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Massive Blaze In Downtown LA

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posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 06:05 AM
(this is no doubt in the wrong forum mods,as i had trouble with posting on the breaking news forum,thanks)

Well ATS, i have just happened upon this article.It caught my attention enough to compel me to post this,for further ATS scrutiny and attention.

There is not much going by way of explanation on this ATM,so i will share my first suspicions on this incident (this is speculation on my part,taking into account other events of late)

I am swaying toward the notion that there was an extreme 'ground alteration' in the tectonic plates,which in turn has broken a gas main and then ignited.

This is happening due to this reason more and more in certain areas of the globe that are hotspots for this activity LA/California being one.

This comes after the incident in which 'booms' were heard either side of the Atlantic,which from the evidence i have seen, i would also suggest was an extreme ground alteration in the Mid Atlantic Ridge. se.html

This also comes on the tail of this incident and from the evidence i can garner this was a methane explosion also due to extreme plate movements:

I hope there are no people harmed in this incident and props to the fire service as well!

edit on 8-12-2014 by EndOfDays77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2014 by EndOfDays77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2014 by EndOfDays77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2014 by EndOfDays77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 06:44 AM
I wonder if the building will collapse due to fire ... Yeh you can see where I'm going with this comment

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

Or it could be that the owner of the new apartment building torched his own site. That happens. Or possibly a rival or enemy. Seems to me that if it was methane or plate shifts we would see a lot more of the street roughed up and all over the place. Maybe water lines busted, etc.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: ThePeaceMaker

I wonder if the building will collapse due to fire ...

There is nothing to collapse, the top floors were all wood, they were consumed in the fire.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

Here is another link with more info on the fire here

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

Or it was just a fire.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:16 AM
I'm going with a spark, a cigarette butt or shoddy electrical job from a $6 and hour Illegal alien worker.

A massive fire in downtown Los Angeles early Monday engulfed an apartment tower under construction, damaged two other buildings and left freeways and roads closed.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:19 AM
just saw on the news another fire just a mile down the road from this one.
makes one say hmm.

arson, a firebug getting his jollies.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

I was in Los Angeles for the Northridge Quake, which left "ground zero" in a Northridge street cracked open and ablaze with broken and burning gas pipes. It was not the cause - just one of the more visual results
Three buildings burned, one intended to be European style condos. If there was a foreign owner (nothing in the news - just my speculation), that could have been the impetus. Since the Chinese, especially, are buying up a lot of Southern California properties:

As far as an earthquake starting the fire, there have been nothing but little 'quakes in S. California:
17 earthquakes today - largest was 2.4 in Arvin (Irvine?)

However, it has been raining heavily in Southern California. And I remember from living there, that we always got some small quakes a day or so after a big, soaking rain. That could cause your "ground alteration."

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

I would rule out an insurance scam. It is not even finished and those building projects on that scale have some serious investors and it would make no sense at all.

It is either an accident or arson.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

Wow. I'm watching this now. The newscasters are focusing on the traffic problems.

They keep saying that NO ONE WAS HURT. WHAT?

I was just there last weekend. That area is just on the edge of "Skid Row", and is thick with homeless people. That fire's right there on the edge of Korea Town, which is the most densely populated area of Los Angeles county!

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 09:06 AM
Fires happen all the time. It may or may not have anything to do with seismic activity and ground shifting. I looked at the link you supplied in the OP and saw a fire, but no information of what possibly caused the fire.

Shifting of the plates or quickening of the earth/sinkhole activity can cause ruptured gas lines, which is definitely a problem in many places. Whether this is an actual example of this is all I am questioning.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: ThePeaceMaker

I wonder if the building will collapse due to fire ...

There is nothing to collapse, the top floors were all wood, they were consumed in the fire.

Thats it! Ruin my fun why don't you

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 10:34 AM
aren`t people protesting in L.A. about the police shootings, protesters are probably burning buildings now.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Tardacus

That was my first thought too! The protesters were on Wilshire and Rampart, just one block north of the Westlake fire at The Da Vinci Towers, on Saturday. I was right there, negotiating the detours, not protesting, shopping.,-118.2861802,13z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x80c2c777a6184973:0x555dde6269c2f 492

Before that, on Thanksgiving eve:

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- About 130 people were arrested for failure to disperse during a protest in downtown Los Angeles Wednesday following a five-hour march, police said.

According to police, roughly 70 men and 60 women were arrested. No injuries to officers or protesters were immediately reported.

Those arrested face misdemeanor charges of unlawful assembly, after police gave notice of arrest if they did not disperse. If they do not post bail Wednesday night, there is a chance they could spend the entire Thanksgiving weekend behind bars.

About 300 people assembled in front of the Federal Building downtown at Temple and Spring streets at about 3 p.m. Wednesday to call for a federal investigation of the Michael Brown shooting in Missouri. An hour later the peaceful crowd moved to the Los Angeles Police Department's administration building three blocks away, then proceeded to march through downtown streets.

Some in the crowd stopped and laid down in the street at the intersection of Cesar Chavez and Alameda. Protesters continued marching, briefly blocking the intersection of Cesar Chavez and Vignes Street before police diverted them westbound. Protesters then marched southbound on Alameda, then westbound on Temple

Right by the second fire!,-118.2502586,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x80c2c65382528da1:0x513efe95325 cdd97

Hate to say it, but, this looks like domestic terrorism to me.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

Quite an intense fire. Gutted the building to the frame. Just like the fire in WTC 7! I didn't see the part where the apartment collapsed into its own footprint though.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 02:30 PM
Thanks very much for all your responses Guys! There have been some interesting points mentioned,i'll get round to replying all being well.

This certainly isn't check mate yet! i'm sure more info will come out of this,saying that, i am always suspicious of most mainstream 'reasons/excuses' i would not be surprised if this was a ground alteration and suppressed, as this is indeed happening i.e. water main breaks,train derailments,lakes draining,eq's,booms etc.ATM i stand by my speculations,although lets wait and see..i also have plenty of XP in the building game so i'll wait and see what 'they' say.

I see they mentioned that some garbage bins had ignited? are they trying to imply arson i assume?funny how it jumped from the bin seemingly..who certainly is amazing no one was harmed? lets hope it stays that way!

All the best, stay well Guys!

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: ThePeaceMaker

Thats it! Ruin my fun why don't you

Well, if it makes you feel any better it seemed to collapse in a controlled demolition.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
I'm going with a spark, a cigarette butt or shoddy electrical job from a $6 and hour Illegal alien worker.

A massive fire in downtown Los Angeles early Monday engulfed an apartment tower under construction, damaged two other buildings and left freeways and roads closed.

Because we all know that Illegal alien workers are the only ones that smoke right?


posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 04:47 PM
They evicted Samantha's hearse.

A skybridge over the gap who would have thought.

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