I saw the first of these Iron Sky movies and really enjoyed it (Nazi's on the moon).
This touchs several conspiratorial topics.
Reptilian shape shifters? Check. Hollow earth? Check. Nazi's? Check.
Sarah Palin as a reptilian shapeshifting USA pres flipping the bird to Hitler riding a tyrannosaurus? CHECK.
What more could you want in a movie?
Yeahi! Thats awesome! "Easy Blondi" and she's a dinosaur! Iron Sky was super funny and so absurd! This looks like it is even massiver. Massively
messier than the first one!
While the concept of a hollow Earth may be appealing seismic scientific evidence certainly suggests otherwise. Which is not to say there are no vast
cavern systems or hollow pockets located within our Earth's crust. The mantle and core however are a whole nother kettle of fish certainly not
conducive to supporting life as we know it given the extreme temperatures and pressure involved.
edit on 2-2-2015 by andy06shake because: (no
reason given)
Hence the "While the concept of a hollow Earth may be appealing" part of my post.
I do however agree that the Nazis were never supposed to make sense, hence the mass genocide and racial profiling. Not to mention Mr Hitler's
ludicrously stupid moustache.
edit on 2-2-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)
I also saw the first of the 'Iron Sky' Movies. Loved it!! This new one looks to be another killer awesome Flik!! Can't wait for it to be released!!
Thanx for the Share on it!! Later, Syx.
edit on 2-2-2015 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)