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Hi, I'm a new member... I'm M2F transgender : P

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posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: Walsh
why throw in the "transgender part " i don't understand ?

Obviously she wanted us to know she is a female. I often welcome new members to the site and it is far from uncommon for a member introducing themselves to the community to let us know what gender they are so as to avoid confusion later when actual discussions are being had. What I don't understand is why one would want to be confrontational to new members. Save that for real issues in other threads. I didn't even see you welcome her at all come to think of it.

a reply to: amihotCD

Don't let negative nancies ruin you for the site ami. We're not all bigots.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 02:58 AM

originally posted by: Walsh

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: Walsh

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: Walsh
why throw in the "transgender part " i don't understand ?


Why bother with a remark like that when welcoming a new member?


why not? am i not allowed to ask ? his title said "transgender" yet his introduction had nothing to say ? so i posed the question .. ?

Hi Walsh...

Earlier on today there was another introduction from another member which is here (I know, I know it is against T and Cs to post other threads... but...) :

Same thing there, the introduction had nothing much to say apart from the fact that the OP suffers from alcohol problems)... didn't see many people asking questions there?

Seems that when it comes to Gender then questions are araised by certain members...

By the way... I am straight, married and a father and try to educate my children as to the meaning of tolerance.

Kindest respects


don't make this a big deal because it's really not . i am not interested in someones Alcohol abuse .
i am interested in why the OP made a title "transgender" with no explanation .. i thought one liners are against T&C?
its Obvious OP did it for a reason ..right ?

maybe he wanted to discuss the topic ? why else would he throw that out there ?

i asked a question a simple question to the OP and you act as if its taboo ?

some people don't understand the psychology behind the "transgender" , for some its "taboo"

he put it out there and i am going to ask questions simple as that ...

It's an intro thread she said hi. Somehow I doubt that violates T&C. Feel free to report it instead of merely using it to attack the OP.

More importantly though you are welcome to ask but maybe try being more polite. Both you and the smoking man came off as pretty condescending and aggressive to a new member. At least the smoking man put in an obligatory "Welcome" in the interests of maintaining some illusion of etiquette.

Well done to both of you on showing the OP a really warm welcome

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: tavi45

originally posted by: Walsh

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: Walsh

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: Walsh
why throw in the "transgender part " i don't understand ?


Why bother with a remark like that when welcoming a new member?


why not? am i not allowed to ask ? his title said "transgender" yet his introduction had nothing to say ? so i posed the question .. ?

Hi Walsh...

Earlier on today there was another introduction from another member which is here (I know, I know it is against T and Cs to post other threads... but...) :

Same thing there, the introduction had nothing much to say apart from the fact that the OP suffers from alcohol problems)... didn't see many people asking questions there?

Seems that when it comes to Gender then questions are araised by certain members...

By the way... I am straight, married and a father and try to educate my children as to the meaning of tolerance.

Kindest respects


don't make this a big deal because it's really not . i am not interested in someones Alcohol abuse .
i am interested in why the OP made a title "transgender" with no explanation .. i thought one liners are against T&C?
its Obvious OP did it for a reason ..right ?

maybe he wanted to discuss the topic ? why else would he throw that out there ?

i asked a question a simple question to the OP and you act as if its taboo ?

some people don't understand the psychology behind the "transgender" , for some its "taboo"

he put it out there and i am going to ask questions simple as that ...

It's an intro thread she said hi. Somehow I doubt that violates T&C. Feel free to report it instead of merely using it to attack the OP.

More importantly though you are welcome to ask but maybe try being more polite. Both you and the smoking man came off as pretty condescending and aggressive to a new member. At least the smoking man put in an obligatory "Welcome" in the interests of maintaining some illusion of etiquette.

Well done to both of you on showing the OP a really warm welcome

Thanks folks...

Apart from the other un-condescending and respected members here I was feeling a little lonely.

Our new member deserves a WELCOME from all of us and not just negative comments from certain posters.(I suggest that negative comments from certain posters go to sites such as... "ahem" GLP...)

Certain posters with negative comments... don't even bother answering this post... Us people that just want to WELCOME new members cannot be bothered with your NEGATIVE comments...

Kindest respects


posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 03:13 AM
Welcome. If you love mysteries and weirdness, you are definitely in the right place. Since you are into film making, I'm sure this place will give you plenty of creative fodder in which to develop some very interesting ideas in the future. Some of the stuff people post on here, whether true, false, opinion, or hoax, would make some epic film.

