posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 03:23 AM
What i really dont get is why is there no active peaceful protest mars on the symbolic gates of s4 area 51 a protest mars for the truth from your
opressors.... would they shoot down a town the size of New-York? a little active disclosure? Make a day of it or a sit-down with a few thousand
people. How can trillions disappearing not anger people lol, You are paying for their underground bases and safety....…/p…/0,29307,1887394_1861263,00.html
they have technology there that can save not only your own life but maybe the entire planet.. Right now they have a minimal 50 year lead... Once main
stream science finds out.... It will take another great number of years before it is available to you in the street... Only another few years behind
the elite... I really hope... You are still alive by then...
the reason we are not being told or disclosed anything is not that we cant handle it... it is probably shame for their own fears... first thing they
did to visitors/teachers was shoot them down, they must be Russians n0o0o that is no way to welcome somebody now is it? then they saw for them
selves... well.. they weren't Russian... still.. lets not tell anybody, this means we get the upper hand on them rusky's! i myself would probably not
tell another soul if i found new technology (or any valuables) on the moon, we don't want everybody to have access to this information right?
im from the netherlands and probably wont ever get a plane ticket into the us after this but hey! i would come if you would....its even not my
trillions of disappearing tax dollars... its disappearing euro's here hehe.
just a little Ghandi action... they have technology which can save YOUR lives.. with technology which YOU also already paid for....
Are we not with many? is it not time? probably to many scared people here. no real action only words as always.
camera crew.... steven greer, alex jones some 1000 people sitting in front of the gate... silently
edit on 1-4-2015 by dennisarends because: (no reason given)