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God Help Us All!

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posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 05:59 PM
If there is one thing that both dismays and frightens me it is the thought of an incompetent in charge or in control. Such individuals are dangerous. Not only are they a danger onto themselves, but they endanger the lives of others. I know of many such individuals, but there is one who immediately springs to mind. Folks I give you Geoff Hoon, Member of Parliament for Ashfield in Nottinghamshire and presently the Secretary of State for Defence.
This man is the custodian of our country�s defences and as such is responsible for deciding who lives or dies in wars which he believes are in Britain�s best interests to participate. It is he who decides how our Army, Navy and Air Force should be run. It is he who deliberates over the makeup of our Armed Forces. Does he listen to those who have years of military experience? Apparently not!
This man holds the Ministry of Defence purse-strings and is responsible for the expenditure of Billions of pounds sterling to ensure that our armed forces are properly equipped; that no person in uniform who may be required to offer his or her life in support of his strategic whims, should do so without being able to defend themselves.
Does he respect the opinions of those who have years of experience in warfare? Apparently not!
Does Geoff Hoon have the necessary skill and expertise to carry out this task of a military mogul?
Does Geoff Hoon have the appropriate experience to correctly decide the best way to spend the Billions the Tax Payer is forced to donate in our nations defence?
Should a idiot be given the power to judge?
Should a clown be trusted with the power to control?
Should a barrister be given responsibility for a nations safety?
No, I hear a nation cry.
Well one has and God help us all!

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Comberman
If there is one thing that both dismays and frightens me it is the thought of an incompetent in charge or in control ...

Should a idiot be given the power to judge?
Should a clown be trusted with the power to control?
Should a barrister be given responsibility for a nations safety?

Sounds as if Hoon's been taking lessons from across the pond.
You can't blame him for being a useless git. It's up to 'management' to employ competant people. Management in this case being Tony Blair.

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