a reply to:
Dark Ghost
There are a good number of people who just don't think that far ahead. Bear with me, this is going somewhere.
Do you remember when you were a child of about 3 or 4? You got along with other children your age and they got along with you. Regardless of skin
color or background, you all got along. As you got older, the influence of your parents and their parents started causing divides among you and your
peers. Their viewpoints and prejudices started to influence you and your peers until there started to be "cliques", groups of like-minded individuals,
much in the same way that there were cliques among all of the parents when they were younger.
That was the start of your indoctrination into society and that is why you now function so well in it. You recognize there are different groups of
people based on skin colors, geography and various ideals and you spend a good deal of your life trying to figure out the best way for you all to get
along. Couple that with the full time jobs of raising your own children and paying your bills, and you now have a life that is too full for you to be
bothered with such peripheral thoughts as "What happens to me when all this is over?" You're too busy living the life that was chosen for you to be
concerned about your death.
So to repeat, there are many people who don't think that far ahead because................they just don't have the time. Somewhere early on in life
their parents, through no fault of their own, threw them into this mix we call modern life and they became subjugated to it. They're prisoners in a
society they help keep afloat. Prisoners of their own device, and it seems as though the best they could do to help offset that living hell was to
make religions and buildings to house them in and then commission a chosen few to tell
them what the afterlife is all about one day out of the
Nowhere in any of this were we taught to think for ourselves. Instead of taking advice from our elders in order to form our own opinions about things,
we were told to keep doing and thinking like the generations before us. Because of this stifling, restrictive and counterproductive way of life that
most people seem to be in, there is little to no chance that they will ever take the time to learn what the most probable afterlife scenario is. On
the weekends they may take whatever it is that relaxes them and they may have some deep conversations about the topic, but chances are good that it
will never be number one on anyone's priority list. (For those of you who are content with that way of life.....that's good. For those of you who are
not........there's a lot of learning to be done.)
They're too busy running a race that has a finish line they can't recognize. They'll only know what it looks like when they get there. Don't get me
wrong though, I think more people are waking up to the fact that all of what I just said is bull***t and that it doesn't have to be this way.
Personally, I like knowing where I'm going. I drive for a living and that helps that cause a great deal. I look at life the same way. I'm going to
enjoy the journey while it's mine to enjoy, and part of that comes from knowing where the destination is.
There's something about knowing
where you're going to finish that helps in
how you're going to finish.
Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.
Steven Wright
edit on 8-11-2014 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)