posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 10:19 PM
My partner and I have vastly different ideas when it comes to consumerism. I'm a "use it until it's dead" type, and he's what I would call a "product
tester". That being said, were both pretty thrifty; and one of the ways we like to avoid being slaves to the grocery store is to grow a large garden
each year. We usually invest $100 in various seeds, stakes, mulch, etc. and by the end of the fall we've got enough canned, pickled and frozen fruit
and veg to last us through the winter, and to share. We've got a 1/2 ish acre plot in a small town and find this is a ton of room to feed two people.
Along with that, I love raising chickens in the spring, collecting fresh eggs, and then filling the freezer when the weather turns.
Along with the usuals: potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, various squash, chard, broccoli, pumpkins, lettuces and herbs, this
year we're really excited to try and grow some sugar baby watermelons, and start a crop of asparagus. Last year we tried to grow ground cherries, and
they were delicious, but we just couldn't find a use for them all, and we also grew kohlrabi, which we were both pretty "meh" about.
Who else is excited all ready about their garden? What kind of new crops are you trying out? Is anyone growing for the first time or thinking about
getting a few back yard hens? Please share!
I think one of the best ways to give the government a big F U is to be as independent as you can be.
edit on 1-3-2015 by Atsbhct because: (no
reason given)