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We are who we have been

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posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 07:39 PM
Here on this Earth, after so many thousands of years, we stand and see all that is before us.
We are the children of those who have shown us the greatness within our reach.
Though suffering and abomination abound, the spirit of Human potential
will some day lead us to Enlightenment. Of that I am certain.
That glorious day approaches when we shall all endeavor to enrich life on this Earth.
Am I a sage, or am I a fool?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: Diderot

That glorious day approaches when we shall all endeavor to enrich life on this Earth.
Am I a sage, or am I a fool?

Be both. Foolish endeavor with good intention is better than none.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Diderot

I am more of a 'life is a journey not a destination' type.

That glorious day approaches when we shall all endeavor to enrich life on this Earth.

In your sentence I would change ....Earth to Solar System or Universe.

Seeding the Universe with life like some 22nd Century Jonny Apple-seeds - such lofty thoughts gives me goose-bumps.

Enlightenment for me has more of an 18th Century flavour i.e. the power of human reason

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:02 PM

a reply to: Diderot
We are who we have been

I never thought otherwise, thats why I posted in this thread

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:02 PM
Oh the moment people acknowledge that the Universe is has always existed and will always exist is the moment people will start to care.

Because it puts a whole who incentive into survival. If the universe had a beginning then it will also have an ending.
Therefore with such logic. What ever we do has no great consequence. Because with such logic. Humans have no possibility of existing as a species for all of time in such a scenario as universal drift or collapse.

The truth is, What we do here honestly effects our ultimate future. As long as we don't destroy ourselves, Allow ourselves to be destroyed. And keep out of reach of destabilizing stars and galaxies. Humanity could potentially influence the universe from galaxy to galaxy an infinite amount of times. We could crawl across space an infinite amount of distance.
And we will have an infinite amount of possibilities for inventions given the possibilities of encountering exotic matter.

As of current our society is acting like its a one shot deal yolo before the director cuts the tape kind of deal. Which is reckless to say the least.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:22 PM
You're a poster into the wrong forum. Grey area or philosophy might be better. But it isn't science or technology.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

I share your perspective - there is a mind-blowingly vast expanse of space all around our little planet - we got to become a two planet species, if only for safety sake

Though, even facing the prospect of the Universe ending - the time frames would be so huge as to become immaterial. Billions of years is a scale that humans aren't really adapted to deal with in any meaningful manner. A billion years to me is essentially an 'eternity'.

On a human scale:
I know my life will end on day - I still feel motivated.
If we know the Universe were to end one day - I still think our species would retain all of our motivation.

Damn you Captain Jean-Luc Picard for filling my impressionable mind with your fanciful role for mankind in the Universe

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:24 PM
double post
edit on 15-11-2014 by UmbraSumus because: double trouble

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: UmbraSumus
You are a quite an enlightened shadow.
That which is before us might be unseen,
or it might blind us.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: skunkape23

Yes! I am a true hearted fool. There is no denying.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: Diderot
Though suffering and abomination abound, the spirit of Human potential
will some day lead us to Enlightenment.

The spirit of human potential has always been to overcome.
We will never reach enlightenment because our spirit involves a constant state of revolution, there will always be something to discover or accomplish. We will never stall on a plateau called "Enlightenment"

Suffering is an integral part of existence, without it we would not comprehend it's polar opposite, Enjoyment.

edit on 15-11-2014 by yourmaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: ShadowChatter

Being who we are is really about being who we should be.

I know this a just a lot of double talk,

but basically, we are capable of being better than we currently are.

We'll get there.


posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: yourmaker

"Suffering is an integral part of existence, without it we would not comprehend it's polar opposite, Enjoyment."

The degree of suffering on this Earth is a measure of the progress of Humanity. We are capable of such greatness.

But we must transcend our feral instincts. We are creatures of the Earth, still bound to the savage predation of our

nature. We have come so very far, but we have so very far to go. And I know that we shall get there.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: Diderot

But we must transcend our feral instincts.

Civilisation is relatively new to our species - even despite the phenomenal rate of cultural change our species has undergone over these past few centuries - we retain many adaptations which tie us to the distant past.

Fight or flight: encountering a predator - short duration exposure to stressor
Fight or flight: 30 year mortgage repayments = something we cannot outrun or out-fight

Given time, this environment will shape us too - its an ongoing process happening right now. Can we steer it ? Yes, we can manipulate our environment and our genetic make-up. But we are only beginning to understanding the mechanisms involved. In time we will get better at it but I would imagine it would be very difficult to arrest the forces of natural selection

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: UmbraSumus

"Given time, this environment will shape us too"

Given time, I feel that the progressive nature of human development will transcend our base instincts.

Then we shall truly surpass all other creatures of this world in terms of progress.

After all, is the Bonobo less noble than are we?

edit on 15-11-2014 by Diderot because: grammar

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 02:40 AM
Sounds like Hermeticism and the Anthropic Principle of Evolution to me.

edit on 16-11-2014 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: Diderot
a reply to: ShadowChatter

Being who we are is really about being who we should be.

I know this a just a lot of double talk,

but basically, we are capable of being better than we currently are.

We'll get there.


You are being. You are not becoming.
The idea that you or anything else can be better is what keeps you from relaxing into being.
If you expect better and want more than there is then you will not be a relaxed presence - how can you bring harmony to the world when you are in conflict with it?

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: Diderot

Who we have been.

Well, however enlightened, advanced, educated ect we are now, we still have that 800pound gorilla in the room. Enlightenment, education, ect have never been able to stop that guy when he wants to come out and go crazy.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: Diderot
Though suffering and abomination abound, the spirit of Human potential
will some day lead us to Enlightenment.

Liberation (enlightenment) is the end of that which hopes it will get better.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

"You are being. You are not becoming."

Are we not both? Can you honestly step into the same river twice?

I live for the promise of what may be, what should be, what I trust shall be.

Stasis is another word for death.

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