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Super Massive Star Formation.. A possible explanation..

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posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 07:30 PM
Have you ever wondered how a super massive star with the mass and size of maybe 100 times (X) the size of our sun ? To be honest me either... I just figured the dust cloud the star was formed from was bigger and denser during the birthing process..

Well it looks like Astronomers have discovered two hefty (38 x and 32 x the mass of our Sol system sun) bodies which consist of two binary stars doing a death dance so close they are traveling at 621,000 miles (one million kilometers) per hour. At that speed and proximity their orbits are complete in just 1.2 earth days ! Think of that size of an object traveling that fast and yet not being whip lashed out into the either/universe.. Gravity baby gravity !

Anyway nothing earth shattering but just interesting enough to place in my " Hummm File"... Something to ponder, No?

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 07:38 PM
I'm not a science type of poster but this is amazing if true, No I cannot fathom something 100x's the size of our sun dancing with the same thing side by side.
Excellent link to read but the sub links kind of lost me a bit.
Thanks for posting this SKY and I will stay tuned for more informative reply's than what I posted.

Regards, Iwinder

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 07:49 PM

What will happen next to the stars is a bit of a mystery, but theoretical models suggest that any merger will likely come quickly and quite explosively, releasing copious amounts of energy in the blast.

13000 light years away. When they merge, or when they merged, I wonder if we'll see the results?

Light moves faster than the shock wave, I'm assuming (?)

Maybe we're far enough away?

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 07:52 PM
A link within the link…

Given that they have no clearance between them, this process will lead to the merger of the two stars in a single object, a real star mastodon. The details of the merger process are not known, because it has never been seen before. Some theoretical models suggest that the merger process is extremely fast, releasing a huge amount of energy in a kind of explosion.

two become one…

Ever spun on a dance floor, holding both hands with a partner? Its pretty fast, if you let go, both go flying. The stars can't "let go" so they will join. I bet they "shed" an enormous about of material in a supernova looking clash…

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 09:47 PM
Excellent find ...and actually, yeah, I HAVE wondered about the size differences of stars... but guessed, like you, they came from variously sized gas clouds.

This is really fascinating ...and makes me even more mad that our priorities are so skewed that we are still largely Earth bound ...this long after learning how to get off this lovely rock.

There's a huge universe out there to explore... yet we still use most of our resources to spy on and kill each other better.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
Excellent find ...and actually, yeah, I HAVE wondered about the size differences of stars... but guessed, like you, they came from variously sized gas clouds.

This is really fascinating ...and makes me even more mad that our priorities are so skewed that we are still largely Earth bound ...this long after learning how to get off this lovely rock.

There's a huge universe out there to explore... yet we still use most of our resources to spy on and kill each other better.

Amen my friend !

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 09:15 AM
This video gives a good comparison of the size of the Earth vs. The Sun and the largest known stars

To think that a passenger jet travelling at 500mph would take thousands of years to fly around one of these stars. Yet the gravitational attraction between the two of them is strong enough that they have orbital periods of just a couple of days.

I can only imagine what it must be like at the center point between those two stars. Imagine having two suns in the sky, both of which fill most of the visible sky. It would be like something out of the Chronicles of Riddick.

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 09:19 AM
Considering you can fit something like 400 million earths into our sun, the idea of a sun over 100x the size of our sun is truly bone chilling.

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