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Do you want to know the truth ?

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posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

At which part of the population do you belong to, to the ones who want to believe their own crap or to the ones who want to know the truth ?

It depends upon my present state of mind which is in a constant state of flux.

Sometimes I can engage easily with the objective and can then be analytic and honest.

Sometimes I'm more attuned to my subconscious, and then I want to believe my own crap.

Obviously, I try to aim for the former mindset when I'm on this site.

Like another member commented, I think IQ tests are a poor assessment of a person's intellect.

Why? Because they seem to be concerned, above all else, with speed.

Some of us think more quickly than others - that doesn't, in my view, make them more intelligent.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

I think actual most EQ tests are tapping into that subject pretty well.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

IQ and Common sense are entirely different things, to test common sense, the tester should set up a hypothetical situation with a given number of resources to draw on and the answer should include the logic applied to solve the problem.

IQ tests just test agility of mind and that is something you can improve on with practice. You can't practice common sense. Common sense is actually accessing your intuition and concretising it.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: CJCrawley

There`s a big divide among psychologist as to speed being a good measurement regarding solving problems.

There are some who argue the need to have every question needing to be solved in a certain amount of time as being a a good benchmark. The quickness into seeing how to solve a problem is a baseline in those test too.

I think that`s debatable and could be more given by some psychologist wanting to set themselves apart from the "old" IQ test which I used the result of (Wechsler Intelligence). I`m more up for a general time to complete the whole test and have good questions in variable difficulty levels.

And @kennyb72, of course you can cheat your way into good scores if you want to, but that doesn`t give a honest measurement of yourself.

Despite all the ones claiming such tests as being non indicators, taking a few without training sure can give on average a good enough result into where you stand regarding problem solving. Normally ones who scores top 0.1% will do that in most tests, same can be said about 2%, 16%, around average and the other way.

Of course it is useful to make the tests when not being distracted and needing to feeling well is also advised. One test doesn`t always give the right results, so taking a few is much better. At the Netherlands they have for many years each year a national one on TV and people with certain sores who have come back to redeem themselves but will score about the same.

I would not immediately base it on only one test, but take a few different. If you take 3 and two are in a certain group, it`s probably where you belong.

Looking at others (people who I knew well) and myself taking them from youth to older. The following groups are reasonable fair, high, above average, around average, below average, low.

And of course EQ is also important and can give good advantages in life.

I know people who aren`t dumb so to say, but are also not the brightest of minds (slightly below average) who seem to be more in touch with reality as to people who are above average and by so are more capable of understanding certain emotional matters. So yes, EQ is also very important.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: kennyb72
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

IQ and Common sense are entirely different things, to test common sense, the tester should set up a hypothetical situation with a given number of resources to draw on and the answer should include the logic applied to solve the problem.

IQ tests just test agility of mind and that is something you can improve on with practice. You can't practice common sense. Common sense is actually accessing your intuition and concretising it.

I wrote EQ and not IQ.

edit on 10 11 2014 by BornAgainAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: BornAgainAlien
a reply to: CJCrawley

And @kennyb72, of course you can cheat your way into good scores if you want to, but that doesn`t give a honest measurement of yourself.

My whole point is, if an IQ test was efficient, you wouldn't be able to cheat. Common sense really!

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

Sorry yes! - however, emotional intelligence is an entirely different metric and has nothing to do with common sense.

edit on 10-11-2014 by kennyb72 because: punctuation

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

Most questions I have seen in EQ tests go about taking emotional common sense decisions.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien
Without boring you with too much detail, your emotional self,your mental self and your causal self are three entirely different kinds of consciousness that we all possess, the latter being the most difficult for many to access. It is your causal consciousness and your ability to access it that determines your ability to use common sense. I know and have read the works of many brilliant academic who possess zero common sense.

There is actually no such thing as emotional common sense. You can examine your emotional consciousness with your mental consciousness and evaluate your feelings with it but this is still mental consciousness analysing your feelings and controlling them appropriately.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: tavi45
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

I can't speak for other cultures but I've always found one thing really amusing about American culture.

You call someone ugly, fat, lazy, slobbish, immoral, slutty, boring, clumsy, prudish, sheltered, mean, untalented, weak, or literally anything negative you can imagine.

If you call sometime stupid, even if they can't do basic math or write a paper that's even remotely readable, or think Africa is a country, you get destroyed.

Why can you insult anyone for anything and it's fine but the second you call sometime stupid or ignorant, even if it's incredibly true, you're the worst person ever?

