Just got up (early) approx. 3.15am on my phone.
However, I woke approx an hour before after hearing a knock at the bedroom door. It seemed to wake me.
I checked my phone and the time was 3.18am
I went to the toilet then back to bed and tried to sleep but could not so made love to the wife.
Checked phone again and it said 3.15am so got up.
Strange to say the least.
So what happened?
We have been experiencing some strange events recently and they have been coming one after the other.
Three weeks ago we did a sleep stopover at a motorway service station / truck stop to get some rest.
Whilst we were asleep someone smashed the back seat passenger window and grabbed my wife's hand bag and did a runner.
We woke in shock and I set off in pursuit of this low life but the vital few seconds it took me to stir enabled the low to get away.
I caught sight of him and what he was wearing (grey hooded top, short thin guy). We lost money and cards of my wife's etc but not a total disaster.
Could have been worse.
We went to a service centre to get a new window fitted and ended up waiting there for a week for the window to come from Germany.
Because the hotels were all full and there was no availability we had to sleep one night in the local park and then go back to the hotel at 6am the
next day.
We then developed a problem with the car coolant system (air blockage etc). So had to stop every so often to top up water.
Well it didn't stop there because
I then developed a clot in my right leg, think through driving. Anyway self treated myself with medication I had from previous clot. May I also add
that the last time I was in this location / country I developed a clot in my left leg which was some 12 years ago!!
A few days later (which is a few weeks ago now) we stopped at a petrol station to check a map and use toilets etc but not for fuel.
Changed my track suit bottoms for my shorts. Took wallet and phone out of bottoms and put on the car roof between the back door and hatch door.
Somehow I was distracted and forgot about the wallet (containing a lot of money and my cards,license etc) and drove out of the station and on to our
destination some 30 miles away.
On arriving at the destination and after getting out of the car I realised my wallet was not in my pocket and panic set in. Then I remembered putting
it on the car roof. So look and my phone was there but no wallet.
So an hour had passed since I left the wallet on top of the car. Cant belief my phone was still there!
Immediately drove back to the station at full pelt. heck the station and spoke with the attendant but nothing.
We then decided to walk the road from the station and about 100 meters up the road there was an old chap who had a pile of cards in his hands which
turned out to be mine, we looked some more besides the road and found other things too, but no wallet and no cash!!
Suspicion was that the guy had already stashed the wallet with the cash maybe an hour earlier but we had no prove and were happy to get the majority
of the cards back etc.
Then this incident with the time distortion/slip.
Thoughts anyone? Anybody else had such a nightmare?
edit on 25-11-2014 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)