I shall look forward to your posts. Your perspective on life as a transgender woman will no doubt add unique and interesting new dimensions to the discussions here, which range from mundane politics and mudslinging to discussions of spirituality and divinity. So enjoy!

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: amihotCD

Welcome to the show gurl.

I hope you find what you came for.

break the dawn

wurk it.
edit on 11 21 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: tavi45

originally posted by: Walsh

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: Walsh

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: Walsh
why throw in the "transgender part " i don't understand ?


Why bother with a remark like that when welcoming a new member?


why not? am i not allowed to ask ? his title said "transgender" yet his introduction had nothing to say ? so i posed the question .. ?

Hi Walsh...

Earlier on today there was another introduction from another member which is here (I know, I know it is against T and Cs to post other threads... but...) :

Same thing there, the introduction had nothing much to say apart from the fact that the OP suffers from alcohol problems)... didn't see many people asking questions there?

Seems that when it comes to Gender then questions are araised by certain members...

By the way... I am straight, married and a father and try to educate my children as to the meaning of tolerance.

Kindest respects


don't make this a big deal because it's really not . i am not interested in someones Alcohol abuse .
i am interested in why the OP made a title "transgender" with no explanation .. i thought one liners are against T&C?
its Obvious OP did it for a reason ..right ?

maybe he wanted to discuss the topic ? why else would he throw that out there ?

i asked a question a simple question to the OP and you act as if its taboo ?

some people don't understand the psychology behind the "transgender" , for some its "taboo"

he put it out there and i am going to ask questions simple as that ...

It's an intro thread she said hi. Somehow I doubt that violates T&C. Feel free to report it instead of merely using it to attack the OP.

More importantly though you are welcome to ask but maybe try being more polite. Both you and the smoking man came off as pretty condescending and aggressive to a new member. At least the smoking man put in an obligatory "Welcome" in the interests of maintaining some illusion of etiquette.

Well done to both of you on showing the OP a really warm welcome

Thanks folks...

Apart from the other un-condescending and respected members here I was feeling a little lonely.

Our new member deserves a WELCOME from all of us and not just negative comments from certain posters.(I suggest that negative comments from certain posters go to sites such as... "ahem" GLP...)

Certain posters with negative comments... don't even bother answering this post... Us people that just want to WELCOME new members cannot be bothered with your NEGATIVE comments...

Kindest respects


Eh I can be rude and condescending like the best of them but this isn't really the place for that (even though I did it in reply to some, I can't help myself sometimes). Maybe someday I'll learn to be as respectful and zen as you Rodinus

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: amihotCD
a reply to: thesmokingman

Welcome. Curious, why do you feel it necessary to tell us you are a male to female transgender in your very first post? Im sorry but this coupled with the fact that you literally had nothing of value to say...welcome to ATS I guess?

Um... I just threw it out there... I'm a film director... so don't you worry your little head off... I'll be posting all sorts of "valuable" information. ami

I thought it was weird, too.

On some message boards, people do this kind of thing to "bait", so that is why it caught my eye.

Transgenderism is more or less a hot topic, and by hot, and I don't mean popular (although that definitely might be true now), I mean an issue that people react strongly to.

That, coupled with the fact that you didn't mention ANYTHING else in your introductory post, caught my eye.

Maybe you were just gauging reactions, and getting a feel for if that is something that is welcome here or not?

Either way, welcome. Also, glad you posted some more info about yourself. Hope to see some interesting threads/posts from you!

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:25 AM
Ah it doesn't matter. Black, White, Fat, Thin, Alien, Male, Female or both.

Welcome to the

Come to think of it, isn't Richard Warman the Canadian Freedom of Speech abolisher a transgender?

I keep seeing the line about him 'A Boy Named Sue'

Have fun here. It's an education here from time to time!

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: amihotCD

Welcome ami. Yes there are a lot of bigots on this site, but there's a lot of us too that understand that biology isn't a choice thus not something to be judged on. We also have a lot of skeptics which I've surprisingly have found myself among, so you may be judged on your take of 'anomalies'

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: amihotCD

Welcome Ami. Lots of mysterious and interesting things to find here. Just learning how to post avatars, backgrounds and pics can be mysterious and interesting.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:38 AM
Welcome to ATS Ami. Enjoy your stay here. LGBT members should, help round out the diverse population of ATS. I am sure your point of view will be helpful on many subjects here.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat

originally posted by: Walsh
why throw in the "transgender part " i don't understand ?

