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Russian Warships Poised Outside G20 Summit In Australia, Russia Backs Out Of Nuclear Security Deal

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posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

I wonder if Putin plans to wrestle the Koala later.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Shana91aus

Things are a lot better than they used to be. The American people for the most have adjusted to new ways to make money and the economy is doing pretty well. I think most people here would be fine if another bubble bust because everyone would look at each other and say whats new about that and keep plugging away.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: lostbook

I vote you all put him in a cage with a Kangaroo and see how tough he thinks he is lol. The Roo would send him flying from one side to the other from gut kicks lol. I would pay dearly to see that.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: lostbook

As far as Putin backing out of the deal to protect Russian nukes from being stole or sold to terrorist. I think everyone is well aware Putin has a pretty good hold on the only weapons that will prevent his nation from being attacked.

Also this is a very stupid move because if the U.S. or anyone else for that matter gets wind of something being sold to terrorist it does not give the U.S. a way to find out that it is not true and would allow us the justification to blow the hell out of something, to prevent the transfer.

Obama has to be working with Russia on all this crap, I am convinced he is a communist plant because there were pretty good rumors of it going around years ago and he is doing nothing but antagonizing the situation. He does nothing meaningful to call Putin's bluff. A real U.S. leader would ramp up our nuclear forces to the days of SAC and have Putin in a real pickle he knows he cant win.

All it would take is to load up the B-2s with their nukes and have them on ready alert at random bases. Load up 50 B1s and have them fly to random daily Fail safe points. Load up 100 B-52s and have them fly to very random air bases so they can not be so easily targeted.

All our nukes do no good sitting in hardened bunkers. Right now the only survivable deterrent we have is our subs and Obama took four of those out to load them up with a hundred conventional tomahawks.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: khnum

I really wish there was a Reagan or Bush Snr in the white house,my country Australia,Holland and a few others have raised our concerns with Putin

Thank you very much for this. Reagan was my favorite, and the current Prez has blown off all our best allies while flirting with our sworn enemies and would-be enemies and friends of our enemies, etc. I would like very much to keep our best allies. After all, he did say on a hot mic that he would be more flexible with Russia after he was re-elected. He gave away the START Treaty, and I wonder if he's not really on Russia's side after all.
On another odd note, back in the 80's some thought that Nostradamus quatrains indicated that the US would be on Russia's side....maybe that was really WWII, since then we were before the Cold War.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Obama has to be working with Russia on all this crap, I am convinced he is a communist plant because there were pretty good rumors of it going around years ago and he is doing nothing but antagonizing the situation. He does nothing meaningful to call Putin's bluff. A real U.S. leader would ramp up our nuclear forces to the days of SAC and have Putin in a real pickle he knows he cant win.

I agree with you, I think he's "more flexible" lately.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: bjarneorn

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: lostbook

Back someone into a corner the only direction they can go is forward right at you.

As well the US know and expect.

Your assessment of the situation is incorrect, Putin is in the situation where he can literally "destroy" the west. The problem with Putin, is that he's not going to do it ... he's more of your ally, than you think.

In 2008, George W. Bush denied to pay off dept to Europe, causing an almost total collapse of the European banking system.

In 2014, The US robbed Russia in Malta and Cyprus, which held most of their "dollar capital". Basically doing the same thing as in 2008, removing whatever dept there was ... and thus, buying the US another n number of years, on the budget.

These are the "hard" facts, the US has been playing the "Russia is bad" card, to try and up the stakes and make Russia a more "west" kinda guy. Their aim, is not Russia ... but Central Europe and Asia.

Europe has always been seen as a threat, by the prior colonies of the world. And of these prior nations, Russia is the only one still standing. Russia is Europe's only anchor ... and the only one, who can stop the current move towards a "Feudal" Europe.

I don't think any one of you, even so much as comprehend ... what is going on in Europe. It's basically far too long a discussion, to talk about here ... but all in all, Europe is in for a huge change ... where we are creating a third class in Europe. One that we basically removed, in the two world wars ... this "Feudal" system is returning. Now, I could try and show you a looking glass and tell you the consequences of this ... but that would be only speculation at this point, so there is little use. Except to say, the eventual consequences .... are catastrophic.

