posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 07:27 AM
I've always liked the theory that there was once a civilization on the continent of Antarctica or even that it was once the home of the legendary
Atlantis or the civilization that the Atlantis myth was based off of.
The problem is, part of the theory doesn't make sense. So the theory goes that there was an advanced civilization living on Antarctica and then some
catastrophic disaster (pole shift, sudden crustal displacement, meteor impact) happened and Antarctica became the frozen land at the bottom of the
world, forcing this civilization to flee to all parts of the globe, eventually giving rise of the Egyptians, the Mayans, etc.
What doesn't make sense to me is: if there really was such an advanced civilization living on Antarctica, why is it that they remained on the
continent and never branched out and conquered the rest of the world until they were forced to? You'd think that if there was really an advanced
civilization there, they would have branched out and colonized other regions, other islands, other continents.