posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 10:18 AM
Wow. I remember watching a show on the the science channel about 5 years ago called 2050. It was a fictional show broke down into 1 hour segments that
gave a picture of the earth, related technology and such by the year 2050. It was almost told like a story with characters amd showed through the
storyline the changes and interaction. Everything in the show was either being developed or in development at the time-and expected to be fully used
by 2050.
One of the things was holographic imaging. In the show it was in its infancy. Basically a still image projected in a cloud of material. Obviously the
episode showed a far more adavanced version in 2050. This wasn't supposed to be anywhere near perfection until then.
Now here we are 5 years later and it looks almost near perfection. As most of the things they showed in the series are. Imagine another 35 years from
Still so crazy to see this.