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Saul Paulus, Caesar's own zealous Pharicee

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posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

I always wondered, where there any ties between Herodes (Herod the Great, the one with the Temple) and Herodotus (Herodot, the historian)? Anyone?

Bigger than that try all of the Historians and from every nation. They are the Scribes.
edit on 2-1-2015 by TheoFieldsGardener because: They are the Scribes.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: TheoFieldsGardener
a reply to: greyer

I read that Josephus was a Herodian as well. He mysteriously survived Masada which was a Herodian religious propaganda sect (in response to Qumran for damage control) that Herod Antipas funded. I think the only ones to survive Masada were the ones passing out the Koolaid. He also claimed that the Hyksos in his writings were Jews and his kinsman but they were likely the same Edomites, like Job the Pious to counsel Pharaoh to kill the first born sons of YAHshurun (Israel) in Moses' day.

Hey there, interesting info. I usually refer this family tree in the link below, I was looking in the works of Josephus and I wish there was more, it appears that Paul is referred to the bloodline of King Agrippa, which would mean the whole scheme of the letter to King Agrippa claiming to be a Pharisee was a fabrication. Somehow an author came to the conclusion he was Agrippa's cousin.

I was astonished to see that Pauline Christianity banished the Essene and Jewish movement because they did not believe in the virgin birth. The Romans could not bear to realize that the first Christians had a different doctrine. The first Christians had a completely separate gospel without a virgin birth and a 'gospel of the Nazoreans,' which the leaders of Pauline Christianity burned until there were no more copies left. Now evidence is starting to pile in about the theory. When Pauline Christianity found out that Jewish Christianity did not have the virgin birth but a separate doctrine, they killed the Jewish Christians. It is remarkable, we have always heard about the early holy wars, but we didn't realize these outrageous circumstances.

the Petrine and Pauline documents were carefully edited, and between the Gospel portion and the Pauline letters was inserted the new-forged link of the Acts of the Apostles, a carefully edited selection from a huge mass of legendary Acts, welded together into a narrative and embellished with speeches after the manner of Thucydides.
The Ebionites did not return to Jerusalem when the emperor permitted the new colony of Ælia Capitolina to be established in 138, for no Jew was allowed to return.

So much of the History taught is lies. These liars are so good that many people who would normally be punished severely at Judgement will receive lighter sentences. Are they helping us? It's fantastic. Every rock I turn over uncovers a conspiracy of epic proportions. It's astounding the degree of success they have enjoyed. One will not truly appreciate the depths of their work until the whole TRUTH is uncovered. They are truly masters of darkness. When this is over we will truly know GOOD from Evil- TRUTH from lies- LIGHT from darkness.

Josephus seems to have interesting references, some will agree that it's almost like he is telling a story and molding the same character into many different names.

The 15 Jesuses in Josephus

1. Jesus, son of Phabet - priest
2. Jesus, son of Ananus - prophesied the destruction of the temple.
3. Jesus, or Jason
4. Jesus, son of Sapphias, governor of Tiberias
5. Jesus, brother of Onias - priest
6. Jesus, son of Gamaliel - priest
7. Jesus, eldest priest after Ananus - priest
8. Jesus, son of Damneus - priest
9. Jesus, son of Gamala (Josephus’ friend)
10. Jesus, [or Joshua] son of Nun
11. Jesus, son of Saphet - ringleader of robbers
12. Jesus, son of Thebuthus - priest
13. Jesus, son of Josedek
14. Jesus of Galilee & his 600 followers
15. Jesus, the Christ (dubious reference)

Jesus, the son of Gamaliel, became the successor of Jesus, the son of Damneus, in the high priesthood, which the king had taken from the other; on which account a sedition arose between the high priests, with regard to one another; for they got together bodies of the boldest sort of the people, and frequently came, from reproaches, to throwing of stones at each other. But Ananias was too hard for the rest, by his riches, which enabled him to gain those that were most ready to receive. Costobarus also, and Saulus, did themselves get together a multitude of wicked wretches, and this because they were of the royal family; and so they obtained favor among them, because of their kindred to Agrippa
-Josephus War of the Jews Chapter 9

edit on 6Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:39:54 -0600America/Chicago15America/ChicagoFri, 02 Jan 2015 18:39:54 -0600 by greyer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: greyer
Josephus seems to have interesting references, some will agree that it's almost like he is telling a story and molding the same character into many different names.

