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The thought of a relationship depresses me.

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posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:21 PM
Why? I'm 23 years old and I've never been in one. Thinking about being in a relationship just puts me in a depressed state. Sex is abundant and there have been times where I've thought about asking a woman out but the thought of having to talk with someone and report to her at the end of every day is something that I do not want to subject myself to. I loathe talking on the phone, and I could not do it for hours on end every other day like a lot of couples do. I hate having conversations that last more than 30 minutes as my mind starts to wander elsewhere and I get bored.

Just last week, I had sex with a woman that had a great personality. She actually asked me if I wanted to meet again the following week, to which I replied "No, that's fine." I was bored of her. She gave me a very nasty look but I hope she finds someone that she can settle down with. After 1 or 2 times I have to move on to greener grounds.

Coming home to an empty apartment is sometimes depressing but those feelings quickly fade away as I drown myself with movies, video games and going hiking with my dog.

Are any of you guys out there like me? If you're older, do you get questioned as to why you are not in a relationship yet?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:24 PM
You, sir, are homosexual... not that there's anything wrong with that.


ETA but a wee lil more seriously, yeah... many folks are like that. Relationships are ... involved! And it really takes a crazy attraction to maintain one or to find a really great fit... which is really, really rare and precious. Whatever gets one through this experience is cool, as long as it doesn't involve kidnapping and cages.
edit on 1/28/2015 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
You, sir, are homosexual... not that there's anything wrong with that.


I do not have any sexual feelings towards men.

But thank you again for your valuable input.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:30 PM
I've been single most of my life (not through conscious choice).

But your OP smacks of sour grapes.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: muse7

I am kind of the opposite way around. I cannot even get interested in a woman sexually unless I find her company nourishing in a deeper sense, and I cannot bring myself to sleep with a woman on a first date. I think where you would see yourself as having to report to a significant other, I would just be happy to have someone to share my life with.

When I DO find someone who interests me, when I actually achieve some sort of relationship status with them, I become blind to every other woman in the world. Other women just become dudes with different equipment on their undercarriage.

I forego sex when I am not in a relationship, because it has no value to me in and of itself. Yes, it's nice while it's happening I suppose, but meaningless rutting has never been something I could get my head around as a concept.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:33 PM
Good lord, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be single.

Each day is OK to live your life how you want. If you meet someone you want to spend more time with, great, if not, who cares?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:33 PM
It is possibly an age thing.

You might be too young emotionally for commitment.

Ask yourself these questions in a few years.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:39 PM
With the viewpoint or attitude you have towards relationships, you should avoid them altogether.
Why drag a poor woman down with you.....

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:40 PM
I'm 34 and couldnt imagine being in a relationship. Too much drama and life altering problems.

I am perfectly fine being single and happy. When people give me crap about it, i just remind them of what I get to do that they don't. Sure there may be some perks to being in a relationship that you will never get single, but I don't think they outweigh the perks of being your own boss and living your life exactly the way you want to. Seems like those that would try and pressure someone else in to getting into a relationship just want to somehow justify their own misery.

I am happy with being single and I don't ever see myself getting in a relationship. Good or bad, its what works for me.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: Hoosierdaddy71
With the viewpoint or attitude you have towards relationships, you should avoid them altogether.
Why drag a poor woman down with you.....

I think I will hoosier, I just wanted to know if anyone here was like this when they were younger and if their mindset changed as they got older?

A lot of good replies already. Might be due to my age and maybe as I get older I'll start to develop a different feeling about relationships.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:45 PM
There's nothing more I like than enjoying female company, especially when you can have sex with them also

However, what most may deem as a ''proper'' relationship, as in the live together thing and the rest that goes with it, it would have to be one multi-layered, amazing woman to make me want to commit.

And of course, the relationship thing, I don't understand why anyone would want to bring kids into this world, it's screwed up and on the fast track down as far as I can see.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: muse7

I got married when I was 23 and we recently had our 20th anniversary. But we were ready.
Don't do it because it's expected, do it when you want it.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: muse7

Agreed as to age... and society and gender roles are in flux, and relationships between people are the most complex things we do... every mind is a universe.

But to do the expected things... like pair off and procreate... bores me. I have had some great relationships, though, that I wouldn't trade.. .even though they eventually ended.

They teach you about yourself and make you grow... and change you. They are an invaluable part of life. I like the together until death idea as it's romantic... but I remain doubtful it applies to many.

And TrueBrit... if that post wasn't designed to get you some e-poontang, then you are truly some throwback to damsels and knighthood.. .heh.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:53 PM
You're 23 which could have everything to do with why you feel the way you do. If it turns out to be a permanent thing that's okay too as long as you're always honest about it, which from the little I know you... I would think is the case.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:57 PM
You may be one of the lucky people who will end up in a relationship because they WANT to be in a relationship not because they NEED to be.

So long as you find a partner with a similar outlook, I think you will be fine.

Re your recent experience: in the future, just out of consideration for the other person, you might want to let them know that you don't anticipate continuing the friendship before you sleep with them rather than after.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:06 PM
There's nothing wrong with enjoying being alone, you just have to be careful about not leading someone on and making sure they know where you stand.

I'm 29, had one relationship in my life, and at this point I pretty much know I'm gonna live my life single. it is what it is, just be happy, that's all that matters in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: valiant

Hey one thing is for sure, you don't know what happens in the next 24 hours.

People meet in their 30s, 40s 50s 60s
there are no rules.
There is no definitive.

Also, I place equal value on my time as a single person or in a relationship. Both fulfil me in different ways, and both are/were very healthy in my development.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:21 PM
So what, you're not a social type, you sound like a loner for the most part. It is OK to be yourself, don't worry about that.

People can be bothersome. Most people bore me and I can get irritated when people don't get what I'm saying, or esp. when I can't get a comment in edge wise. I certainly don't like bothering with too many people if I can help it. Even sex is over rated, after a while, you may not even want a quikie relationship like you described.

Overall, I'd say it's best to be honest with yourself about how you feel and if you're good with that, then you doing fine in my book.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

Yes you're absolutely right!

It's impossible to know just exactly what is around the corner.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: muse7

I'm similar mate....after a few bad relationships its just not worth it. Sex is easy enough to get if thats your thing but even lately I don't care for that. I prefer my hobbies over a relationship and keep a few women friends around to fill that void for conversation with women. I think there is some study in Japan showing how this is happening and people are preferring to just not be in a relationship because of work, hobbies, porn bad past etc. And as one person already wil be called gay...last place I worked at attractive women would ask me out and id say im not interested and id get the whole "you are gay" thing. Its not that im not attracted to them...I just don't want the headache....ive been married before and in a few serious relationships in my life that had their ups and downs but at some point you just stop giving a #.

And to edit: Im extremely social...used to be the life of the party...I just don'[t like commitment.
edit on 28-1-2015 by rockpaperhammock because: (no reason given)

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