im changing the way i feel about this pretty much over night.
i was never anti gun and i have experience shooting, but ive never owned my own until last night. i bought a shotgun(btw, i switched from the shells
he recommended and got 00 buck)....
the way the world has been getting lately, people and all that. im starting to take the more pro active approach.
i am definitely buying 2 more pistols..and probably tomorrow but i might not stop after that.
i was at gander mountain looking at the gun safes today. im probably going to get one of those as well. just not sure what kind.
up until recently i have been thinking that more people on the street carrying would just make things worse. now im starting to change that. i dont
want this to turn into a conceal carry thread cause i have not decided on that yet but i am thinking about it.
there is a shop in town that offers the classes and everything you need.
let me say that i would never carry without going through the proper checks and motions.
IF i carry it will be after the classes and with a permit.
for now though, just some expert help and opinions please...
i know everyone has their personal favorites and i expect to get different answers...that said, i have a few in mind so i wanted to know what you guys
think of these....
first a looking at a glock 23... .40 cal
what is the 23 for? what does that distinguish about the gun?
im looking and im seeing glock 23, glock 41, glock 34...just curious.
anyway, i have these on the list for possible purchases tomorrow. im linking from the gander mountain site but that does not mean that is where i will
buy them.
first up, glock 23
thats a nice looking gun. 10 round mag.....
taurus pt 24/7
beretta 96 a1
leaning towards those for the semi auto. i will say if i decide to go for the conceal carry, i will get something just for that. more than likely a
semi auto but i like the small/medium sized frame for that....not saying this specific gun but something this frame size
i would lean towards a gun like this for a conceal carry if i decide to go there. maybe not this specific gun, but the size
back to the purchase for tomorrow. and if i do go with 2 more, i might get 2 semi auto's or a semi auto and a wheel gun but not 2 wheel guns
i do like the wheel guns too...
so i have those narrowed to these....
charter arms bulldog
smith and wesson 637
^^^i like that a lot. i used to shot a .38 with my dad...i know how those feel. as far as looks go i tend to like the shorter barrels
charter arms crimson bulldog
charter arms mag pug
this is the cab i am thinking about...something just to get me started. i have a trigger lock on the shotgun so im not too worried about having to
lock it away. i know this is a low end cab but it will hold several pistols and they can be locked away from my daughter. thats all i care about.
thanks for looking. thanks for talking.
i know you guys are some serious experts about this and i pretty much know nothing...
the world has been getting crazy...people are unhinged and i cant have it.
thanks guys