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Jodi Arias lawyers - porn evidence destroyed!

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posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:56 AM

Jodi Arias lawyers ask to dismiss charges, claiming porn evidence destroyed

Lawyers for convicted killer Jodi Arias have filed a motion asking for all charges against her to be dropped over alleged prosecutorial misconduct.

In the motion, the defense says it can prove, thanks to "recent forensic analysis" of Alexander's computer, that thousands of files of pornography and child pornography were wiped from the drive and deliberately covered up.

In the original trial, Mesa Police testified there was no pornography on Alexander's computer...

I'm truly stunned. Surprised. Horrified. Shocked. Etc...

Sure, Ms. Arias deserves (as we all would) the right to a fair trial - But... To (possibly) get away with murder - because of this?

Hard to even fathom.

As for Travis... Child porn on his computer? Wow. I've always thought the guy was a manipulator, a slug, a liar and cheat, etc - but this just takes my opinion of him to a new low.

No, he didn't deserve to die the way he did - but karma can be quite a hag can't she?


posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: silo13

Wow.. Kinda mind boggling.. One of the cops a fellow Mormon? The Mormon club is thick as thieves and I could see one protecting another easy.

Not a very smart person who deleted the files either.. Makes me think it was someone trying to do something they didn't understand becuse they had a chance too. Fellow Mormon porn dog in the police department gets his chance to clean his buddies rep?

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: mindseye1609

Yeah, I'm looking forward to hearing the 'rest of the story' behind the person who deleted those files.
If not affiliated with Travis personally or with religious ties than maybe someone who 'pitied' him - and in their ignorance just might be the one who lets her get away with murder.

edit on 11-11-2014 by silo13 because: spacing

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 01:00 PM
I cant help but think she was working with someone. We all know tampered evidence can destroy the prosecutions case. Its pretty common knowledge as far as im concerned. It would make perfect sense. I mean the whole trial she was quite calm if i remember correctly.

I thought we heard the last of Jodi Arias, guess i was mistaken.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: silo13

Seeing as she was caught out lying multiple times on the stand I would not trust anything that murderous bitch comes out with, even the sounds of a death rattle and bowels releasing after a lethal injection I would not trust until she is cremated,

As far I am aware with travis he unlike jodi has not been convicted therefore he is innocent until proven guilty ( though can someone be tried posthoumously in the states?) ?

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
I cant help but think she was working with someone. We all know tampered evidence can destroy the prosecutions case. Its pretty common knowledge as far as im concerned. It would make perfect sense. I mean the whole trial she was quite calm if i remember correctly.

I thought we heard the last of Jodi Arias, guess i was mistaken.

Yeah i watched the trial when in the states, i though my ex was number 1 for being a lying manipulative bitch.

She was about as guilty as you can get. And she a disgrace to all REAL victims of domestic abuse as its "people" like that sad excuse of a human being that damage the credability of real victim who need help. I wish she had got the death penatly but I hope she never steps out of prison and learns what real abuse is inside,

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: shaneslaughta

I mean the whole trial she was quite calm if i remember correctly.

I know! It made me so mad - her calm 'I'm going to get off in the end' attitude! And now it's possibly here?

And yes - it does make me wonder (as it seems you too) she might have been working with someone who could have done this - or had influence on them somehow. Grrrr!
edit on 11-11-2014 by silo13 because: spacing

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Hahaha Your not the only one who thinks that of an EX.

I totally agree with you. The only way i see her as a victim is one of her own actions. She brutally murdered him in cold blood. Have sex with the man in the bathroom and take pictures during, then decide to stab him to death.

She will get what she has coming to her, i mean even if she does walk, how long until someone accidentally hits her with a bus?

NO MAN will ever mess with her again. She will never have a relationship. She will be ostracized from society as a whole.

Prison or not, she will never live down that reputation she made for herself.


posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:21 PM
Sounds like the smear campaign against a dead man continues. I'm having a hard time believing anything coming from the defense since they've tried every shady trick in the book to get this murderer off on all charges. I don't recall how many motions were brought during the first trial to dismiss charges on the grounds of some cooked up suspicion.

What I'm curious about here is whether they claim they have detected deleted files or recovered deleted files. If they simply detected deleted files then it's fair to say they are making a pretty big assumption as to what those deleted files were. If they've recovered files and they are indeed what they claim then they would have to prove the deletion is directly linked to the prosecution. After all, the source article does say the original defense expert couldn't detect any deleted files and now all of a sudden a new one does. So perhaps the original expert deleted some files to plant this little seed.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: FraggleRock

He could have just been into some kinky fetish stuff.

I know id want my laptop wiped, not cause im a sicko pedo but becauseeven if dead I dont the world to know my funny turn ons

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: FraggleRock

He could have just been into some kinky fetish stuff.

