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Could you please share some dishes/food that is somewhat obscure that you love?

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posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 12:39 AM
I've been on a bit of a try new food kick lately.

It seems like every family/culture has a dish that's not well known to outsiders but is awfully wonderful, so I was hoping to hear some of yours. It can be a weird combination or something from a restaurant most people just don't know about.

I'm not going for obvious stuff like sushi or poutine, I mean stuff that isn't widely recognized. Not really going for gross out stuff either. Keep your haggas and lutefisk. If you actually like it, by all means post it though.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 12:44 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Sea Urchin (their gonads actually)
On crackers.
With salmon locks.

I kid you not.

Not really going for gross out stuff either.

whoops posted on title alone lol. My bad.

edit on 14-11-2014 by canucks555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: canucks555

Well if it's actually good and not just an attempt at showing that you're aware of something that sounds nasty it certainly fits.

Not sure if I'm brave enough for that one. I don't even have a problem with the balls, just not a big seafood fan.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 12:52 AM
Basashi -(horse sashimi) a personal favorite
inago-(grasshoppers) the flavour was amazing, but... the antennae got stuck in my teeth

tonkatsu (pork loin, crumbed with a blended sweet sauce) and an all time favourite (:

edit on 11-14-14 by okamitengu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 01:10 AM
well not sure how popular it is really, but i love me pasta with sun dried tomatoes, when my mother makes it for me i end up eating a whole pack of spaghetti.
chop the sun dried tomatoes, put them in a frying pan with about 2 garlic heads chopped up, let them fry together, boil the pasta as usual, and after you drain it mix the two together and continue to cook for a few minutes at very low flame, adding a little water from time to time, eventually the pasta will take on a red color, and then yo uare good to go!

Maybe less obscure is Langose, a very popular hungarian food (i say very popular maybe just because iḿ like 4 hours away from hungary...)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

This is what I was hoping for!

Those both sound amazing. I'm trying the pasta soon.

Never heard of the bread. I have a feeling I'm going to love it. Love bread. Tried roti a few nights ago at an indian place. I thought I could only get naan or garlic naan.

I actually think the bread is more obscure.

You should tell your Mom to visit Seattle! I want her to teach me how to cook these.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: okamitengu

Basashi -(horse sashimi) a personal favorite

That would be like eating dog to me, grew up with horses and love them. There are three meats I won't eat, human, dog and horse.

inago-(grasshoppers) the flavour was amazing, but... the antennae got stuck in my teeth

Would certainly try it. I have no qualms about eating bugs. I actually think it makes a lot of sense to use them as protein.

tonkatsu (pork loin, crumbed with a blended sweet sauce) and an all time favourite (:

Sounds really good!

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 03:55 AM
One of my all time faves; squid luau, octopus legs mixed with Lau Lau leaf mixed with coconut Milk. And, grilled opihi with some shoyu sauce or chili pepper water.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 05:11 AM
bacon / sausage / cheese / egg / mushroon / onion / black pudding all wrapped in a "north staffs tortila" otherwise knows as an oatcake, now slap on some drip from the tray and brown sauce and by gods you have the best way to start the day even if you don't live to see the end of it

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:15 AM
Eager to see what people respond with on this thread as I like trying new things. Will be avoiding the grasshopper and likely the sea urchin nads as well however, cuz no.

Similarly to what Maxatoria says above, tortillas aren't just for tacos and burritos anymore.

One of my favorite dishes to make is simple but oh so incredibly versatile and always good. I always use scrambled egg and cheese with it and then any number of veggies, but usually onion, tomato, lettuce or spinach(fresh). Broccoli, garlic, avocado, artichoke and olives are a good additions as well to this, all or some. Sometimes, I saute the veggies first, sometimes I don't. Good either way.
I use a large, flour tortilla and spread butter on one side of it. Place in frying pan on a med-low setting. Add the pre-scrambled eggs(one or two) to one side of the tortilla and shave cheese over that. (again, your choice of cheese. They are all good including cream cheese) Place veggies on the opposite side of the eggs/cheese. Greens should be added last so they don't get all mushy. When tortilla begins to brown, fold in half, press down and continue frying for a minute or two. Feel free to add meat if you like. I usually do not, but bacon is the best choice for this. This is not complete without a large glop of sour cream on top.
You won't be disappointed and again, you can make this in countless ways. It's easy and makes a delicious meal at any time of day, but especially like a brunch.