Basically, it's sort of funny ... that the only hope for Europe, to "escape" the Feudalism that it's heading towards ... is Russia. The enemy, is our only hope ... and the bad part is, Putin will never do what is needed to change the situation. He's not showing his muscles to help or change the course, he's there merely to make sure he gets his money back.

And, he's going to get it ... and the consequences for Europe is more unemployment, the collapse or close to collapse of German industry. Increased poverty and criminality in Europe, and finally ... a police state, to keep off the population to go at each others throats, followed by a slow movement towards a revolution and population "shift" in Europe.

My "guess" is that, this is the goal ... it's not something that is happening by accident, it is happening by design. And Putin isn't going to do anything, of what needs to be done ... he's not showing his teeth, because he wants to fight ... he's just showing his teeth, to "blackmail" the US to give them their money back ...

That's my take on the situation.

Wow, quite bold of to say none of us know what is going on in Europe, say feudalism is returning, etc. How about you show us the insider information you're getting that makes you so much more knowledgable than us on this topic, please. Or at least give us specifics of who is leading this drive towards a feudal Eutope, because apparently you have it all figured out
edit on 16-11-2014 by dr1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 02:17 PM
I think Putin has gone full paranoid psycho. Paranoia is pervasive in the Russian mentality. I have been there
and lived among them. The interesting thing is that everyone knows nobody is going to invade Russia. So why
don't they turn their attention to building infrastructure and a better life for the Russian people? You get very
far out of Moscow or the other large cities and it is like going back to the 17th century. People live in awful conditions, no inside running water or toilets. The roads are a disaster. But Mr Paranoid is grabbing more land when he cannot
deal properly with what he has.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: Xeven

Only losers, quilters or just stupid are really suffering here.

Well, the way this winter is shaping up, I think the Quilters will recover nicely

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: lostbook
Russia's economy is about to take a serious turn for the worse. For every dollar oil prices drop, they lose $2 billion. Some are saying we could see oil prices in the $60 range which would basically bankrupt Russia.
Although this in itself could cause Russia to start being more aggressive, I don't think we should be too worried. Unless Putin is suicidal, there is no way he could win a war with the west and its allies. Their military is just not strong enough at this point and China makes far too much money off the west to get involved.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 11:40 PM
Sub Sea your right ..." I think Putin has gone full paranoid psycho. Paranoia is pervasive in the Russian mentality. I have been there"......

That is in fact part of the psyche.... Everything done is done in terms of 'Advantage'. When considering an action, a visit, a job, buying, in all of daily life, advantage is the norm.

He was the coolest thing just a year or two ago and his charm was enchanting most of the world. Why would he risk the Vitrol now of the rest of the world? Perhaps reunifying the Soviet states could have been done in a way that these satellite states would have raced towards the promise of economic stability and growth. As it is, I think Putin shot himself in the foot and killed the horse he was riding....... And saber rattling is one thing, but Nuke rattling quite unexceptable.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge
find out that it is not true and would allow us the justification to blow the hell out of something, to prevent the transfer.

Obama has to be working with Russia on all this crap, I am convinced he is a communist plant because there were pretty good rumors of it going around years ago and he is doing nothing but antagonizing the situation. He does nothing meaningful to call Putin's bluff. A real U.S. leader would ramp up our nuclear forces to the days of SAC and have Putin in a real pickle he knows he cant win.

All it would take is to load up the B-2s with their nukes and have them on ready alert at random bases. Load up 50 B1s and have them fly to random daily Fail safe points. Load up 100 B-52s and have them fly to very random air bases so they can not be so easily targeted.

That's really monumentally stupid. Nuclear weapons is the only military area where Russia is a peer to the USA.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge
Load up 50 B1s and have them fly to random daily Fail safe points. Load up 100 B-52s and have them fly to very random air bases so they can not be so easily targeted.

Sure, after we spend millions we can't afford returning them to nuclear capable, and invalidating another treaty.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:02 AM

originally posted by: Plotus
He was the coolest thing just a year or two ago and his charm was enchanting most of the world. Why would he risk the Vitrol now of the rest of the world? Perhaps reunifying the Soviet states could have been done in a way that these satellite states would have raced towards the promise of economic stability and growth.