I know id want my laptop wiped, not cause im a sicko pedo but becauseeven if dead I dont the world to know my funny turn ons

Sure, he could have been. That's why I'll be curious to find out if they simply detected something and are assuming what it was or if they actually recovered something. And either way how they've linked it directly to the prosecution.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 03:45 PM
This will not be a real popular opinion

If the police department rigged the evidence

They can prove the files were erased

Yes she walks and rightfully deserves to
The prosecution must not be allowed to convict because this would have changed a lot of minds in the jury
Deletion of thousands of files is no accident

If I was the judge
I would order her to the the Psych ward for treatment in my authority in the interest of public health
In another state if possible

After treatment begins then you decide what to do with her
All they have is public health risk

treatment will be for her whole life
even outpatient

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 10:00 PM
Where is the proof that Jodi murdered Travis? The only evidence that has been presented is Jodi's confession that based on Juan asserting himself as the voice of Travis would be a lie. Much the same way that Travis told everyone that Jodi was a liar and a stalker just to make her out to be such a person so that no one would believe her when she told them about his porn addiction as well as his extremely sexually deviant lifestyle with her not to mention the texts that he sent her.

If Travis had in fact been scared of Jodi like he said that he had been then why didn't he use his Pre-Paid Legal Services contacts to have an attorney file a restraining order against Jodi to make her stay away from him?

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 10:42 PM
I don't think Jodi would have ever killed Travis. Everyone said that she loved him too much. I think Travis was killed by Pre-Paid Legal Services in order to create a drama around both of them with Travis being painted as the devout Mormon and ever so loyal Pre-Paid Legal employee who had a less than healthy upbringing but rose from his world of # to make something of himself. Then along comes Jodi painted as the jealous and vindictive ex-girlfriend who had manipulated Travis into deviant sex with her and when she couldn't get what she wanted she killed him out of jealousy and rage that if Jodi had not been caught would have ended up bringing down Pre-Paid Legal services because of the dirt that she had on Travis that would have proven that more than just Travis had the same mentality of Travis than most people thought. I think that PPLS now Legal Shield was a big factor in the misconduct of the trial because like Stonecipher stated in his About statement that it isn't about what is correct or right in the eyes of the court but how much money. So where does the conspiracy reside within? From Legal Shield itself where all of the drama is meant to make people buy the book that Chris Hughes wrote about Travis so that people would be drawn to Legal Shield so that the true vindictive nature, that of Cipherstone can be exacted on as many people asd he possibly can for how he sees its as being drained of all of his lifes savings when he believed that the justice system would be there for him. The infection lies within the mind of Cipherstone and Legal Shield.

(post by Dryson removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: Dryson

I'd like to understand what you are talking about but can't figure out what you mean by J208 J408 and other combinations which I assume translate into dates or times? Clarification please.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 01:31 AM
This fool dropped the camera in the bathroom and it took pictures of her killing Travis and dragging him, her bloody sock-foot next to him while she was dragging him, maybe after shooting him in the closet, and dragging him back to stuff him in the shower. Have you people forgotten that? What suckers you are.

And the pedophilia defense? What a freaking joke.
She killed him because he was dumping her "after all she had done for him". Ugh. This is insanity. Like those women who fell in love with Ted Bundy when he was in prison. Sick.
edit on 4/26/2015 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: angeldoll
This fool dropped the camera in the bathroom and it took pictures of her killing Travis and dragging him, her bloody sock-foot next to him while she was dragging him, maybe after shooting him in the closet, and dragging him back to stuff him in the shower. Have you people forgotten that? What suckers you are.

And the pedophilia defense? What a freaking joke.
She killed him because he was dumping her "after all she had done for him". Ugh. This is insanity. Like those women who fell in love with Ted Bundy when he was in prison. Sick.

I'm with you. This thread and some of the comments are a sick joke. The woman's a mega-psycho murdering bitch and there's no way to spin that.

Nice to see you again Silo13. Hope all is well with you.
edit on 26-4-2015 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 09:28 AM
Juan Martinez has secret contacts that he would not turn over.

Could those secret contacts actually have been the network that was used to pass information back and forth to regarding what to do with evidence such as deleting the porn on the laptop?

How stupid do you think Mesa PD would be to purposely delete porn? Why would they? They really don't have any reason to delete the porn unless instructed by someone else to do so.

I think that someone else was Juan Martinez so he could completely turn Jodi into a liar on the stand where no one would believe anything that she said until a verdict had been reached. Which after the verdict of guilty had been returned Mesa PD did in fact say that they knew the porn was a on the laptop the entire time.

But still why delete it? Mesa PD had nothing to gain or lose by telling Juan that there was porn on the laptop. Juan's ability to paint Travis as a saint and Jodi as a demon however would have been affected.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: Ameilia

J208 and J408 are in fact dates June 2nd, 2008 and June 4th, 2008.

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