Obviously she wanted us to know she is a female. I often welcome new members to the site and it is far from uncommon for a member introducing themselves to the community to let us know what gender they are so as to avoid confusion later when actual discussions are being had. What I don't understand is why one would want to be confrontational to new members. Save that for real issues in other threads. I didn't even see you welcome her at all come to think of it.

a reply to: amihotCD

Don't let negative nancies ruin you for the site ami. We're not all bigots.

please ! i asked a simple question no need to make it out to be a big deal really, i went over this already with another member . ill do as i please with whom i please , i was not confrontational , i simply wanted to know more about her title that had nothing to do with the introduction .

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: tavi45

originally posted by: Walsh

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: Walsh

originally posted by: Rodinus

originally posted by: Walsh
why throw in the "transgender part " i don't understand ?


Why bother with a remark like that when welcoming a new member?


why not? am i not allowed to ask ? his title said "transgender" yet his introduction had nothing to say ? so i posed the question .. ?

Hi Walsh...

Earlier on today there was another introduction from another member which is here (I know, I know it is against T and Cs to post other threads... but...) :

Same thing there, the introduction had nothing much to say apart from the fact that the OP suffers from alcohol problems)... didn't see many people asking questions there?

Seems that when it comes to Gender then questions are araised by certain members...

By the way... I am straight, married and a father and try to educate my children as to the meaning of tolerance.

Kindest respects


don't make this a big deal because it's really not . i am not interested in someones Alcohol abuse .
i am interested in why the OP made a title "transgender" with no explanation .. i thought one liners are against T&C?
its Obvious OP did it for a reason ..right ?

maybe he wanted to discuss the topic ? why else would he throw that out there ?

i asked a question a simple question to the OP and you act as if its taboo ?

some people don't understand the psychology behind the "transgender" , for some its "taboo"

he put it out there and i am going to ask questions simple as that ...

It's an intro thread she said hi. Somehow I doubt that violates T&C. Feel free to report it instead of merely using it to attack the OP.

More importantly though you are welcome to ask but maybe try being more polite. Both you and the smoking man came off as pretty condescending and aggressive to a new member. At least the smoking man put in an obligatory "Welcome" in the interests of maintaining some illusion of etiquette.

Well done to both of you on showing the OP a really warm welcome

you don't need to dictate actions to me savvy ? i asked a simple question to the OP and you wise guys took it the wrong way

as far as i am aware ATS had a rule for one line threads , guess that does not apply to introductions .

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

Walsh was in no way confrontational.
He asked a simple question.

why throw in the "transgender part " i don't understand ?

There is no negativity in that question, nor bigotry, as you implied.

You are the one being confrontational with your post and for one i dont like it.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Rodinus

wow your a real piece of work , your being completely rude just because i asked a question ?

congrats you made this a bigger deal then it was .

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

Walsh was in no way confrontational.
He asked a simple question.

why throw in the "transgender part " i don't understand ?

There is no negativity in that question, nor bigotry, as you implied.

You are the one being confrontational with your post and for one i dont like it.

thank you buddy , i am glad you can see from my point of view

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: Walsh

Anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain should see you were'nt being confrontational and bigoted.

Ridiculous to even suggest it

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: Walsh

a reply to: SecretKnowledge

It's utterly self evident why she included it. It's a highly relevant part of her identity. The reason it's included is beyond obvious. More importantly as I said earlier, if the intention was 100% purely out of curiosity then it could definitely be asked more politely and following a welcome.

When people are asked to introduce themselves to a class they almost always include where they are from or their hobby or something. Literally anything is relevant when introducing oneself. This is even more true on the internet where we don't have the benefit of any sensory information at all.

This is even more true with something so utterly intrinsic to her identity.

Also I'm pretty sure that introductions are allowed to be brief. She just said hi. That's the entire point of an introduction thread. To introduce yourself in whatever way you see as relevant.
edit on 21-11-2014 by tavi45 because: auto correct mistake

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: tavi45

Relax, seeing as you have made over two thousand posts in about ten weeks, it's pretty hard not be be in numerous threads with you.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 05:02 AM

originally posted by: skalla
a reply to: tavi45

Relax, seeing as you have made over two thousand posts in about ten weeks, it's pretty hard not be be in numerous threads with you.

Such a shame that I cannot star and blummin flag you you Skalla...

Good to see you back.



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