Another simple but delicious alternative is making a grilled cheese with muenster cheese rather than icky processed American cheese. Using 2 slices and often with scrambled egg and tomato between them is the way I do it. (I'm a man who likes his egg and cheese combos)

Also, I still feel like no one knows about Thai iced tea. I know they likely do, but I fear they don't. And they should. They really, really should.
edit on 14-11-2014 by gottaknow because: added info.

edit on 14-11-2014 by gottaknow because: fixed info. (sigh)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:38 AM
Spam Musubi

It is a Hawaiian staple, it is even sold at gas stations in Hawaii and I love it! Kids take in in their lunch boxes from home.

It is a thin slice of spam fried in teriyaki sauce, then wrapped with sushi rice in seaweed

Kinda like sushi, but not round, the shape of the cut spam, the spam is flat with the rice under it, with a band of seaweed around it.


posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:00 AM
in the aussie desert i ate a large grub [worm] lightly roasted on a camp fire it tasted like hazelnut and had the texture of custard and undercooked egg, i am a vegetarian and i tried it as an aboriginal elder offered it to me and i couldnt say no, it tasted awesome!

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 09:20 AM
Have you had Cabbage Steaks?


Butternut Squash Cakes

2 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup diced onion
3-4 garlic cloves, diced
2 cups grated butternut squash, packed (press water out, if wet)
1 bunch greens or spinach, cut in small pieces
2 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 med eggs, beaten
1/2 c flour
coconut oil for frying
1/4 cup sour cream (or Greek Yogurt) for garnish
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds for garnish

· Heat 2 tablespoon olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in onion, garlic and greens; cook and stir until onion is softened and greens are wilted. Set aside to cool.
· Place butternut squash in a large bowl, and season with curry powder, cumin, cayenne, sea salt, and black pepper. Toss with a fork, then stir in the eggs and flour. Mix in cooled onion mixture.
· Heat 2 large tablespoons coconut oil in a skillet over medium heat. Scoop about 1/4 cup of the butternut squash mixture into the pan. Flatten to a patty about 1/4-inch thick. Pan fry until crisp and browned, about 3-4 minutes per side. Repeat with remaining squash mixture.
· Top with sour cream (or smart balance) and pumpkin seeds before serving.

edit on 11/14/2014 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/14/2014 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Right away...grape meatballs come to mind....they can be hamburger,ground turkey or half n half.
Cooked in grape jelly-jam...they are super sweet and turn purple!!!
Great as appetizer, or main dish!!!!!

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 12:14 PM
Found this in an International recipe book years ago. At first I thought no way, then decided to try it and Love it!

Persian Chicken

4 (4 ounce) skinned, boned chicken breast halves
quarter teaspoon salt, quarter teaspoon freshly ground pepper, quarter teaspoon cinnamon
An eighth of a teaspoon ground cloves
2 teaspoons of olive oil, divided
1 cup chopped onion
1cup orange juice
One half cup dried apricots, sliced
One quarter of a cup chopped dates
One and a half Tablespoons chopped fresh mint
2 Tablespoons orange marmalade
Mint sprigs (optional)