You can take a man out of the KGB, but you can't take the KGB out of the man.

He doesn't want economic stability, peace, democracy, rights, or growth or any of that Western stuff. He wants the USSR back, and if he can't get it, he wants to make neighbors suffer.
edit on 17-11-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Obama has to be working with Russia on all this crap, I am convinced he is a communist plant because there were pretty good rumors of it going around years ago and he is doing nothing but antagonizing the situation. He does nothing meaningful to call Putin's bluff. A real U.S. leader would ramp up our nuclear forces to the days of SAC and have Putin in a real pickle he knows he cant win.

I agree with you, I think he's "more flexible" lately.

This video from an ex KGB would honestly get people thinking, considering what this administration has done since in office!

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge
Here we go again !

As far as Putin backing out of the deal to protect Russian nukes from being stole or sold to terrorist. I think everyone is well aware Putin has a pretty good hold on the only weapons that will prevent his nation from being attacked.

its getting a bit boring with all the ways people keep saying that the USA has nukes, won't ever use them but if you fight us then your towns will be turned to dust.

Well this MAD cuts both ways and these words mean nothing when the USA is playing the same old tune as it invades yet another country.

Like a bully with a big gob and a big stick trying to bully the kids in a playground this bully is being told to put up or shut up by Putin and others like China.

We in Europe don't need to side with the bully and bigger fools we are if we do so please go home Americans and leave Europe alone because when you get what's coming we don't want to be in your gang.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: tide88

Russia's economy is about to take a serious turn for the worse. For every dollar oil prices drop, they lose $2 billion. Some are saying we could see oil prices in the $60 range which would basically bankrupt Russia.

Tell that to someone that lives in Texas or the about to fail Fracking companies that are now stuffed and a good job too.

Kuwait has thrown in the towel last I knew and was going to start cutting production and the USA owes so much money that it has already spent the oil money it does not have.

The USA is skint but the spoiled little kid still wants to steel ever ones else's cake (not bread) that it's making land/oil grabs all over the world and thinks that because it has nukes that everyone will give in to the bullyboy tactics.

Those days have gone and the USA is now having to spend so much borrowed money on bribing people that its screwed anyway and has no loyal friends apart from Israel.

Russia and the BRICKS are powering ahead and what you say is like Hitler telling the Germans that Russia only has tractors to fight with and can be taken down in a mere six weeks before Russia taught him and the German people otherwise.

Russia is best of friend with the worlds most richest nation and that's not the USA anymore so whilst calculating what could happen then might I suggest you also factor that lot in also.

they lose $2 billion

Is that a day because that's how much the USA is spending a day on it's military, well charging the tax paying public and yet they need Russia to take all the big bits into space and blew a old Russia rocket engine up the other weeks because NASA didn't know how to modify the engine.

Throw as much money as you like at the military industrial corporations who cannot tell you how its being spent or even how much and still the USA is unable to field guns much bigger than Russia so yes lets talk finance because I love it.

edit on 17-11-2014 by VirusGuard because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Shana91aus

Yes, the price of gas which controls the American economy has gone down 33% making just about EVERYTHING cheaper to produce. Their was a reason Jiff Peanutbutter was selling at pricechopper for $2.50 instead of $3.99 on Sunday. It's the price of gas.. every time it goes down the whole country gets a raise.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: Vaedur

every time it goes down the whole country gets a raise.

good point so it has nothing to do with sanctions on Russia or the election!

Could it be connected with people affording Obamacare because as soon as Americans have more than two bucks to rub together then something always pop up to eat it up.

Any predictions on how long this new found wealth will last regardless of the reasons for the change in the oil prices please because I've not seen the price at the pumps come down anything like that much and have the feeling that I need to brace myself.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge
a reply to: lostbook

I vote you all put him in a cage with a Kangaroo and see how tough he thinks he is lol. The Roo would send him flying from one side to the other from gut kicks lol. I would pay dearly to see that.

Yeah, that would be priceless.

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