Hmmm yes I think I have back up for your argument if you observe the first few thread replys below everyone saying the cop should be strung up and what not got plenty of stars I on the other hand only called him an idiot and got just 1...

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: tavi45
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

Why can you insult anyone for anything and it's fine but the second you call sometime stupid or ignorant, even if it's incredibly true, you're the worst person ever?

Because most Americans don't like the truth. They like lies that sound good. Look at their voting record if you don't believe me. They like to hear that everything is "subjective" and open to interpretation. To them, the truth is a judgement and that's just plain wrong, man.

I have a question for you.........have you found that telling stupid people you're smart is an exercise in futility?
edit on 10-11-2014 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: PhoenixFreeman

originally posted by: tavi45
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

I can't speak for other cultures but I've always found one thing really amusing about American culture.

You call someone ugly, fat, lazy, slobbish, immoral, slutty, boring, clumsy, prudish, sheltered, mean, untalented, weak, or literally anything negative you can imagine.

If you call sometime stupid, even if they can't do basic math or write a paper that's even remotely readable, or think Africa is a country, you get destroyed.

Why can you insult anyone for anything and it's fine but the second you call sometime stupid or ignorant, even if it's incredibly true, you're the worst person ever?

Hmmm yes I think I have back up for your argument if you observe the first few thread replys below everyone saying the cop should be strung up and what not got plenty of stars I on the other hand only called him an idiot and got just 1...

If you`re a star whore, just make popular posts which most people want to hear, that`s the same way how populist politicians work.

You expect people would give stars for given new insights/information, but you will be a star god by just confirming the masses line of thinking.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

You expect people would give stars for given new insights/information, but you will be a star god by just confirming the masses line of thinking.

As PhoenixFreeman just discovered

edit on 10-11-2014 by kennyb72 because: missed a tag

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

I agree with what you wrote.

But as a little technicality, I wrote emotional common sense decisions and questions regarding them. So that would imply making decisions based on the right interpretations of them.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

Yes! I did truncate your sentence, my apologies. My response was based more on my understanding of EQ which is a metric designed by academics for industry, to see how far and for how long you are prepared to bend over

ETA: thinking about it, I guess IQ is a measure to see how quickly you can formulate a plan to get someone else to bend over for you.

edit on 10-11-2014 by kennyb72 because: ETA

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 07:09 AM
I wanted to point out to a specific word we have in The Netherlands which is used in our news and discussions frequently in the last decade or so, but I couldn`t think of an English substitute.

Does anyone know if English has a word which is the same ?

The word in Dutch is "onderbuikgevoelens," it`s made up from 3 words (typical Dutch to make long words by combining separate words to one word) "lower/belly/feelings" one on one translated.

It`s used to describe feelings living in our society at certain parts of the population who only take decisions at their "first" feelings regarding matters and not based on rationality. It`s a negative loaded word.

The post link PhoenixFreeman gave a good reference to what it is...

Hmmm yes I think I have back up for your argument if you observe the first few thread replys below everyone saying the cop should be strung up and what not got plenty of stars I on the other hand only called him an idiot and got just 1...

That`s a typical "lowerbellyfeelings" post as "he should be strung up."

It`s a form of control to kill lots of discussions over here by doing such tricks. Not much different as to other countries where they also label people to kill discussions.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 07:39 AM

It`s used to describe feelings living in our society at certain parts of the population who only take decisions at their "first" feelings regarding matters and not based on rationality. It`s a negative loaded word.

"Impulsive" is probably the word you are looking for in English, which is a lower emotional reaction

It`s a form of control to kill lots of discussions over here by doing such tricks. Not much different as to other countries where they also label people to kill discussions.

There is a technique used by interviewers which is designed to manipulate the conversation and destroy the interviewee's credibility and it has been discussed a number of times on ATS - I can't recall what it is called, perhaps one of our ATS friends can help.
edit on 10-11-2014 by kennyb72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

No it`s not "impulsive," we have a word for that "impulsief."

I just meant labeling, like saying your a lefty, right winger, pro-Russian, etc., it`s a strategy to discard people who say stuff which doesn`t fit the agenda.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 07:59 AM
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing - Socrates

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 08:02 AM
"I just meant labeling, like saying your a lefty, right winger, pro-Russian, etc., it`s a strategy to discard people who say stuff which doesn`t fit the agenda."

The only word I can think of that encapsulates that meaning would be to "discredit"

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