1. Place each chicken breast half between 2 sheets of heavy-duty plastic wrap; pound to half inch thickness using a meat mallet or rolling pin (or just get thin chicken cutlets and save all the work.)
2. Combine salt and next 4 ingredients; stir well Sprinkle over chicken
heat one teaspoon oil in a large, non-stick skillet over medium-high heat
Add chicken and cook at least 3 minutes each side or until done
Remove chicken from skillet and keep warm
3.Heat remaining 1 teaspoon oil in skillet
Add onion and saute 5 minutes.
Add orange juice, apricots and dates and bring to a boil
Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 5 minutes or until fruit is tender
Remove from heat and stir in mint and marmalade
Spoon sauce over chicken. Garnish with mint sprig if desired.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 01:39 PM
I had to improvise with what I had last night. It was cold and raining and I didn't feel like going to the store.
I threw some vegetable medley (peas, corn, green beans, lima beans,) a boiled potato, and some rice in a blender with a little milk and hit puree. I added enough wheat flour to make a dough and added bits of meat from a leftover baked chicken.
Roll it into hush puppies and deep fry in peanut oil.
Dip it some hot honey-mustard and wash it down with a dark stout. Good stuff.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 05:48 PM
Only Southern school kids seem to know this one. Doesn't exactly fit the category...or does it? Anyway: Chili and Peanut Butter Sandwiches. Dip the sandwich in the chili. Enjoy.

I know it sounds odd, but pretty much everyone I've ever gotten to try it has joined the club.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:12 PM
local strange food: tripas. You serve them up like you would fajitas (lime, tortilla, pico de gallo, guacamole, sour cream, cheese, etc0. How to make them like a local (you can substitute a stove top wok for the disk)

First you need a "disco". Its a disk made of wrought iron that is set up on a stand. Beneath it you either use a propane burner or a fire. You want to keep the heat pretty high in the disk. Like stir fry at PF Chang hot (the whole "wok breath" that they have....that is what you are trying to get).

start with some chitterlings. Make sure they are cleaned really well (anymore they are vacpac'd clean), and cut them into 1-2" chunks. In the disk put some corn oil and get it really hot, but not scorching it. Salt and pepper the tripas (spanish for "intestines"), then throw them in the disk. start stirring immediately. They will stick if you don't. Squeeze some lime over them, and keep tossing. Squeeze lime a few times. Once you see the edges start to get a little brown, toss in some minced garlic, stir a few times, then hit it with a couple shots of beer (you ARE drinking a beer while doing this, right?!?), and keep stirring/cooking. Once it dries out from the beer, hit it with lime one more time and let the edges start to get crisp, but the middles still not quite crispy. The garlic should be starting to brown out a little by this point. Take them out and put them on a drain.

yeah, i will eat this at any festival or local event.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:52 PM
A Korean stew by the name of Budae Jjigae.

This dish was invented after the Korean war (1950-1953) when the American army was stationed in the city of Uijeongbu, near Seoul. They had their own food on the base, things like canned beans, meat, Spam, ham, and sausages. This food was totally new to Koreans. Eventually these ingredients made their way into surrounding area of the base and some creative Koreans made stew from them. They boiled spam, ham, sausages, and baked beans with kimchi, garlic, and hot pepper paste and flakes, creating a Korean-style stew with American ingredients.

I use this recipe as a baseline, sometimes I get fancy & go hog-wild like the recipe with lots of variety, but usually not -- I go somewhat minimalist to try to mimic what we ate when we lived there. I never had a bowl in Seoul with beans (that I can recall) so I always omit them. And I omit the rice cakes entirely, it doesn't add much in flavor or texture to me. Either way, it's not budae jjigae to me without sausage or hotdogs, spam, tofu, instant noodles of some kind, radishes (or water chestnuts if you prefer a less bitey crunch) bean sprouts, onions, cabbage, leafy greens (I use spinach) and mushrooms. And heat. Lots of heat. Go nuts with the gochujang or straight cayenne if you can tolerate it. It's essentially the chili of Korea, and IMO, steamrolls chili entirely

Edit: Oh, important to note -- I've never made the stock with anchovies. I always use homemade chicken broth I make out of leftover bits from whole chickens we clean & separate ourselves, and leftover bones from meals. It's better than anything out of a carton/can from a store!
edit on 11/14/2014 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Yums, but don't forget the kimchi.

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