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L.A. braces for autopsy report of unarmed black man shot by police

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posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

I do not care what his past record was.

Well that's silly, it gives you a profile of his personality and tendencies.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 11:52 AM
So any one have thoughts on the officer saying he reached around the guy attacking him to shoot him in the back?
Am I wrong to find that as odd?

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 12:18 PM
They knew him and he had a record of having an illegal gun. Pretty simple at this point. did he do what he was told?? No end of story suicide by cop once again!

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: NiZZiM
a reply to: Domo1

They just keep pushing the minority community over and over and over....these corrupt cops are going to regret what they've done and the power they think they wield when the people that have been done wrong rise up, like they are and show their recourse, which will be nothing less than what they've been given.

Are you serious?

Here's what will happen.

The dumbasses will burn and loot their own neighborhood.

Our tax money will be used to "rebuild" it, just like our tax money is being used to prevent the thugs from turning the entire place into a total war zone.

The blame and responsibility lies squarely on the individuals who commit the violent crimes and turn their neighborhoods into a place nobody wants to be.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: mikell

That is not reason to stop him though unless they have reason to belive he had the gun on him.

Seeing him walking is not a crime to be stopped for

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: NOTurTypical

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Domo1

Fired his back up weapon??

Would that be something other thing his service weapon?

Officers can carry their personal firearm as a secondary if they choose to. Generally on a thigh holster or ankle holster. They must also register that weapon and notify their supervisor they are carrying it.

You misspelled 'recommended'.

The 'back up' weapon is just part of the window dressing to make this sound reasonable, I'm thinking. I'd like to see the report as to what caliber this alleged BUW is, and compare the ballistics to the duty weapon. Otherwise, it's just a rumor, fronted by the authorities.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: NOTurTypical
If he had gone to trial, perfectly acceptable. As a symbol, it is also something to look at. But for the grand jury to look at the facts in the case, then it has to be the facts of only this event. The grand jury needs to look at what all he was doing on the day in question, from the time he got up to the time he passed away. That is what is important. If you try to bring up his past record, then the defense will make an objection that such is irrelevant and should not be considered, and there is a good chance that the judge will sustain such.

The only way it would be important is if he had a history where he was known to attack police, or use a fire arm, that would and could be a point in the case, but ultimately it boils down to this: Did he fire at the officer, was his prints on the gun. That is what will say if the officer is guilty or not. Not the guys past, not his criminal history, but those 2 facts will be the determining factor.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: Maverick7

originally posted by: NOTurTypical

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Domo1

Fired his back up weapon??

Would that be something other thing his service weapon?

Officers can carry their personal firearm as a secondary if they choose to. Generally on a thigh holster or ankle holster. They must also register that weapon and notify their supervisor they are carrying it.

You misspelled 'recommended'.

The 'back up' weapon is just part of the window dressing to make this sound reasonable, I'm thinking. I'd like to see the report as to what caliber this alleged BUW is, and compare the ballistics to the duty weapon. Otherwise, it's just a rumor, fronted by the authorities.

Prejudicial arbitrary conjectures. ^^

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: mikell

That is not reason to stop him though unless they have reason to believe he had the gun on him.

Seeing him walking is not a crime to be stopped for

To some cops just being black is reason enough to be stopped.

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