The 15 Jesuses in Josephus

Or perhaps it's the other way around, that Rome would build their fake IESVS Antichrist as a composite of Josephus' 15 Jesuses, and have a Gospel otherwise known as Gospel Q written-- to set the different Jewish parties (scribes, priests, aristocracy, rabbis, Pharicees, Saduqees etc.) up against eachother and lure the messianic and highly revolutionary Jews in and feed them further passion; and to infiltrate (with Paul 7al) the spreading messianic awakenings that were often backed by various paramilitary units throughout the southeastern empire-- and have them all dance to the tune that Rome would decree.

The New testament is a testimony of Roman divide and conquer IMO. No matter how the story might have ended, it seems the Empire would come out the winner.
edit on 3-1-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: .....

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Utnapisjtim
Or perhaps it's the other way around, that Rome would build their fake IESVS Antichrist as a composite of Josephus' 15 Jesuses, and have a Gospel otherwise known as Gospel Q written-- to set the different Jewish parties (scribes, priests, aristocracy, rabbis, Pharicees, Saduqees etc.) up against eachother and lure the messianic and highly revolutionary Jews in and feed them further passion; and to infiltrate (with Paul 7al) the spreading messianic awakenings that were often backed by various paramilitary units throughout the southeastern empire-- and have them all dance to the tune that Rome would decree.

The New testament is a testimony of Roman divide and conquer IMO. No matter how the story might have ended, it seems the Empire would come out the winner.

Wow, this certainly is interesting. They were very smart and clever, as if they intended to psychologically control the world for 1,000s of years all based on their efforts and design. I am going to post a topic now, about an interesting view upon the design that stole religion away from the holy ones of ancient Judah, and formed it into a large complex multifaceted deception that succeeded in tricking the world for 1,000s of years. I appreciate anyone who wants to refute any of the studies I will present, but I think it will be good to provide a voice for the ancient holy ones who had their identity stolen from them and falsely attributed to religion.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: greyer

Make sure to post a link to the new thread

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 08:19 AM
Saul is a false prophet, murderer,liar, blasphemer, and corruptor of the Messiahs teachings.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 12:29 AM
That Paul was the antichrist is very clear from Duet 32 and Jacobs blessing of Benjamin in Genesis, "A ravenous the evening he rises up and divides the spoil. In fact there is not a single scripture supporting Paul's authority found anywhere in scripture before 90 AD and Paul himself contends that he never met any Jerusalem council appointing him to his office clearly refuting Acts claim. Paul is Korah and as such puts aside Moses claiming equal authority.
Rabbi Jesus, who Paul never met is portrayed as son of God born of a virgin. This is the common thread of almost every major religion in Roman empire at the time. A god has sex with a virgin and produces a man child born on December 25 is Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, and Roman was deeply ingrained in first century. Book of Acts ties Paul to ancient jewish teachings in order to give historical force but a careful reading of Paul's 7 letters demonstrates he has abandoned Torah and Jewish law.
You cannot follow Paul and Rabbi Jesus at the same time
Paul does not know Torah but is perhaps familiar with Pharisee law due to his view of Law as a burden. Reinforced by G-d in Isaiah "how have I burdened you? You have burdened me with your sins!"
The salvation message of Paul does not meet the history of Jesus, Jesus was crucified on Pesach, not Yom Kippur to overcome death, not sin. Paul teaches do anything in life and repent, God will wipe it away. Torah teaches you reap what you sow, even though David is forgiven his sin the sword does not depart from his house.
Christ and Esther? The last supper takes place the same Hebrew date as Haman tricks the King into condemning all Jews. The Jews have rejected the Jesus of Paul but ignore the Jesus of history because rabbi Jesus did not fulfill the messianic ruler prophecy. The book of Esther and the story of Joseph both put this into a better light. The fulfillment of Rabbi Jesus will occur during Purim and all the Hebrew festivals will be fulfilled in time. When we look back it will seem so clear we will wonder how we questioned G-d but today we remain like Israel in the wilderness doubting G-d is in control and that we are left in a world of chaos.

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